9.1 Types of Learning Part 3 Flashcards
What is behaviorism?
all psychological phenomena are explained by describing the observable antecedents of behaviors and their consequences
What is cognitive psychology?
area that focuses on the brain, cognition, and thoughts as mediating learning and stimulus response behaviors
What is insight learning?
when previously learned behaviors are suddenly combined in unique ways
What is latent learning?
something is learned but not expressed as an observable behavior until it is required
What is long-term potentiation?
an increase in synaptic strength between two neurons following simultaneous firing
What are innate behaviors?
behaviors we know to do instinctively
What is observational learning?
learning through watching and imitating others
What is modeling?
observer sees the behavior being performed by another person
What are mirror neurons?
neurons that fire when a particular behavior or emotion is observed from another