9.1 Health Education, Nurse Role, Lifespan Considerations Flashcards
Health Education
- An activity that informs an individual about the causes of health and illness and the individuals increased level of risk associated with their lifestyle
Nursing Education
- Any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups, and communities the opportunity to acquire the information and skills needed to make health decisions.
Goals of Health Education
Empowerment - Client participates in health decisions and manage their care
Change in behavior - Clients demonstrate improved adherence with health recommendations
Improved Health Status - Clients adopt a healthier lifestyle and better self-care
Nurses Role
- Health teaching
- Health promotion
- Education about healthy lifestyles, risk reduction, self-care, and disease prevention
ANA Role of Nurse in Health Education
1 - Provide opportunities for patient to identify needed healthcare promotions, disease prevention, and self-management topics.
2 - Use health promotion/teachings that align with consumers beliefs, learning needs, developmental level and culture
3 - Determine effectiveness of employed strategies via feedback and evaluations
4 - Use technology to communicate health promotion to patients
5 - Provide information on intended effects and adverse effects for the plan of care
6 - Engage consumer alliance and advocacy groups in health teaching and promotion
7 - Provide anticipatory guidance to healthcare consumers to promote health and prevent or reduce risk of negative health outcomes
Authority/Adherence Model
Paternalistic Model
- Old Model
- Do what you are told to be healthy
Supportive-Educative Model
- New model that is more supportive
- Emphasis on advocacy, empowerment, education that is developmentally appropriate
- Self-efficacy
- Sensitivity to health literacy
- First we prioritize learning needs of the patient (via interview or records)
- Next assess reading/literacy level of patient and other factors such as age, health beliefs, values, readiness to learn, health risks, current knowledge, and barriers to learning
TECHNIQUES - Establish environment of trust
- Choosing right time/place
- Use open ended questions and active listening skills
Motivational Interviewing
- Features open ended communication
“What would you like to see changed about your current situation”
- Discuss learning needs and set broad potential goals collaboratively with patient
- Goals should be specific/measurable and be both long/short term
- “Plan of Action” - Roadmap that defines what the patient will be learning
- Bloom’s Taxonomy can help establish measurable goals
Domains of Learning
Cognitive - Mental Skill (Knowledge)
Affective - Growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude)
Psychomotor - Manual/physical skills
Perceptual - Awareness of differences
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Remembering - Can they remember the information
Understanding - Can they explain the idea/concept
Applying - Can they use the information in a new way
Analyzing - Can they distinguish between different parts
Evaluating - Can they justify a stance/decision
Creating - Can they create a new product or point of view
- Develop learning activities based on information from assessment/planning
- Activities should be 15-30 minutes
- Individual/Small Groups (4-6) to provide customized instructions
- Messages should invite patient to act to be most enhanced
How to deliver health education
- Information should link to existing knowledge and presented in an interactive format
- Lecture, Demonstration, Practice, Simulation, Roleplay
- Use clear language and avoid jargon
- Bulleted lists are a good way to present information
- Reinforce written information verbally
- Use teach-back method
- Allow time for assimilation/evaluation
- Develop activities at 1-2 grade levels below patients highest grade completed
- Internet resources
- Self-pacing
- AV (Audio/Visual) aids
- Reinforcement methods
- Teach-back methods
- Was the objective met?
- Performance checklists
- Demonstration
- Written assignment
- Question/Answer
- Logs
- Recordings
- Journals
- Rapid growth and development
- What is normal growth and development
- Safety/environmental concerns
- Learning speech and have increased autonomy (know about 400 words) but not able to reason
- Parenting Skills
- Behavioral Issues
- Toilet Training
- Safety
- Continue to develop identities. Nurses mostly interact with children when they are ill
- Only know about 2000-2500 words
- Concrete thinkers
- Have not developed concrete reasoning skills
- Fear pain and bodily harm
School-Aged Children
- Attends school which widens their world
- Are capable of concrete logical thinking and reasoning
- Can report symptoms accurately
- Explain procedures in simple and straightforward way
- Seek freedom and separation from parents
- Abstract thinkers with logical reasoning
- Major focus of teaching
Young adults (18-34)
- Establishing long-term relationships
- Mental disorders may surface
- Sexual orientation
- STD’s
- Stress
- Balancing roles of parenting and career advancement
Mid-life Adulthood
Sandwich generation associated with stress
- Health risk factors
- Prevention of disease
- Exercise
- Benefits of screenings
- Bodily changes related to aging (menopause)
- Anxiety related to losses
Older Adults (65+)
- Decreased hearing/vision/independence
- Anxiety related to loss
- Particular illness
- Improving quality of life
- Management of chronic illness