9: Plastic Surgery - Smith Flashcards
what are relaxed skin tension lines?
- natural lines of wrinkling of skin
- incisions should be made parallel to RSTL
what are langer lines/cleavage lines?
- determined by making skin biopsies and determining direction of collagen
- cut in direction of lines
define angiosome
blocks of tissue that are fed by source arteries
how many angiosomes in foot?
six( distinct angiosomes in foot originating from three* main arteries and their branches with direct arterial-arterial connections
angiosome location
- heel
- instep
- lateral midfoot and forefoot
- lateral anterior upper ankle
- plantar heel
- anterior ankle and dorsum of foot
- calcaneal branch post tib
- medial plantar a
- lateral plantar a
- anterior perforating
- calcaneal branch
- ant tib/ dorsalis pedis
cutting skin on angle
- incisions should be made perpendicular to skin with counterpressure
- incisions should be through the dermis in an even stroke
should there be tension on a wound closure?
- undermining and mobilization techniques can help make the skin more mobile
advantages and disadvantages of using a local flap
+ match skin color, texture, hair growth and thickness
- vascular compromise, handle with care
V-Y flap (gives longitudinal length)
- advancement flap
- v shaped incision
- sides of v advanced
- closed wound resembles a Y
- can be used for skin contractures (also joint contracture MPJ, scar tissue, excision of skin lesion)
Y-V flap (gives perpendicular to incision length)
- advancement flap
- Y shaped incision
- V portion advanced
- closed wound resembles a V
- used to release tension at right angle to y-v, scar tissue
V-Y island flap
move an entire V to cover an excised area closing the apex of V to create a Y shape
Z skin plasty
- rotational flap
- z skin incision
- transpose arms of z to lengthen skin and relieve tension
- lengthen along longitudinal axis and shortening along transverse axis
what determines amount of lengthening in z skin plasty
based on angle of the triangles and the length of the central arm
30 degrees - 25% increase
45 - 50
60 - 75
75 - 100
split thickness vs. full thickness skin graft
split = epidermis and portion of dermis full = epidermis and all of dermis (better color, sensation, etc, but the complications are riskier)
thinner grafts in comparison to thicker grafts
- take better
- contract more
- more hyperpigmentation
- more susceptible to trauma
15 scalpel blade thickness =
0.015 inch
why mesh a skin graft?
- prevention of hematoma and seroma
- better contact b/w graft and wound
- coverage of larger wound
- crisscross scar
purpose of stent dressing with xeroform and saline soaked cotton balls
prevents motion or shearing of graft
3 phases of skin graft healing ***
- plasmatic imbibition (48 hrs, nutrition)
- inosculation (capillary growth and budding, 4-7 d)
- venous and lymphatic drainage (6th d)
*** why we need strict elevation 5-7 days and elevation
bacteria that produce enzymes that eat graft
pseudomonas and beta-hemolytic strep
4 common skin graft complications
- hematoma
- infection
- seroma
- shearing