76: Post-Op Dresssings - Yoho Flashcards

bandage scissors (not the black ones)
- always use the proper tool for the job
- Other materials:
- non-adherent mesh
- lay over wound, put sterile gauze on top of this
- helps get the dressing off
- sterile gauze
- gauze roll
- paper tape
- may choose this if person has allergies to adhesives
- ace/elastic badage
- bandage scissors
- non-adherent mesh
purpose of dressings
keep the area clean (infection control)
- takes 3 days for epithelization
- plastic surgery will take out sutures at 3 days
- need to achieve 30% tensile strength (keep sutures in until then)
- keep in 10-14 days (really 17 days - dont keep them in that long )
- afterwards we apply steristrips (holds the epidermis together)
- takes 3 days for epithelization
maintain the correction (alignment)
- no additional correction
compression (swelling reduction)
- reduce swelling
- absorb bleeding, etc.
notes from the video
(rewatch online)
- purpose: to maintain the correction, but can undo the correction if done incorrect
- make curved incisions rather than linear to reduce contraction and make it closer to relaxed skin tension lines
- make hatch lines, match them up in suturing to ensure proper alignment
- Bunion Post-op
- adaptic down first
- 4X4 gauze, make a cut into 1/3 and 2/3 to wrap around toe. add additonal gauze dorsally
- roll bandage around forefoot medial to lateral, keeping scissors in hand, half wrap around toe
- plantarflex, invert and adduct at MPJ to hold toe straight
- tape to hold down, stockinette over it all, can add ACE bandage
- remove with scissors from plantar side
- dressing change 3-4 days, then at a week sutures out and new dressing with steri strips
- Taylor’s bunion Post-op
- 3x3 guaze, cut through 3/4 way for toe wrap. add another gauze dorsally
- 3 inch cling starting lateral to medial, half wrap around toe, tuck up toe near 4th with wrap
- tape finish, stockinette, add ACE bandage
- if putting tape on skin, use paper tape
- remove with scissors plantarlly
- Hammertoe Post-Op dressing
- unroll and fold a 4 x 4 in half, wrap around toe with free edges medial and lateral
- add gauze dorsally
- 3 in cling starting dorsally medial -> plantar -> lateral
- half wrap around each affected toe
- reverse direction of taping to balance forces on toes, going around each again
- remove dressing along medial side of foot
- P&A post-Op
- total nail = need adaptic, partial does not
- 2in or 1 inch
- wrap medial to lateral (for lateral nail removal), reverse for removal on other side of nail. trying to allow good drainage. doesn’t matter direction if total nail removal
- small coban to hold, toe sock, coban wrap again in good direction
complications from dressings
vascular compromise
- too tight dressing
- can lead to dehiscence
- cause alignment problems
wound dehiscence
- influenced by the dependent position of the foot increasing tension on sutures
increased inflammatory response
- if its too tight