6: Delayed Union/Nonunion - Drown Flashcards
3 main blood supplies to adult long bone
- principal nutrient a (penetrates cortex direct to medullary canal, main supply to diaphysis)
- metaphyseal-epiphyseal a (penetrate corteca t both metaphyssi, anastomose with medullary aa)
- periosteal a (supply outer 1/4 to 1/3 boen)
inflammatory phase of secondary fracture healing
- immediately post injury
- hematoma forms
- mast cells, PMNs, macrophages, lysosomal enzymes present
- pain and swelling occurs to splint area and to immoilize fracture site
- 3-4 d
proliferative phase of secondary fracture healing
- fibrin scaffold provided durign inflammatory phase replaced with emsenchymal cells producing granulation tissue
- callus begins as islands of cartilage and osteoid in granulation tissue
- 7-10 d chondrocytes produce matrix spanning fx site allowing stabilization
- cartilage replaced by bone during enchondral ossification
remodeling phase of secondary fracture healing
- after fx bridged
- osteoclastic resorption of woven bone and replaced with lamellar bone
why phase is skipped with primary bone healing?
fibrocartilagnious callus phase
- heals through haversian remodeling and cutting cones (leading tips of osteoclasts tha phagocytose osteoid at end of haversian canals)
non-anatomical alignment at fracture stie
ex: angulation, shortening, rotation, translation
tx: none -> surgical itnervention
any fx not healed in reasonable period of time
delayed union
radiographic findings delayed union
- serial radiographs show unchanged irritation callus, persistance of fracture cleft
- also see persistent edema dn pain
tx delayed union
- NWB and immobilization
- electrical bone growth stimulation
nonunion = failure to achieve stable fx healing after ____ of tx
8-9 months
reasons for non-union
- distraction
- poor reduction
- soft tissue interposition
- infection
- vascular compromise
- excessive motion at fx site
3 types of viable non-unions
- hypertrophic “elephant foot”
- slightly hypertrophic “horses foot”
- oligotrophic (no callus formation, bone scan says vascular bone ends)
contraindications electrical bone stimulation
- gap greater than 1/2 diameter of bone involved
- pseudoarthritis
- isolated malunion
- isolated usage in pathological fx due to tumor or infection
4 types non-viable nonunion
- dystrophic (torsional wedge - only one side good)
- necrotic (comminuted fracture)
- defect (gap present)
- atrophic (end result)
all considered avascular
indications for bone grafting
- delayed union
- non-union
- pseudo arthroses
- osseous defect left after taruma, infection, tumor
- arthrodesis of jts
- congenital defect
osteogenesis v osteoconduction v osteoinduction of bone grafts
- formation of new bone by living cells in autografts
- structural framework
- ability to transfrom pluripotent stem cells in recipient bed into osteoblasts
coil applied over fracture site
inductive coupling and combined magnetic field EBGS
two electrode discs applied on oppostie sides of fx site
capacitive coupling
- you
- identical twin
- donor
- other species