9- Mixed Anatomy (3)MSQs Only Flashcards
200 of 610
A 78 year old man is lifting a heavy object when he feels a pain in his forearm and is unable to continue. He has a swelling over his upper forearm. An MRI scan shows a small cuff of tendon still attached to the radial tuberosity consistent with a recent tear. Which of the following muscles has been injured?
Biceps brachii
Biceps inserts into the radial tuberosity. Distal injuries of this muscle are rare but are reported and are clinically more important than more proximal ruptures.
201 of 610
During an operation for varicose veins the surgeons are mobilising the long saphenous vein. Near its point of entry to the femoral vein an artery is injured and bleeding is encountered. From where is the bleeding most likely to originate?
Deep external pudendal artery
The deep external pudendal artery is a branch of the SFA and it runs medially under the long saphenous vein near its point of union with the femoral vein. The superficial external pudendal artery lies superior to the SFJ. Neither vessel is functionally important and if injured they are best ligated.
202 of 610
In relation to the middle cranial fossa, which of the following statements relating to the foramina is incorrect?
The foramen rotundum transmits the maxillary nerve
The foramen lacerum is closely related to the internal carotid artery
The foramen spinosum lies posterolateral to the foramen ovale
The foramen ovale transmits the middle meningeal artery(Right)
The foramen rotundum lies anteromedial to the foramen ovale
The foramen spinosum transmits the middle meningeal artery. The foramen ovale transmits the mandibular nerve. As the foramina weaken the bone, a fracture at this site is not uncommon.
203 of 610
A 56 year old man is undergoing an anterior resection for a carcinoma of the rectum. Which of the structures below is least likely to be encountered during the mobilisation of the anterior rectum?
Denonvilliers’ fascia
Middle sacral artery(Right)
Rectovesical pouch
Seminal vesicles
With the exception of the middle sacral artery all of the other structures lie anterior to the rectum. They may all be palpated during digital rectal examination.
204 of 610
Where are accessory spleens not found?
Tail of pancreas
Greater omentum
Splenorenal ligament
Accessory spleens
- 10% population
- 1 cm size
- locations: hilum of the spleen, tail of the pancreas, along the splenic vessels, in the gastrosplenic ligament, the splenorenal ligament, the walls of the stomach or intestines, the greater omentum, the mesentery, the gonads
205 of 610
A 58 year old lady presents with a mass in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast. Which of the following statements relating to the breast is untrue?
The internal mammary artery provides the majority of its arterial supply
Nipple retraction may occur as a result of tumour infiltration of the clavipectoral fascia (Right)
The internal mammary artery is a branch of the subclavian artery
Up to 70% of lymphatic drainage is to the ipsilateral axillary nodes
None of the above
Both skin dimpling and nipple retraction are features of breast malignancy.
However, they usually occur as a result of tumour infiltration of the breast ligaments and ducts respectively. The clavipectoral fascia encases the axillary contents. The lymphatic drainage of the breast is to the axilla and also to the internal mammary chain. The breast is well vascularised and the internal mammary artery is a branch of the subclavian artery.
206 of 610
Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the ansa cervicalis?
None of the above
Ansa cervicalis muscles:
GHost THought SOmeone Stupid Shot Irene
Superior Omohyoid
Sterno Thyroid
Inferior Omohyoid
Mylohyoid is innervated by the mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar nerve.
207 of 610
A 35 year old man presents to the surgical clinic with a suspected direct inguinal hernia. These will pass through Hesselbach’s triangle. Which of the following forms the medial edge of this structure?
Rectus abdominis muscle
Direct inguinal hernias pass through Hesselbachs triangle (although this is of minimal clinical significance!). Its medial boundary is the rectus muscle.
208 of 610
A 28 year old man is undergoing an appendicectomy. The external oblique aponeurosis is incised and the underlying muscle split in the line of its fibres. At the medial edge of the wound is a tough fibrous structure. Entry to this structure will most likely encounter which of the following?
Internal oblique
Rectus abdominis(Right)
Transversus abdominis
Linea alba
This structure will be the rectus sheath and when entered the rectus abdominis muscle will be encountered.
209 of 610
Which of the following most commonly arises from the brachiocephalic artery?
Thyroidea ima artery
Other occasional branches include the thymic and bronchial branch.
210 of 610
A 42 year old woman is due to undergo a left nephroureterectomy for a transitional cell carcinoma involving the ureter. Which of the following structures is not related to the left ureter?
Round ligament of the uterus (Right)
Internal iliac artery
Ovarian artery
Sigmoid mesocolon
The ureter is not related to the round ligament of the uterus, it is related to the broad ligament and is within 1.5cm of the supravaginal part of the cervix.
211 of 610
Which muscle is not innervated by the trigeminal nerve?
Medial pterygoid
Stylohyoid is innervated by the facial nerve.
212 of 610
A 45 year old man is undergoing a left hemicolectomy. As the surgeons mobilise the left colon they identify a tubular structure lying at the inferior aspect of psoas major. What is it most likely to be?
Left ureter
The left ureter lies posterior to the left colon. The sigmoid colon and upper rectum may be more closely related to the iliac vessels. These are not typically found above L4.
216 of 610
Into which of these veins does the middle thyroid vein drain?
Internal jugular
It drains to the internal jugular vein. Which is one of the reasons why it bleeds so copiously if a ligature slips.
213 of 610
From which of the following structures does the long head of the triceps muscle arise?
Infraglenoid tubercle
The long head arises from the infraglenoid tubercle. The fleshy lateral and medial heads are attached to the posterior aspect of the humerus between the insertion of the teres minor and the olecranon fossa.
214 of 610
A 62 year old man presents with arm weakness. On examination, he has a weakness of elbow extension and loss of sensation on the dorsal aspect of the first digit. What is the site of the most likely underlying defect?
Radial nerve
The long head of the triceps muscle may be innervated by the axillary nerve and therefore complete loss of triceps muscles function may not be present even with proximally sited nerve lesions.
215 of 610
Which of the following structures is not at the level of the transpyloric plane?
Hilum left kidney
Superior mesenteric artery
Fundus of the gallbladder
Cardioesophageal junction(Right)
Root of transverse mesocolon
Cardiooesophageal junction level = T11
A knowledge of this anatomic level is commonly tested.
The oesophagus extends from C6 (the lower border of the cricoid cartilage) to T11 at the cardioesophageal junction. Note that in the neonate the oesophagus extends from C4 or C5 to T9.
217 of 610
As it exits the axilla the radial nerve passes over the inferior border which of the muscles listed below?
Teres major
The radial nerve passes through the triangular interval to leave the axilla. The superior border of this is bounded by the teres major muscle to which the radial nerve is closely related.
218 of 610
Which of the following statements about the spleen is false?
The hilum contains the splenic vessels.
The spleen is derived from endodermal tissue. (Right)
The white pulp has immune function.
The colon lies inferiorly.
Weighs 150g.
1,3,5,7,9,11 (odd numbers up to 11)
The spleen is: 1 inch thick, 3 inches wide, 5 inches long, weighs 7oz (150-200g), lies between the 9th and 11th ribs
Most of the gut is derived endodermally except for the spleen which is from mesenchymal tissue.
219 of 610
The recurrent laryngeal is connected to which of the following nerves?
220 of 610
Which of these statements relating to the external carotid is false?
It ends by bifurcating into the superficial temporal and ascending pharyngeal artery (Right)
Its first branch is the superior thyroid artery
The superior thyroid, lingual and facial arteries all arise from its anterior surface
The ascending pharyngeal artery is a medial branch
Initially it lies anteromedial to the internal carotid
It terminates by dividing into the superficial temporal and maxillary branches. The external carotid has eight branches, 3 from its anterior surface ; thyroid, lingual and facial. The pharyngeal artery is a medial branch. The posterior auricular and occipital are posterior branches.
221 of 610
A 63 year old man is due to undergo a splenectomy. Which splenic structure lies most posteriorly?
Lienorenal ligament
The lienorenal ligament lies most posteriorly. The antero-lateral connection is via the phrenicocolic ligament. Anteriorly the gastro splenic ligament. These structures condense around the vessels at the splenic hilum.
222 of 610
A 23 year old man presents with delayed diagnosis of appendicitis. The appendix is retrocaecal and has perforated causing a psoas abscess. Into which structure does the psoas major muscle insert?
Lesser trochanter of the femur
The psoas major inserts into the lesser trochanter.
223 of 610
Which of the following is not a content of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Ansa cervicalis
Vagus nerve
Anterior jugular vein
Transverse cervical nerve (Right)
Hypoglossal nerve
The transverse cervical nerve lies within the posterior triangle. The anterior jugular vein is formed in the submental region and descends in the superficial fascia near the median plane. It passes inferior to enter the suprasternal space, it is linked to the contralateral anterior jugular vein by the jugular venous arch.
224 of 610
During embryological development, which of the following represent the correct origin of the pancreas?
Ventral and dorsal endodermal outgrowths of the duodenum
The pancreas develops from a ventral and dorsal endodermal outgrowth of the duodenum. The ventral arises close to, or in common with the hepatic diverticulum, and the larger, dorsal outgrowth arises slightly cranial to the ventral extending into the mesoduodenum and mesogastrium. When the buds eventually fuse the duct of the ventral rudiment becomes the main pancreatic duct.
225 of 610
A 42 year old teacher is admitted with a fall. An x-ray confirms a fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus. Which nerve is at risk?
The Axillary nerve winds around the bone at the neck of the humerus. The axillary nerve is also at risk during shoulder dislocation.
226 of 610
A 32 year old man is stabbed in the neck and the inferior trunk of his brachial plexus is injured. Which of the modalities listed below is least likely to be affected?
Initiating abduction of the shoulder(Right)
Abduction of the fingers
Flexion of the little finger
Sensation on the palmar aspect of the little finger
Gripping a screwdriver
Inferior trunk of brachial plexus.
. C8 and T1 roots
. Contributes to ulnar nerve and part of median nerve
The inferior trunk of the brachial plexus is rarely injured. Nerve roots C8 and T1 are the main contributors to this trunk. Therefore an injury to this site will most consistently affect the ulnar nerve. The inferior trunk also contributes to the median nerve by way of the medial cord and therefore some impairment of grip is almost inevitable.
227 of 610
Which of the following is not a direct branch of the facial nerve?
Greater petrosal nerve
Nerve to stapedius
Chorda tympani
Buccal branch of facial nerve
The auriculotemporal nerve is a direct branch of the mandibular nerve.
Other branches of the mandibular nerve include:
Inferior alveolar
Nerve to the mylohyoid
228 of 610
The femoral nerve is transected by a rather careless surgeon during a botched femoro-popliteal bypass operation. Which of the following actions will be impaired?
Extension of the knee joint
The femoral nerve supplies the quadriceps muscle which is responsible for extension at the knee joint.
229 of 610
A 20 year old man undergoes an open appendicectomy performed via a lanz incision. This surgeon places the incision on a level of the anterior superior iliac spine in an attempt to improve cosmesis. During the procedure the appendix is found to be retrocaecal and the incision is extended laterally. Which of the following nerves is at greatest risk of injury?
230 of 610
A 45 year old man presents with bilateral inguinal hernias. The surgical team decide to repair these laparoscopically through an extraperitoneal approach.
Through an infraumbilical incision the surgeons displace the inferior aspect of the rectus abdominis muscle anteriorly and place a prosthetic mesh into the area to repair the hernias. Which structure will lie posterior to the mesh?
During a TEP repair of inguinal hernia the only structure to lie posterior to the mesh is peritoneum. The question is really only asking which structure lies posterior to the rectus abdominis muscle. Since this region is below the arcuate line, the transversalis fascia and peritoneum lie posterior to it. Bucks fascia lies in the penis.
231 of 610
You are working as an anatomy demonstrator and the medical students decide to test your knowledge on the Circle of Willis. Which of the following comments is false?
The anterior communicating artery links the right and left sides
Asymmetry of the circle of willis is a risk factor for the development of intracranial aneurysms
Majority of blood passing through the vessels mix together(Right)
Includes the anterior communicating artery
The circle surrounds the stalk of the pituitary gland
There is minimum mixing of blood passing through the vessels.
232 of 610
A 34 year old man with a submandibular gland stone is undergoing excision of the submandibular gland. The incision is sited transversely approximately 4cm below the mandible. After incising the skin, platysma and deep fascia which of the following structures is most likely to be encountered.
Facial vein
When approaching the submandibular gland the facial vein and submandibular lymph nodes are the most superficially encountered structures. Each sub mandibular gland has a superficial and deep part, separated by the mylohyoid muscle. The facial artery passes in a groove on the superficial aspect of the gland. It then emerges onto the surface of the face by passing between the gland and the mandible. The facial vein is encountered first in this surgical approach because the incision is made 4cm below the mandible (to avoid injury to the marginal mandibular nerve).
233 of 610
How many unpaired branches leave the abdominal aorta to supply the abdominal viscera?
There are three unpaired branches to the abdominal viscera. These include the coeliac axis, the SMA and IMA. Branches to the adrenals, renal arteries and gonadal vessels are paired. The fourth unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta, the median sacral artery, does not directly supply the abdominal viscera.
234 of 610
Which of the following muscles is not within the posterior compartment of the lower leg?
Peroneus brevis(Right)
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Peroneus brevis lies in the lateral compartment.
235 of 610
Which of these muscles is not a component of the rotator cuff?
Teres minor
Deltoid may abduct the shoulder and is not a rotator cuff muscle.
236 of 610
Which of the nerves listed below is responsible for the innervation of gluteus medius?
Superior gluteal nerve
237 of 610
A 73 year old lady presents with a femoral hernia. Which of the following structures forms the lateral wall of the femoral canal?
Femoral vein
The canal exists to allow for the physiological expansion of the femoral vein, which lies lateral to it.
238 of 610
A 56 year old man is undergoing a radical nephrectomy via a posterior approach. Which of the following structures is most likely to be encountered during the operative approach?
12th rib
The 11th and 12th ribs lie posterior to the kidneys and may be encountered during a posterior approach. A pneumothorax is a recognised complication of this type of surgery.
239 of 610
Which of the following structures are not closely related to the adductor longus muscle?
Long saphenous vein
Tendon of iliacus(Right)
The profunda branch of the femoral artery
Pectineus muscle
Femoral nerve
Femoral triangle:
Adductor longus medially
Inguinal ligament superiorly
Sartorius muscle laterally
Adductor longus forms the medial border of the femoral triangle. It is closely related to the long saphenous vein which overlies it and the profunda branch of the femoral artery. The femoral nerve is related to it inferiorly. However, the tendon of iliacus inserts proximally and is not in contact with adductor longus.