3-Lower limp MSQs Only (1) Flashcards
4 of 467
A 45 year old motor cyclist sustains a tibial fracture and is noted to have anaesthesia of the web space between his first and second toes. Which of the nerves listed below is most likely to be compromised?
Deep peroneal nerve
The deep peroneal nerve lies in the anterior muscular compartment of the lower leg and can be compromised by compartment syndrome affecting this area. It provides cutaneous sensation to the first web space.
The superficial peroneal nerve provides more lateral cutaneous innervation.
10 of 467
A 72 year old man develops a foot drop after a revision total hip replacement. Which nerve is likely to have been affected?
Whilst many of these nerves can be injured in hip surgery, for a foot drop to develop in this context (i.e. revision THR), the sciatic nerve is the most likely.
11 of 467
A 20 year old lady presents with pain on the medial aspect of her thigh. Investigations show a large ovarian cyst. Compression of which of the nerves listed below is the most likely underlying cause?
The cutaneous branch of the obturator nerve is frequently absent. However, the obturator nerve is a recognised contributor to innervation of the medial thigh and large pelvic tumours may compress this nerve with resultant pain radiating distally.
17 of 467
A 34 year old man is injured by farm machinery and sustains a laceration at the superolateral aspect of the popliteal fossa. The medial aspect of biceps femoris is lacerated. Which of the following underlying structures is at greatest risk of injury?
Common peroneal nerve
The common peroneal nerve lies under the medial aspect of biceps femoris and is therefore at greatest risk of injury. The tibial nerve may also be damaged in such an injury (but is not listed here).
The sural nerve branches off more inferiorly.
18 of 467
During a block dissection of the groin, the sartorius muscle is identified. What is the nerve supply to this muscle?
Anterior division of the femoral nerve
Sartorius is supplied by the anterior (superficial) branch of the femoral nerve.
Most of the branches of the superficial femoral nerve are cutaneous. However, it does also supply sartorius.
24 of 467
A 56 year old man undergoes a low anterior resection with legs in the Lloyd-Davies position. Post operatively he complains of foot drop. Which nerve has been injured?
Common peroneal nerve
Positioning legs in Lloyd- Davies stirrups can carry the risk of peroneal nerve neuropraxia if not done carefully.
31 of 467
Which of the following forms the medial wall of the femoral canal?
Lacunar ligament
The femoral canal and the femoral triangle are distinct anatomical structures. Do not confuse them, especially in the time pressured exam situation.
33 of 467
A 67 year old man is undergoing a transurethral resection of a bladder tumour using diathermy. Suddenly during the procedure the patient’s thigh begins to twitch. Stimulation of which of the following nerves is the most likely cause?
The obturator nerve is most closely related to the bladder
46 of 467
A 34 year old man is shot in the postero- inferior aspect of his thigh. Which of the following lies at the most lateral aspect of the popliteal fossa?
Common peroneal nerve
The contents of the popliteal fossa are (from medial to lateral):
Popliteal artery
Popliteal vein
Tibial nerve
Common peroneal nerve
The sural nerve is a branch of the tibial nerve and usually arises at the inferior aspect of the popliteal fossa. However, its anatomy is variable.
50 of 467
What is the origin of the superior gluteal artery?
Internal iliac artery
The inferior gluteal artery arises from the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery
The superior gluteal artery arises from the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery
52 of 467
Which of the nerves listed below is responsible for the innervation of gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve
63 of 467
A 76 year old man complains of symptoms of claudication. The decision is made to measure his ankle brachial pressure index. The signal from the dorsalis pedis artery is auscultated with a hand held doppler device. This vessel is the continuation of which of the following?
Anterior tibial artery
The dorsalis pedis is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery.
64 of 467
A 67 year old man is due to undergo a revisional total hip replacement using a posterior approach. After dividing gluteus maximus in the line of its fibres there is brisk arterial bleeding. Which of the following vessels is likely to be responsible?
Inferior gluteal artery
The inferior gluteal artery runs on the deep surface of the gluteus maximus muscle. It is a branch of the internal iliac artery. It is commonly divided during the posterior approach to the hip joint.
71 of 467
Which of these nerves passes through the greater and lesser sciatic foramina?
Pudendal nerve
Structures passing through the lesser and greater sciatic foramina (medial to lateral): PIN
Pudendal nerve
Internal pudendal artery
Nerve to obturator internus
It passes between the piriformis and coccygeus muscles and exits the pelvis through the the greater sciatic foramen. It crosses the spine of the ischium and reenters the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen. It passes through the pudendal canal.
The pudendal nerve gives off the inferior rectal nerves. It terminates into 2 branches: perineal nerve, and the dorsal nerve of the penis or the dorsal nerve of the clitoris.
80 of 467
A 65 year old man with long standing atrial fibrillation develops an embolus to the lower leg. The decision is made to perform an embolectomy, utilising a trans popliteal approach. After incising the deep fascia, which of the following structures will the surgeons encounter first on exploring the central region of the popliteal fossa?
Tibial nerve
The tibial nerve lies superior to the vessels in the inferior aspect of the popliteal fossa. In the upper part of the fossa the tibial nerve lies lateral to the vessels, it then passes superficial to them to lie medially. The popliteal artery is the deepest structure in the popliteal fossa.
83 of 467
A 43 year old lady presents with varicose veins and undergoes a saphenofemoral disconnection, long saphenous vein stripping to the ankle and isolated hook phlebectomies. Post operatively she notices an area of numbness superior to her ankle. What is the most likely cause for this?
Saphenous nerve injury
The sural nerve is related to the short saphenous vein. The saphenous nerve is related to the long saphenous vein below the knee and for this reason full length stripping of the vein is no longer advocated.
90 of 467
A 34 year old man undergoes excision of a sarcoma from the right buttock. During the procedure the sciatic nerve is sacrificed. Which of the following will not occur as a result of this process?
Loss of extension at the knee joint
Extension of the knee joint is caused by the obturator and femoral nerves. Sensation to the posterior aspect of the thigh is via the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and this is a direct branch from the plexus itself.
117 of 467
A 24 year old lady is stabbed in the buttock. Following the injury the wound is sutured in the
emergency department. Eight weeks later she attends the clinic, as she walks into the clinic room she has a waddling gait and difficulty with thigh abduction. On examination she has buttock muscle wasting. Which nerve has been injured?
Superior gluteal nerve
Damage to the superior gluteal nerve will result in a Trendelenburg gait.
121 of 467
A 72 year old man has a fall. He is found to have a fractured neck of femur and goes on to have a left hip hemiarthroplasty. Two months post operatively he is found to have an odd gait. When standing on his left leg his pelvis dips on the right side. There is no foot drop. What is the cause?
Superior gluteal nerve damage
This patient has a trendelenburg gait caused by damage to the superior gluteal nerve causing weakness of the abductor muscles. Classically a patient is asked to stand on one leg and the pelvis dips on the opposite side. The absence of a foot drop excludes the possibility of polio or L5 radiculopathy.
122 of 467
Which of the following structures lies posterior to the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle?
The iliacus lies posterior to the femoral nerve in the femoral triangle. The femoral sheath lies anterior to the iliacus and pectineus muscles.
128 of 467
Which of the following ligaments contains the artery supplying the head of femur in children?
Ligamentum teres
133 of 467
A 42 year old woman complains of a burning pain of her anterolateral thigh which worsens on walking. There is a positive tinel sign over the inguinal ligament. Which nerve is affected?
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
The lateral cutaneous nerve supplies sensation to the anterior and lateral aspect of the thigh. Entrapment is commonly due to intra and extra pelvic causes. Treatment involves local anaesthetic injections.
147 of 467
Which muscle does not insert on the medial surface of the greater trochanter?
Quadratus femoris
Mnemonic for muscle attachment on greater trochanter is POGO:
Obturator internus
Obturator externus
The quadratus femoris fibres pass laterally to be inserted into the quadrate tubercle on the
intertrochanteric crest of the femur. The other muscles all insert on the trochanteric fossa lying medial to the greater trochanter.
145 of 467
A 68 year old man with critical limb ischaemia is undergoing a femoro-distal bypass graft. During mobilisation of the proximal part of the posterior tibial artery which of the following is at greatest risk of injury?
Tibial nerve
The tibial nerve is closely related to the posterior tibial artery. The tibial nerve crosses the vessel posteriorly approximately 2.5cm distal to its origin. At its origin the nerve lies medial and then lateral after it crosses the vessel as described.
153 of 467
Which of the following structures lies deepest in the popliteal fossa?
Popliteal artery
From superficial to deep:
The common peroneal nerve exits the popliteal fossa along the medial border of the biceps tendon. Then the tibial nerve lies lateral to the popliteal vessels to pass posteriorly and then medially to them. The popliteal vein lies superficial to the popliteal artery, which is the deepest structure in the fossa.
156 of 467
An intravenous drug user develops a false aneurysm and requires emergency surgery. The procedure is difficult and the femoral nerve is inadvertently transected. Which of the following muscles is least likely to be affected as a result?
ٍAdductor magnus
Mnemonic for femoral nerve supply
(don’t) M I S V Q Scan for PE
M edial cutaneous nerve of the thigh
I ntermediate cutaneous nerve of the thigh
S aphenous nerve
V astus
Q uadriceps femoris
S artorius
PE ectineus
Adductor magnus is innervated by the obturator and sciatic nerve. The pectineus muscle is sometimes supplied by the obturator nerve but this is variable. Since the question states least likely, the correct answer is adductor magnus.
159 of 467
Which of the following structures does not pass posteriorly to the medial malleolus?
Tibialis anterior tendon
Mnemonic for structures posterior to the medial malleolus:
Tom Dick And Nervous Harry
T ibialis posterior tendon
flexor Digitorum longus
A rtery
N erve
H allucis longus
164 of 467
A 44 year old man has a malignant melanoma and is undergoing a block dissection of the groin. The femoral triangle is being explored for intra operative bleeding. Which of the following forms the medial border of the femoral triangle?
Adductor longus
Adductor longus forms the medial boundary of the femoral triangle
165 of 467
The foramen marking the termination of the adductor canal is located in which of the following?
Adductor magnus
The foramen marking the distal limit of the adductor canal is contained within adductor magnus. The vessel passes through this region to enter the popliteal fossa.
169 of 467
A 24 year old motor cyclist is involved in a road traffic accident. He suffers a tibial fracture which is treated with an intra medullary nail. Post operatively he develops a compartment syndrome. Surgical decompression of the anterior compartment will relieve pressure on all of the following muscles except?
Peroneus brevis (Right)
Peroneus tertius
Extensor digitorum longus
Tibialis anterior
None of the above
The anterior compartment contains:TEPEA
Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Peroneus tertius
Extensor hallucis longus
Anterior tibial artery
All the muscles are innervated by the deep peroneal nerve.
178 of 467
A sprinter attends A&E with severe leg pain. He had forgotten to warm up and ran a 100m sprint race. Towards the end of the race he experienced pain in the posterior aspect of his thigh. The pain worsens, localising to the lateral aspect of the knee. The sprinter is unable to flex the knee. What structure has been injured?
Biceps femoris tendon
The biceps femoris is commonly injured in sports that require explosive bending of the knee as seen in sprinting, especially if the athlete has not warmed up first. Avulsion most commonly occurs where the long head attaches to the ischial tuberosity. Injuries to biceps femoris are more common than to the other hamstrings.
174 of 467
A 42 year old lady is reviewed in the outpatient clinic following a routine surgical procedure. She complains of diminished sensation at the dorso-lateral aspect of her foot. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be affected?
The sural nerve supplies the lateral aspect of the foot. It runs alongside the short saphenous vein and may be injured in short saphenous vein surgery.
185 of 467
The sciatic nerve lies deep to the following structures except:
Gluteus maximus
The femoral cutaneous nerve
Long head of biceps femoris
Gluteus medius ( Right)
Branch of the inferior gluteal artery
The gluteus medius does not extend around to the sciatic nerve.
Question 186 of 467
Which of the following forms the floor of the anatomical snuffbox?
Scaphoid bone
The scaphoid bone forms the floor of the anatomical snuffbox. The cutaneous branch of the radial
nerve is much more superficially and proximally located.
188 of 467
A 72 year old lady is suspected of having a femoral hernia. At which of the following sites is it most likely to be identifiable clinically?
Below and lateral to the pubic tubercle
Femoral hernias exit the femoral canal below and lateral to the pubic tubercle. Femoral hernia occur mainly in women due to their difference in pelvic anatomy. They are at high risk of strangulation and therefore should be repaired.
197 of 467
Which of the following represents the root values of the sciatic nerve?
L4 to S3
The sciatic nerve most commonly arises from L4 to S3.
198 of 467
An 83 year old lady presents with a femoral hernia and undergoes a femoral hernia repair. Which of the following forms the posterior wall of the femoral canal?
Pectineal ligament
201 of 467
Which of the following structures does not pass behind the lateral malleolus?
Tibialis anterior tendon
Tibialis anterior tendon passes anterior to the medial malleolus.