8- Head & Neck MSQs Only Flashcards
1 of 368
Which of the following structures is not transmitted by the jugular foramen?
Hypoglossal nerve
Contents of the jugular foramen:
Anterior: inferior petrosal sinus
Intermediate: glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves
Posterior: sigmoid sinus (becoming the internal jugular vein) and some meningeal branches from the occipital and ascending pharyngeal arteries
The jugular foramen may be divided into three compartments:
Anterior compartment transmits the inferior petrosal sinus
Middle compartment transmits cranial nerves IX, X and XI
Posterior compartment transmits the sigmoid sinus
7 of 368
What is the correct embryological origin of the stapes?
Second pharyngeal arch
Embryological origin stapes = 2nd pharyngeal arch
The ectoderm covering the outer aspect of the second arch originates from a strip of ectoderm lateral to the metencephalic neural fold. The cartilaginous element to this, eponymously known as Reicherts cartilage extends from the otic capsule to the midline on each side. Its dorsal end separates and becomes enclosed in the tympanic cavity as the stapes.
The dorsal ends of the cartilages of the first and second pharyngeal arches articulate superior to the tubotympanic recess. These cartilages form the malleus, incus and stapes. At least part of the malleus is formed from the first arch and the stapes from the second arch. The incus is most likely to arise from the first arch.
8 of 368
A 73 year old man presents with a tumour at the central aspect of the posterior third of the tongue. To which of the following lymph node groups is it most likely to metastasise?
Bilateral deep cervical nodes
Posterior third tumours of the tongue commonly metastasise to the bilateral deep cervical lymph nodes
Tumours of the posterior third of the tongue will typically metastasise early and bilateral nodal involvement is well recognised, this is most often true of centrally located tumours and those adjacent to the midline as the lymph vessels may cross the median plane at this location.
10 of 368
A 21 year old man undergoes surgical removal of an impacted 3rd molar. Post operatively, he is noted to have anaesthesia on the anterolateral aspect of the tongue. What is the most likely explanation?
Injury to the lingual nerve
The lingual nerve is closely related to the third molar and up to 10% of patients undergoing surgical extraction of these teeth may subsequently develop a lingual neuropraxia. The result is anaesthesia of the ipsilateral anterior aspect of the tongue. The inferior alveolar nerve innervates the teeth themselves.
12 of 368
A surgical resection specimen is analysed histologically. The pathologist comments that at the periphery of the resected specimen, oxyphil cells are identified. In which of the structures listed below are these cells typically found?
Parathyroid gland
Oxyphil cells are typically found in parathyroid glands
14 of 368
A 34 year old lady suffers from hyperparathyroidism. The right inferior parathyroid is identified as having an adenoma and is scheduled for resection. From which of the following embryological structures is it derived?
Third pharyngeal pouch
The inferior parathyroid is a derivative of the third pharyngeal pouch. The superior parathyroid originates from the fourth pharyngeal pouch.
15 of 368
A 56 year old man is undergoing a superficial parotidectomy for a pleomorphic adenoma. During the dissection of the parotid, which of the following structures will be encountered lying most superficially?
Facial nerve
Most superficial structure on the parotid gland = facial nerve
The facial nerve is the most superficial structure in the parotid gland. Slightly deeper to this lies the retromandibular vein, with the arterial layer lying most deeply.
16 of 368
A 78 year old man is due to undergo an endarterectomy of the internal carotid artery. Which of the following nervous structures are most at risk during the dissection?
Hypoglossal nerve
Nerves at risk during a carotid endarterectomy:
. Hypoglossal nerve
. Greater auricular nerve
. Superior laryngeal nerve
During a carotid endarterectomy the sternocleidomastoid muscle is dissected, with ligation of the common facial vein and then the internal jugular is dissected exposing the common and the internal carotid arteries. The nerves at risk during the operation include:
. Hypoglossal nerve
. Greater auricular nerve
. Superior laryngeal nerve
The sympathetic chain lies posteriorly and is less prone to injury in this procedure.
18 of 368
As regards the internal jugular vein, which of the following statements is untrue?
- The terminal part of the thoracic duct crosses anterior to it to insert into the right subclavian vein ( Right )
- It lies within the carotid sheath
- It is the continuation of the sigmoid sinus
- The hypoglossal nerve is closely related to it as it passes near the atlas
- The vagus nerve is closely related to it within the carotid sheath
21 of 368
Which of the following cranial venous sinuses is unpaired?
Superior sagittal sinus
The superior sagittal sinus is unpaired
The superior sagittal sinus is unpaired. It begins at the crista galli, where it may communicate with the veins of the frontal sinus and sometimes with those of the nasal cavity. It arches backwards in the falx cerebri to terminate at the internal occipital protuberance (usually into the right transverse sinus). The parietal emissary veins link the superior sagittal sinus with the veins on the exterior of the cranium.
22 of 368
Which of the following laryngeal tumours will not typically metastasise to the cervical lymph nodes?
The vocal cords have no lymphatic drainage and therefore this region serves as a lymphatic watershed. The supraglottic part drains to the upper deep cervical nodes through vessels piercing the thyrohyoid membrane. The sub glottic part drains to the pre laryngeal, pre tracheal and inferior deep cervical nodes. The aryepiglottic and vestibular folds have a rich lymphatic drainage and will metastasise early.
26 of 368
An 18 year old man is cutting some plants when a small piece of vegetable matter enters his eye. His eye becomes watery. Which of the following is responsible for relaying parasympathetic neuronal signals to the lacrimal apparatus?
Pterygopalatine ganglion
The parasympathetic fibres to the lacrimal apparatus transit via the pterygopalatine ganglion.
29 of 368
A 43 year old lady is undergoing a total thyroidectomy for an extremely large goitre. The surgeons decide that access may be improved by division of the infra hyoid strap muscles. At which of the following sites should they be divided?
In their upper half
Should the strap muscles require division during surgery they should be divided in their upper half. This is because their nerve supply from the ansa cervicalis enters in their lower half.
31 of 368
A 22 year old women has recently undergone a surgical excision of the submandibular gland. She presents to the follow up clinic with a complaint of tongue weakness on the ipsilateral side to her surgery. Which nerve has been damaged?
Hypoglossal nerve
Three cranial nerves may be injured during submandibular gland excision.
. Marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve
. Lingual nerve
. Hypoglossal nerve
Hypoglossal nerve damage may result in paralysis of the ipsilateral aspect of the tongue. The nerve itself lies deep to the capsule surrounding the gland and should not be injured during an intracapsular dissection. The lingual nerve is probably at greater risk of injury. However, the effects of lingual nerve injury are sensory rather than motor.
33 of 368
A 67 year old man undergoes a carotid endarterectomy and seems to recover well following surgery. When he is reviewed on the ward post operatively he complains that his voice is hoarse. What is the most likely cause?
Damage to the vagus
Many of these nerves are at risk of injury during carotid surgery. However, only damage to the vagus would account for a hoarse voice.
35 of 368
Which of the following nerves is most commonly damaged during a superficial parotidectomy?
Greater auricular
The greater auricular nerve and in particular its lobular branch is commonly injured in parotid surgery and consent usually makes particular reference to this. In a superficial parotidectomy, the facial nerve should not be injured and this is less common than a greater auricular nerve injury.
37 of 368
An 21 year old man undergoes an uncomplicated tonsillectomy for recurrent attacks of tonsillitis. Post operatively he complains of otalgia. Which nerve is responsible?
The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies this area and the ear and otalgia may be the result of referred pain.
44 of 368
Which of the nerves listed below provides sensory innervation to the skin overlying the lateral aspect of the nose?
Lateral nasal branches of the ethmoidal nerve
The lateral aspect of the external nose is innervated by lateral nasal branches of the anterior ethmoidal nerve. The ethmoidal nerve is a branch of the nasociliary nerve which is one of the divisions of the trigeminal.
38 of 368
A 12 year old boy undergoes surgery for recurrent mastoid infections. Post operatively he complains of an altered taste sensation. Which of the following nerves has been injured?
Chorda tympani
The chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve passes forwards through itrs canaliculus into the middle ear, and crosses the medial aspect of the tympanic membrane. It then passes antero-inferiorly in the infratemporal fossa. It distributes taste fibres to the anterior two thirds of the tongue.
46 of 368
Which of the following structures separates the subclavian artery and vein?
Anterior scalene muscle
The anterior scalene muscle is an important anatomical landmark and separates the subclavian vein (anterior) from the subclavian artery (posterior).
58 of 368
Which of the structures listed below is not a content of the carotid sheath?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Contents of carotid sheath:
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve
66 of 368
Which of the following is not a content of the cavernous sinus?
Optic nerve
Mnemonic for contents of cavernous sinus:
Occulomotor nerve (III)
Trochlear nerve (IV)
Ophthalmic nerve (V1)
Maxillary nerve (V2)
Carotid artery
Abducent nerve (VI)
OTOM=lateral wall components
CA= components within sinus
The optic nerve lies above and outside the cavernous sinus.
68 of 368
A 43 year old man is due to undergo an excision of the sub mandibular gland. Which of the following incisions is the most appropriate for this procedure?
A transversely orientated incision 3cm below the mandible
To access the sub mandibular gland a transverse incision 3cm below the mandible should be made. Incisions located higher than this may damage the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve.
69 of 368
A 5 year old boy presents with recurrent headaches. As part of his assessment he undergoes an MRI scan of his brain. This demonstrates enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles. Where is the most likely site of obstruction?
Aqueduct of Sylvius
The CSF flows from the 3rd to the 4th ventricle via the Aqueduct of Sylvius.
74 of 368
What is the nerve supply to the muscle indicated by an X on the prosection below?
The muscle indicated is trapezius and it is innervated by the accessory nerve (CN XI)
77 of 368
Which of the following structures does not pass through the foramen ovale?
Maxillary nerve
Mnemonic: OVALE
O tic ganglion
V3 (Mandibular nerve:3rd branch of trigeminal)
A ccessory meningeal artery
L esser petrosal nerve
E missary veins
78 of 368
An elderly man develops a squamous cell carcinoma affecting the lobule of his ear. Do which lymph node is the lesion most likely to metastasize?
Superficial cervical nodes
The lobule drains to the superficial cervical nodes.
79 of 368
Which of the cranial nerves listed below is least likely to carry parasympathetic fibres?
Cranial nerves carrying parasympathetic fibres
X IX VII III (1973)
The parasympathetic functions served by the cranial nerves include:
III (oculomotor): Pupillary constriction and accommodation
VII (facial) : Lacrimal gland, submandibular and sublingual glands
IX (glossopharyngeal): Parotid
X (vagus): Heart and abdominal viscera
The optic nerve carries no parasympathetic fibres.
The cranial preganglionic parasympathetic nerves arise from specific nuclei in the CNS. These synapse at one of four parasympathetic ganglia; otic, pterygopalatine, ciliary and submandibular. From these ganglia the parasympathetic nerves complete their journey to their target tissues via CN V (trigeminal) branches (ophthalmic nerve CNV branch 1, Maxillary nerve CN V branch2, mandibular nerve CN V branch 3)
81 of 368
At which of the following levels does the inferior thyroid artery enter the thyroid gland?
It enters the gland at C6.
82 of 368
An occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery may compromise the blood supply to the following structures except:
Medial inferior surface of the frontal lobe
Corpus callosum
Medial surface of the frontal lobe
Olfactory bulb
Brocas area ( Right)
Brocas area is usually supplied by branches from the middle cerebral artery.
84 of 368
Parasympathetic fibres innervating the parotid gland originate from which of the following?
Otic ganglion
Secretion of saliva by the parotid gland is controlled by nerve fibres originating in the inferior salivatory nucleus; these leave the brain via the tympanic nerve (branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), travel through the tympanic plexus (located in the middle ear), and then form the lesser petrosal nerve until reaching the otic ganglion. After synapsing in the Otic ganglion, the postganglionic (postsynaptic) fibres travel as part of the auriculotemporal nerve (a branch of the mandibular nerve (V3) to reach the parotid gland.
92 of 368
Which of the following does not pass through the superior orbital fissure?
Opthalmic artery
Mnemonic for the nerves passing through the supraorbital fissure:
Live Frankly To See Absolutely No Insult
Superior Division of Oculomotor
Inferior Division of Oculomotor nerve
The opthalmic artery arises from the internal carotid immediately after it has pierced the dura and arachnoid. It runs through the optic canal below the optic nerve and within its dural and arachnoid sheaths. It terminates as the supratrochlear and dorsal nasal arteries.
89 of 368
A 44 year old man is undergoing a parotidectomy and the surgeon is carefully preserving the facial nerve. Unfortunately his trainee then proceeds to divide it. Which of the following will not be affected as a result?
Taste sensation from anterior two thirds of the tongue( Right)
Closing the ipsilateral eyelid
Raising the ipsilateral side of the lip
Ipsilateral corneal reflex
None of the above
The chorda tympani branches inside the facial canal and will therefore be unaffected by this most unfortunate event! The corneal reflex is mediated by the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve sensing the stimulus on the cornea, lid or conjunctiva; the facial nerve initiates the motor response of the reflex.
90 of 368
Which cranial nerve supplies general sensation to the posterior third of the tongue?
The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies general sensation to the posterior third of the tongue and contributes to the gag reflex.
94 of 368
Which of the nerves listed below is responsible for providing innervation to the lower molar teeth?
Inferior alveolar nerve
The branches of the lower molar and premolar teeth are supplied by branches of the inferior alveolar nerve. Those of the canine and incisors by the incisive branch of the same nerve. The gingiva and supporting structures are innervated by the lingual nerve.
93 of 368
An 18 year old man undergoes a tonsillectomy for attacks of recurrent acute tonsillitis. Whilst in recovery he develops a post operative haemorrhage. Which of the following vessels is the most likely culprit?
External palatine vein
The external palatine vein lies immediately lateral to the tonsil and if damaged may be a cause of reactionary haemorrhage following tonsillectomy.
97 of 368
What is the arterial blood supply to the lacrimal apparatus?
Ophthalmic artery
The ophthalmic artery supplies the gland
99 of 368
During a radical neck dissection, division of which of the following fascial layers will expose the ansa cervicalis?
Pretracheal fascia
The ansa cervicalis lies anterior to the carotid sheath. It may be exposed by division of the pretracheal fascia at the posterolateral aspect of the thyroid gland. The pre vertebral fascia lies more posteriorly and division of the investing layer of fascia will not expose this nerve.
108 of 368
What is the sensory nerve supply to the angle of the jaw?
Greater auricular nerve (C2-C3)
The trigeminal nerve is the major sensory nerve to the face except over the angle of the jaw.
The angle of the jaw is innervated by the greater auricular nerve.
110 of 368
Which of the following structures separates the subclavian artery from the subclavian vein?
Scalenus anterior
The artery and vein are separated by scalenus anterior. This muscle runs from the transverse processes of C3,4,5 and 6 to insert onto the scalene tubercle of the first rib.
116 of 368
The vertebral artery traverses all of the following except?
Transverse process of C6
Transverse process of the axis
Vertebral canal
Foramen magnum
Intervertebral foramen ( Right)
The vertebral artery passes through the foramina which are located in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra, it does not traverse the intervertebral foramen.
117 of 368
A 60 year old female attends the preoperative hernia clinic. She reports some visual difficulty. On examination she is noted to have a homonymous hemianopia. Where is the lesion most likely to be?
Optic tract
Lesions before optic chiasm:
Monocular vision loss = Optic nerve lesion
Bitemporal hemianopia = Optic chiasm lesion
Lesions after the optic chiasm:
Homonymous hemianopia = Optic tract lesion
Upper quadranopia = Temporal lobe lesion
Lower quadranopia = Parietal lobe lesion
Unfortunately we thought as surgeons we could forget about visual field defects! However the college seem to like them. Remember a homonymous hemianopia is indicative of an optic tract lesion. Parietal lobe lesions tend to cause inferior quadranopias and there is a bitemporal hemianopia with optic chiasm lesion or pituitary tumours.
123 of 368
A 38 year old lady is due to undergo a parathyroidectomy for hyperparathyroidism. At operation the inferior parathyroid gland is identified as being enlarged. A vessel is located adjacent to the gland laterally. This vessel is most likely to be the:
Common carotid artery
The common carotid artery is a lateral relation of the inferior parathyroid.
125 of 368
Following a carotid endarterectomy a man notices that he has a weakness of his tongue. Damage to which of the following nerves is the most likely explanation for this process?
The hypoglossal nerve innervates the tongue and is one of the structures more commonly at risk in carotid surgery.
136 of 368
A motorcyclist is injured in a road traffic accident and is not wearing a helmet. He suffers a severe closed head injury and develops raised intracranial pressure. The first cranial nerve to be affected by this process is likely to be:
The abducens nerve (CN VI) has a long intra cranial course and is thus susceptible to raised intra cranial pressure. It also passes over the petrous temporal bone and 6th nerve palsies are also seen in mastoiditis.
138 of 368
A 43 year old lady underwent an attempted placement of a central line into the internal jugular vein. Unfortunately, the doctor damaged the carotid artery and this necessitated surgical exploration. As the surgeons incise the carotid sheath a nerve is identified lying between the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery. Which of the following is this nerve most likely to be?
The vagus lies in the carotid sheath. The hypoglossal nerve crosses the sheath, but does not lie within it.
141 of 368
Which of the following nerves is not contained within the posterior triangle of the neck?
Accessory nerve
Phrenic nerve
Greater auricular nerve
Ansa cervicalis( Right)
Lesser occiptal nerve
Ansa cervicalis is a content of the anterior triangle of the neck
144 of 368
Which of the structures listed below lies posterior to the carotid sheath at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra?
Cervical sympathetic chain
The carotid sheath is crossed anteriorly by the hypoglossal nerves and the ansa cervicalis.
The vagus lies within it. The cervical sympathetic chain lies posteriorly between the sheath and the prevertebral fascia.
150 of 368
A 45 year old man presents with a lipoma located posterior to the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, approximately 4cm superior to the middle third of the clavicle. During surgical excision of the lesion troublesome bleeding is encountered. Which of the following is the most likely source?
External jugular vein
The external jugular vein runs obliquely in the superficial fascia of the posterior triangle. It drains into the subclavian vein. During surgical exploration of this area the external jugular vein may be injured and troublesome bleeding may result. The internal jugular vein and carotid arteries are located in the anterior triangle. The third, and not the second, part of the subclavian artery is also a content of the posterior triangle