9. food and agricolture Flashcards
What’s the difference between asian and african diet?
West europen diet is based on animal products and african diet on cereals ( wheat maize rice)
What’s the most consumed meat?
pig (china, cenrte europe)
What is the concern about antibiotics in animal production?
Cyprus, Italy spain use a lot of antibiotics in their meat
It’s forbidden to give healty animal antibiotc
ex. penicillins, quinolones
How are milk and beef conncted?
milk and beef production are linked. It’s more efficient to have beef from a dairy system
Beef is becoming less important but is still used a lot of lend
Why meat consumption has increased?
Meat has become less expensive
Environmental impact of meat on lands:
Land use has increased plus using heavy machines is deterioring the land and also waterlogging that cause innatual drainage system and last of all chemical deterioration:
loss of nutrients, salinization acidification, pollution
Talk about the greenhouse gases from agricolture
N2= mostly soils (300kg CO2)
CH4= ruminants and manure (25 kg per 1 kg CH)
CO2 from fossil fuels less significant
Ruminant digestion lead to produciton of CH4 by microbial community and by breaking down the plant material
Which are the mitigation actions for decreasing GHG from agricolture?
improve N utilizaion and efficiency
anaerobic digetion of manure (letame)
efficiency in productio
food additives
N emission from agricolture
emission of ammonia from animals
N2O from plants and cacca
quello che si decompone fa da cerchio e nutre le piante (eutotrophication)
What we need to consider for staying in the planet boundaries?
emission on GHG
biodiversity lossses
disturbance of N cycle