2.Sustainable healthy diet Flashcards
What is a sustainable diet?
UN FAO: diets with low environmental impact which contributes to nutrition security and healthy life. protective for the ecosystems culturally accettable economically fair and affordable nutritionally adequate
What a sustainable diet consider?
nutrition, environment, economic, ethics socety,
Is climate changing affecting global food availability?
warm temperatures and changing rainfall patterns reduce global food production by 20% in 2050
Describe Double pyramids
frutta, farine-pane ecc, grassi e latte, pesce e carne, dolci (per food)
frutta- pane-grassi-carne e pesce (environment)
Describe the trend for the protein uptake
people are consuming more animal based proteins
why animal based food are bad for environment?
more resource intensive and environmentally impactful
7 points of a sustainable food
- eat better and less meat and dairy products
- buy local seasonal and envairomentally firendly food
- choose fairtrade certified food
- select fish from sustainable sources certified by Marine Stewardship council
- getting the balance right ( less sugar, fat and salt)
- growing our own and taking the rest from wide range of shops
- aiming to be waste-free
three main food paradoxes
- Food access and excess (abbiamo cibo per tutti ma ancora nel mondo ci sono 800 milioni dipersone che nn hanno abbastanza cibo e 2 billion persone obese)
- Use of natural resources
- food waste
solution of 1 paradox
improve agricoltural, industrial and comemrcial policies
- rethinking the use of natural resources
- manage volatiliuty of prices (fair work conditions…)
- promote lifestile that promote better food sustainability
- invest in food education
second paradox
dobbiamo nutrire persone, animali o cars?
40% delle riserve dei cerali sono impiegate per produrre fuel
solution to second paradox?
- improve efficiency with which natural resources are used
- conserving, protecting ad improving natural resources
- proposing new agricoltural method which protect equality in social areas
- focusing on resialiance of people
- implementing policies to boost sustainability of agro food systems
third paradox?
we waste 1/3 of food we prpoduce
la quantità di cibo buttato è 4 volte tanto alla quantità di cibo che servirebbe per far mangiare tt le persone malnutrite
solution to 3 paradox
- agree to shared definition of food loss and waste.
- policies to reduce the waste identifing il probelma alla radice
- positive contribution of long-term cooperation of food supplychain
- support awarness raising initiatives
What is food waste and food losses?
food waste: from production to consumption
in industrialed countries is just food waste that is still ok to eat
in developng countries is food waste during production or processing
food losses: waste of resources, like water, land, energy…
what is a zero waste?
- to send nothing to landfill
- pass into a circular economy