9: allergy Flashcards
behcet syndrome aka and where
adamantindes syndrome
oral, genital, ocular lesions
sterile pustule after insertion of steril needle in skin
positive pathergy
behcet pathergy
lupus pernio
vilocaaous indurated skin lesions in sarcoidosis
erythema nodosum
lofgren syndrome
erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar LAD, arthralgia
erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar LAD, arthralgia
lofgren syndrome
heertfordt syndrome
parotid enlargement, anterior uveitis, facial paralysis, fever
parotid enlargement, anterior uveitis, facial paralysis, fever
heertfordt syndrome
schaumann bodies
laminated calcifications (lysosomes) in sarcoid granulomas
laminated calcifications (lysosomes) in sarcoid granulomas
schaumann bodies
asteroid bodies in sarcoid
stellate inclusion (entrapped collagen) in sarcoidosis
stellate inclusion (entrapped collagen) in sarcoidosis
asteroid bodies
kveim test
sarcoid tissue injected in skin
sarcoid tissue injected in skin
kveim test
wegeners labs
c-ANCA and confirm with PR3 ELISA
allergic contact stomatitis aka
stomatitis venenata
quincke dz aka
angioedema aka
quincke dz
types of angioedema (x3)
- IgE hypersensitivity
- ACE inhibitors
- activation of complement pathway - C1 - INH problems (hereditary - type I and II; acquired - lymphoproliferative dz and autoimmune)
transient lingual papillities aka and 3 types
aka lie bumps, tongue torches
- localized – one or several enlarged fungirform papillae - red papule, may ulcerate, dorsal tongue
- generalized – large % of fungiform papillae on tip/laterl tongue dorsum
- diffuse (papulokeratotis): white/yellow asymptomatic papules (poss frictional keratosis)
recurrent aphthous ulcers underlying cellular process
T cell reaction - decreased CD4/CD8 ratio, increased T cell receptors, increased TNF
types of aphthae and alternative names
minor aka mikulicz
major aka sutton or periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
simple and ocmplex aphthosis
simple: few lesions, heal 1-2 weeks, few recurrences
complex: >3 lesions, almost constant
silver nitrate dangers
used for aphthae
can cause massive necrosis and systemic argyria
behcet syndrome aka
Adamantiades syndrome
geography and genetics of behcet
middle east, japan
aphthae in behcet
99% of pts
commonly first sign
more numerous (>6) and dif location (soft palate and oropharynx) than sporadic aphthae
usually minor or majoe
genital lesions in behcet
less frequent, deeper, more scarring than oral
positive in behcet
sterile pustule after insertion of sterile needle in skin
behcet classic histo
leukocytoclastic vasculitis: intramural invasion of n/ph, karyorrhexis of n/ph, RBC extravastion an dfibrinoid necrosis of vessel wall
diagnosis criteria for behcet
oral ulcers + 2 of:
- genital lesions
- eye lesions (eveitis, retinal vasculitis, cells in vitrous)
- skin lesions (erythema nodosum, pseudofolliculitis or papulopustular lesions)
or pathergy test
sarcoidosis ethnic and age
10-17x more in black
predominant sites for sarcoid
lungs, LN, skin, eyes, salivary glands
chroni violaceous indurated skin lesions in sarcoid
lupus pernio
erythema nodosum
scattered nonspecific tender erythematous nodules on lower legs
e.g., sarcoid
lofgren syndrome
erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar LAD, arthralgia
erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar LAD, arthralgia
lofgren syndrome
heerfordt syndrome aka
uveoparotid fever
parotid enlargement, anterior uveitis, facial paralysis, fever
parotid enlargement, anterior uveitis, facial paralysis, fever
heerfordt syndrome aka uveoparotid fever
schaumann bodies
laminated calcifications, degenerated lysosomes
asteroid bodies
stellate inclusion, entrapped fragment of collagen
laminated calcifications, degenerated lysosomes
schaumann bodies
stellate inclusion, entrapped fragment of collagen
asteroid bodies
hamazaki weisenberg bodies
small yellow brown structures (large lymphocytes) in LN in sarcoid
labs in sarcoid
elevated ACE
sarcoid prognosis and mortality
60% resolve within 2y
observe 3-12 months
if needed, steroids
4-10% mortality
kveim test
injection of sterile sarcoid
non tender persistent swelling of one or both lips
orofacial granulomatosis
what to rule out for orofacial granulomatosis
melkerson rosenthal syndrome, Chron’s, sarcoid, TB, leprosy, foreign body
orofacial granulomatosis involving only lip
cheilitis granulomatosa (of Miescher)
granulomatous inflammation on gingiva only: what to rule out
foreign material
wegeners granulomatosis locations
granulomatous lesions of respiratory tract, glomerulonephritis, systemic vasulitis
types of wegeneres (3)
classic: upper and lower resp tract + rapid renal lesions (aka generalized)
limited: respiratory without renal
superficial (skin and mucosal only, slowly develops systemic)
wegeners and nose
saddle nose deformity – destroys nasal septum
oral wegeners
strawberry gingivitis (hyperplastic gingiva with hemorrhagic bulbous projections)
strawberry gingivitis
hyperplastic gingiva with hemorrhagic bulbous projections
oral wegeners
hyperplastic gingiva with hemorrhagic bulbous projections
strawberry gingivitis
oral wegeners
non strawberry oral wegeners
ulcerations, facial paralysis, labial mucosa nodules, sinusitis related toothache, TMJ arthralgia, jaw claudication, palatal ulceration, oral-antral fistula, poorly healing extraction
histo wegeners
RBC extravastaion close to surgace
sinonasls: necrosis, vasculitis, granulomatous inflammation
wegeners labs
c-ANCA (also for monitoring)
confirm with PR3 Elisa
wegeners tx
prednisons + cyclophosphamide
risk of adverse drug rxns with 2, 5, 8+ drigs
6% with 2
50% with 5
100% with 8+
patterns of stomatitis medicamentosa
anaphylactic, fixed drug eription, lichenoid, lupus like, pemphigus like, nonspecific vesiculo-ulcerative/aphthous like
which drug can prompt PV-like lesions
string of pearls on IIF
IgG along basal cell layer – stomatitis medicametosa
circulating antibody in stomatitis medicamentosa
basal cell cytoplasmic antibody
stomatitis medicamentosa on IIF
IgG string of pearls
allergic contact stomatitis aka
stomatitis venenata
contact cinnamon stomatitis histo
mixed infiltrate that obscures connective tissue/epith interface and perivascular inflammation
gingiva and allergy
plasma cell gingivitis
amalgam allergy
lichenoid contact stomatitis
usually old amalgams
–> erosion and relase of ions
lichenoid stomatitis vs lichen planus
no migration, directly relates to dental material, improves upon removal, patch test to dental material positive
koebner phenomenon
pts w contact stomatitis but negative patch test
pts w contact stomatitis but negative patch test
koebner phenomenon
angioedema aka
Quincke’s dz
mechanisms of angioedema (5)
1- mast cell degranulation (histamine and IgE mediated/allergic)
2 - ACEi and ARB
3 - complement pathway, deficiency of C1-INH activity
4 = high Ab-Ag complexes (lupus, viral/bacterial infx)
5 - elevated peripheral blood eosinophils
deficient C1-INH activity
hereditary - type I (less C1-INH) and type II (normal levels but dysfunctional C1-INH)
acquired - lymphoprilferative dz (autoAB consumes C1-INH) or autoimmune (autoABbinds to and reduces C1-INH fx)
tx for angioedema
allergic - histamine
ACE and hereditary/acquired - C1-INH concentrate
autoimmune - steroids
transient lingual papillitis which papillae
periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
major aphthae (aka sutton)
sweet syndrome
Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis High fever Leukocytosis Red plaques Neutrophilia
Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
sweet syndrome High fever Leukocytosis Red plaques Neutrophilia
classic triad of reactive arthritis
1-nongonococcal urethritis
reiter syndrome
reactive arthritis + mucocutaneous component
1-nongonococcal urethritis
reactive arthritis
1-nongonococcal urethritis
4-mucocutaneous component
reiter syndrome
behcet HLA
violaceous indurated plaques ddx
lupus pernio (sarcoid) lupus vulgaris (TB)
scattered erythematous nodules on lower leg
erythema nodosum - consider sarcoi
degenerated lysosomes in granulomata
schaumann - consider sarcoid
entrapped collagen in granulomata
asteroid bodies - consider sarcoid
intradermal injection of human sarcoid tissue
kveim test
melkersson rosenthal components
- Facial paralysis
- Fissured tongue
- Swelling of lip
cheilitis granulomatosa eponym
types of wegeners
Limited: respiratory system
Superficial: Skin and mucosa
Generalized: respiratory and renal and small arteries (vasculitis)
strawberry gingivitis
4 criteria for wegeners
4 Criteria:
- Granulomatous inflammation
- Oral ulcerations
- Abnormal urinary sediment
- Cavities on chest wall
immunofluorescne in wegeners
Indirect immunofluorescence or serum AB against Anti neutrophilic cytoplasm antibodies
best AB for wegeners diagnosis
1- PR3-ANCA; c-ANCA : proteinase-3 / part of neutrophilic azurophilic cytoplasmic granules
proteinase 3
ELISA and PR3-ANCA indirect immunofluorescence for wegeners
vasculitides other than wegeners (low specificity)
MPO-ANCA; p-ANCA: Myeloperoxidase neutrophil lysosomal granules
c-ANCA new name
p-ANCA new name
allergic contact stomatitis sex
circumoral vs perioral dermatitis
Persistent erythematous papules involving the skin surrounding the vermilion border
there is spared skin ( vs circumoral dermatitis)
gold standard tx for perioral dermatitis
oral tetracycline
Persistent erythematous papules involving the skin surrounding the vermilion border
there is spared skin
perioral/periorificial dermatitis
angioedema vs emphysema
Cervicofacial emphysema:
Air pocket in facial spaces
ethnic angioedema
3-4x more in black ppl
poss reasons for angioedema
hypersensitivity (IgE and mast cells)
ACEi *-pril
herediratary (C1-INH – type 1 *85% less of it, type 2 doesn’t work)
acquired - lymphoproliferative dzz and autoimmune
lupus and infections – higher AG-AB complexes in principle
also w high peripheral eosinophils