5: bacterial Flashcards
increased risk of impetigo in adults with
HIV, diabetes, dialysis
most common impetigo; cause and appearance
nonbullous most common
strep pyogenes + staph aureus
cornflakes glued to skin
bullous impetigo cause and age
more in newborns; caused by staph aureus
erysipela eponym
saint anthony’s fire
erysipela most common location
leg associated with athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
facial erisypelas ddx
lupus, melasma, angioedema
erisypela skin texture
peau d’orange
scarlet fever tongue
white strawberry first 2 days
red strawberry days 4-5
scarlet fever skin rash description
subnurn with goose pimples (erection of hairs_’ also sandpaper rash
sanpaper rash
scarlet fever
orange peel skin infection
pastia’s lines
red streaks in skin folds 2/2 vessel fragility in scarlet fever
red streaks in scarlet fever
pastia’s lines
tonsillar concretions why
keratin, bacteria, foreign material
dystrophic calcification in tonsil
tonsillolith, calcified concretions
diphtheria caused by
C diphtheriae (Klebs-Loffer)
primary syphilis lesion
secondary syphilis lesions
skin rash, mucous patches, condyloma lata
condyloma lata syphilis stage
mucous patches syphilis stage
chancre syphilis stage
skin rash syphilis stage
mucous patch over oral commissure
syphilis stage 2, split papules
split papules syphilis stage
2; mucous patches on commissures
widespread secondary syphilis when and name
lues maligna, especially in HIV+
pupil does not react to light infection
Argyll-Robertson, tertiary syphilis
glossitis in tertiary syphilis
interstitial glossitis/lobulated tongue
glossitis syphilis stage
luetic glossitis
atrophy and loss tongue papillae
congenital syphilis triad
hutchinson’s teeth, ocular keratitis, eighth nerve deafness
initial response to tx in syphilitic pts
Jarisch Herxheiner – fever, malaise, headache, exacerbation of skin lesions
infection with gonorrhea during childbirth
gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum
complication of gonorrhea in women
pelvic inflammatory disease
muultiple small foci of TB
miliary TB
TB vs pneumonia
TB low grade fever vs pneumonia high
skin involvement in TB
lupus vulgaris
lupus vulgaris
skin involvement in TB
wasting syndrome in TB
calcified cervical TB LN
calcified cervical TB LN
false negative PPD settings
HIV+, sarcoidosis, Hodgkins, measles
TB tx
isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide
two forms of leprosy
tuberculoid (localized/paucibacillary) and lepromatous (diffuse/multibacillary/nerve involement, leonine fascies, collapse of nose bridge, oral lesions)
oral lesions which leprosy
facies leprosa why
bone destruction
atrophy of anterior nasal spine, maxillary alveolar ridge, endonasal infalmmation
lepra cells
vauolated histiocytes, mainly multibacillary lepra
noma agents
fusobacterium necrophorum and Prevotella intermedia
noma causes/settings
measles, leukemia, AIDS
poor OH, poverty, malnitrition
actinomyces 2 species
israelii and viscosus
forms of actinomycosis
cervicofacial, abdominopelvic, pulmonary
sulfur granules agents
actinomycosis and botryomycosis (S aureus infection)
cat scracth disease agent
bartonella henselae
bartonella henselae causes
cat scratch disease and bacillary angiomatosis
cat scratch disease associated syndrome
oculoglandular syndrome of parinaud
conjunctival granuloma and periauricular lymphadenopathy
conjunctival granuloma and periauricular lymphadenopathy
oculoglandular syndrome of parinaud
cat scratch disease associated
oculoglandular syndrome of parinaud
conjunctival granuloma and periauricular lymphadenopathy
cat scratch disease associated
bacillary angiomatosis agent
bartonella henselae
scarlet fever why rash
bacterial toxins attack blood vessels
cause of scarlet fever
group A beta hemolytic streps
pastia’s lines
red streaks in skin folds in scarlet fever
tonsillitis most commonly 2/2
viral (70%)
cause of diphtheria
corynebacterium diphth