8th Grade History Test 6 (Semester Exam) Flashcards
What did the colonists call the Seven Years’ War?
French and Indian War
Which was not a type of colonial government?
What trailblazer claimed the Bible and a rifle as his “two best friends”?
Jedediah Smith
Who is known as “the Father of Texas”?
Stephen Austin
What land purchase doubled the size of America?
Louisiana Purchase
What was the largest wagon rain ever to go west?
Great Migration
Who explored much of Mexico and conquered the powerful Aztec empire?
Hernando Cortes
Why was the Ole Deluder Satan Act passed in Massachusetts?
to make sure that children learned to read the Bible
In what city did wagon trains heading West usually start?
Independence, Missouri
What Indian tribe endured much suffering on the “Trail of Tears”?
Which was the first permanent English colony founded in the New World?
What colony did the Pilgrims establish?
Who is known as the “Pathfinder of the Seas” because of his work with oceanography?
Matthew Maury
Why was America named after America Vespucci?
He was the first to realize that a new continent had been found.
Who was the commanding officer of the Americans at the Alamo?
Colonel William Travis
What 18-minute battle won Texan independence from Mexico?
Battle of San Jacinto
Who was elected to be the first President of the Republic of Texas?
Sam Houston
What colony did John Winthrop describe as “a city upon a hill”?
Massachusetts Bay
What battle involved the first major amphibious landing of American forces?
What is Peter Cartwright best remembered as?
circuit-riding preacher
Who founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church?
Richard Allen
Why did most Americans move West?
to seek new land and better opportunity for their families
Why did the Cayuse Indians kill Marcus Whitman?
They thought he was allowing their children to die
How did Independence Rock receive is name?
Wagon trains usually reached it in July.
Which of the following men became a missionary to Japan? Matthew Perry Jonathan Goble Townsmen Harris Marcus Whitman
Jonathan Goble
promoted transcendentalism
Ralph Waldo Emerson
wrote History of Plymouth Plantation
William Bradford
said “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
Patrick Henry
wrote Moby Dick
Herman Melville
explored Kentucky
Daniel Boone
wrote the Blue-Backed Speller
Noah Webster
published Poor Richard’s Almanac
Ben Franklin
said “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.”
Daniel Webster
wrote Huckleberry Finn
Samuel Clemens
declared himself dictator of Mexico
Santa Anna
opened Japan up to trade
Matthew Perry
“Father of the Santa Fe Trail”
William Becknell
“Old Rough and Ready”
Zachary Taylor
discovered Hawaii
James Cook
“Father of Western African Missions”
Lott Carey
James Fenimore Cooper is famous for writing the
Leather stocking Tales
The pioneer wagons heading West were known as
prairie schooners
The ____ Treaty opened up Japan to missionary activity.
Townshend Harris
John McLoughlin was given the title “Father of ___.”
John Deere invented the
steel plow
William McGuffey is best known for his ___ textbooks.
Cyrus McCormick invented the
mechanical reaper
What vehicle did Jonathan Goble invent to transport his ill wife?
What state is called the “Lone Star Republic”?
In which battle did Jim Bowie and Davy Crocket die?
What was the name of the great revival that swept America in the 1700s?
Great Awakening
Who nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, sparking the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther
What famous poem did Francis Scott Key write?
“The Star-Spangled Banner”
From what country did America purchase the Louisiana Territory?
The ___ ing and queen, Ferdinand and Isabella, sponsored Columbus’s expedition.
____ was the first modern European explorer to set foot on the mainland of North America.
John CAbot
The colony of ___ was founded as a refuge fore debtor prisoners to work and pay off their debts.
The idea that the colonies existed solely for the good of their Mother Country was called
The ___ Act required colonists to furnish British soldiers with certain supplies and living quarters.
Lord North repealed all of the Townshend Acts except the
tea tax
The formal ceremony in which a President is officially placed in office is called
The most widely used textbook in colonial America was the
New England Primer
____ was nicknamed “Old Tippecanoe.”
William Henry Harrison
____ made further improvements on the power loom.
Francis Cabot Lowell
Study your maps of the Western Hemisphere and the United States.