8.3 Establishing Norman control of England Flashcards
After Harold’s death what did the Witan do?
Crown Edgar the Æthling as king
What did William do to each place which rebelled?
He built a castle and a garrison.
When did William take the throne of England and who crowned him?
On Christmas Day, 1066, William was crowned king by the Archbishop of
York Ealdred, refuses Archbishop of Canterbury, Stigand.
William first head to Canterbury in 1066 during his conquest of England? Why does he do this and how the people of Canterbury react?
- Head of English Church
- submit to William immediately
After Canterbury, William heads to ________? How do the people react?
- London
- He is forced back
- So William burns the surrounding area of Southwark, London
After William heads to London, he heads for_______? How do the people react?
- Winchester
- Previous capital, before London
- Site of the Treasury, economically the most power area in England
- Contains important church
- After seeing William’s reaction to London, they surrender
After William heads to Winchester, he heads for_______? How do the people react?
- Berkhamsted
- Meets with leading English earls
- Offers oath of Fealty in exchange for the earls keeping their titles and power
- Notable members Edgar, Edwin, Morcar swear oath
- William order the burning of area between London and Berkhamsted as a warning
Who does William replace Stigand with in 1070 as the new Archbishop of Canterbury?
What does William do in March 1067?
Goes back to Normandy
During the time William goes to Normandy in 1067, who rebels?
Edric the Wild, a Herefordshire thane, revolts at the Welsh border with support from the Welsh Princes
What are some areas where Edric the Wild havocs?
Cheshire, Stafford
When and where is Edric the Wild defeated?
1069, Shrewsbury by William
Due to rebellions in the Welsh border, who does William employ there?
The Marcher Lords
Give an example of a Marcher Lord.
William FitzOsbern
In 1068, which city rebels against William?
City of Exeter
How many days does the City of Exeter hold out to William’s siege before surrendering?
18 days (Harold’s mother Gytha was involved)
After William heads to Exeter, he heads for_______? How do the people react?
- Bristol and Gloucester
- Meets resistance by Harold Godwinson’s sons and their followers
Whilst William is occupied with Exeter and Bristol and Gloucester, who heads North planning their rebellion against the King?
Edgar, Edwin and Morcar and raise forces, also joined by Waltheof
In January 1069, who was burned to death and whose house is destroyed, these acting as a direct provocation against William’s authority?
Robert De Comines
Bishop of York’s house is burned down
How does the situation in the North become worse for William in 1069? Hint: Vikings
240 Viking ships into North Yorkshire, joining Edgar’s and Waltheof’s army
What success do Edgar and Waltheof achieve?
They capture the Castle of York
How does William’s cause the Vikings to leave Edgar’s and Waltheof’s army?
He pays them off
After William’s gains the Vikings allegiance, what does Edgar do?
Flee to Scotland, knowing he will be welcomed King Malcolm who has recently married Edgar’s sister
After William’s gains the Vikings allegiance, what does Edwin and Morcar do?
Edwin flees North, assuming he will find protection against William with Malcom, the King of Scotland but is betrayed by 3 of his followers and turned over to the Normans and murdered
Morcar roams around the northern countryside attempting to raise further rebellions. However, he is shunned by the northerners as he was responsible for the North but fled during the Harrying, so no one would rise with him, afraid of the consequences they would face by William.