8.220 Domestic Abuse And DUI Violations By Employees Flashcards
What are the consequences of domestic abuse and DUI violations by employees?
Breach of the department’s fundamental values and community confidence
Violations are addressed through administrative sanctions and court-specified remedies.
How are criminal violations by employees generally handled?
According to LVMPD 8.200, Criminal Violations by Law Enforcement Employees
Domestic abuse and DUI cases may have different procedures.
What may reduce disciplinary sanctions for domestic abuse and DUI cases?
Successful completion of a treatment program
This consideration is due to the availability of court-referred treatment programs.
What is the requirement for members subject to an ‘extended order for protection’ under NRS 33.031?
They may only carry department-authorized firearms while performing their duties
This is specifically related to domestic abuse cases.
What should an Employee’s Division/Office Commander do upon notification of an employee’s domestic abuse or DUI offense?
Determine if an extended order for protection has been entered
This includes ensuring compliance with firearm possession regulations.
What action should be taken if a member is prohibited from using or possessing a firearm?
Ensure the member only has the firearm while on duty and store it when off duty
The firearm must be stored by the member’s bureau commander or designee.
What steps should be taken if an IAB complaint is sustained against an employee?
Determine court-referral actions and employee eligibility for treatment
This involves contacting the Clark County Manager of Employee Assistance and Wellness Programs.
What are the possible outcomes if a court referral is not available for the offense?
Discipline may include options such as being not offered, declined, not satisfactorily completed, or completed with accompanying discipline
These outcomes vary based on the situation.
What is the role of the employee’s immediate supervisor in addressing the employee’s behavior?
Implement discipline and/or counseling, training, or care programs
Supervisors ensure any reduction in discipline due to treatment completion retains the initial designation.
Fill in the blank: The department will make ______ programs available to assist members in resolving contributory problems.
This refers to programs aimed at helping employees with issues related to domestic abuse and DUI.
True or False: An employee can possess a firearm off duty if they are subject to an extended order for protection.
They can only carry department-authorized firearms while on duty.