6.360 Crime Scene Investigations And Investigative Personnel Notifications Flashcards
What is the primary responsibility of the patrol officer upon arrival at a crime scene?
To evaluate circumstances, take immediate action, render aid, and protect the crime scene
This includes conducting a preliminary investigation as outlined in LVMPD 6.300.
Who assumes responsibility when a patrol officer arrives in a supervisory capacity?
The patrol officer in a supervisory capacity will evaluate circumstances and direct efforts of assigned officers.
What types of crimes require notification of Patrol Investigations?
Property-related and person-related crimes at a felony level, suspicious deaths, and crimes requiring follow-up and search warrants
Examples include auto thefts, grand larceny, and domestic-related crimes.
What is the role of the Homicide Section in suspicious death investigations?
The Homicide Section lieutenant will be notified if something suspicious is observed at the scene.
What is the responsibility of the area sergeant or lieutenant at major incidents?
To assume command, evaluate circumstances, and determine the need for Crime Scene Investigations (CSI).
Fill in the blank: The _______ is a vital document for identifying and prosecuting suspects in a crime scene.
Major Incident Log
What must officers do if no photographs or physical evidence are recovered at a serious crime scene?
Ensure an explanation is included in applicable reports.
What are the responsibilities of Crime Scene Analysts (CSAs) at a crime scene?
To assess, document, and process the crime scene, including collecting and marking evidentiary material.
True or False: Officers can use personal devices to take photographs at crime scenes.
What is required if human remains are discovered that may belong to a Native American?
Consult a representative of a tribe or notify the Office of Historic Preservation.
Which crimes require the immediate follow-up of the Theft Crimes Bureau (TCB) Robbery Section?
Commercial robberies with serious injuries, takeover robberies, armored car robberies, and ongoing series robberies.
Fill in the blank: Evidence found at secondary locations is the responsibility of the _______ unless determined otherwise.
finding officer
What documentation must patrol officers complete at a crime scene?
All reports associated with the event and the Major Incident Log.
What happens if an investigating bureau/section does not require follow-up investigation?
The patrol officer retains investigative responsibility.
Who is responsible for photographing crime scenes in dynamic incidents?
A sergeant or higher, authorized by a lieutenant or above.
What is the protocol for disseminating photographs from dynamic incidents?
Photographs must be uploaded to OnBase and Evidence.com, and a log must document the exchange/change of custody.
What should be done if evidence is physically handled by officers other than CSAs?
Those officers will properly book and seal all evidence to maintain the chain of custody.
What is the role of the Homicide Section supervisor at a homicide scene?
To oversee police activities occurring at the crime scene.
What types of deaths are treated as homicides until proven otherwise?
All reported deaths or bodily injuries inflicted upon a person where death is a probability.
What is the protocol when death is treated as a homicide?
Investigative follow-up coordinated by a Homicide Section supervisor
All follow-up includes interviews and evidence collection by Homicide Section personnel.
Who is notified when a suspicious death is confirmed?
The Homicide Section lieutenant or designee
This notification ensures appropriate detectives are involved in the investigation.
What is the role of the Force Investigation Team (FIT)?
Conduct investigations related to critical events, in-custody deaths, and police-involved incidents
FIT ensures effective prosecution against violent acts against LVMPD members.
What does the Critical Incident Review Team (CIRT) focus on?
Conducting administrative investigations to identify policy and procedure shortcomings
CIRT aims to prevent similar outcomes in future incidents.
What incidents require FIT notification?
Officer-involved shootings, in-custody deaths, use of deadly force incidents
Also includes critical injury incidents involving police involvement.
When should CIRT be notified?
On all officer-involved shootings, in-custody deaths, and use of deadly force incidents
Includes incidents where officers are victims of violent felony crimes.
What defines a ‘gesture’ in the context of inmate actions?
Actions by inmates that appear to be suicide attempts but are intended to gain attention
These gestures do not indicate actual intent to harm.
Who is responsible for responding to critical incidents at the Detention Services Division?
The on-duty DSD or patrol watch commander
They ensure the on-call FIT/CIRT lieutenant is notified.
What crimes require immediate notification of the Safe Neighborhoods Bureau Gangs Section?
Homicide, attempted murder, gang-related violent felony crimes
Also includes incidents where actionable gang intelligence can be gained.
What is the role of the FIT detective at a FIT investigation?
Responsible for all police activities at the crime scene
They coordinate with CSAs for evidence collection and processing.
What must occur before commencing a crime scene investigation?
FIT detective and CSAs confer to determine actions and personnel authorized to enter
Only essential personnel should enter the crime scene perimeter.
What happens if a suspect commits suicide after being pursued by officers?
FIT will be notified and may conduct a suicide investigation at the termination point
May involve a countdown of firearms of involved officers.
How is the Coroner’s Office notified of deaths?
By the patrol officer, Homicide Section detective, or FIT detective in charge, depending on the cause of death
Notifications vary based on the nature of the death (suicide, homicide, etc.).