81 04 Longitudinal Stability Flashcards
A positive Cm is what kind of motion?
A nose up motion
What effect on AOA do the following have?
- Up gust: increases AOA
- Down gust: decreases AOA
What is the Absolute AOA?
Absolute AOA is AOA corrected such that at 0 degrees AOA, L = 0
Given by Alpha a
What factors increases the pitching moment coefficient?
Which has the most impact?
- Increased Dynamic pressure
- Increased surface area of the wings
- Increased MAC
- q, Dynamic pressure has the greatest impact. So Pitching moment will be greater at higher speeds.
What gives the greatest contribution to the longitudinal stability of an AC?
The Tail Plane
What factors effect the size of the moment produced by the Tail Plane?
What is this know as?
- Surface are of the Tail Plane
- The distance of the Tail plane from the CG
- Collectively this is known as the Tail Volume
What impact do the following have on the Longitudinal Stability of an AC?
- Wings
- Fuselage
- Engine Nacelles (assuming pod mounted)
- Wings: Stabilising
- Fuselage: De-stabilising
- Engine Nacelles: De-stabilising
- Over all AC is Stable though due to the strong influence of the Tail Plane.
What is the impact of CG on the Longitudinal stability of an AC?
- Further forward the CG the more stable the AC is
- AC is most stable when the CG is at the forward limit and least stable when it is at the aft limit
What is the Neutral Point?
- The aft most point on an aerofoil the CG can move to before the AC becomes statically unstable.
- This is a fixed point decided on during the design of the AC
What is the Static Margin?
This is the safety margin between the neutral point and the aft CG limit
What is the effect of flaps on stability and why?
- Trailing edge flaps themselves are stabilising
- Overall high lift devises are De-stabilising. This is due to the increase in downwash which reduces the effectiveness of the Tail Plane
What is the Stick Force Gradient?
The amount of extra stick force which must be applied per unit increase of LF
(LF = n = g)
Stick Force Gradient = Stick Force x Increase in LF
What is an important factor to remember when calculating Stick Force Gradient (= Stick Force x LF increase)?
An AC starts at 1g so must minus 1 from the LF
What is Aerodynamic dampening?
As an AC pitches up (+ve CM) the RAF on the Tail Plane changes. This changes the AOA on the Tail Plane which reduces the downforce the tail is producing.
Therefore, during the pitching manoeuvre, the AC is resistant to pitching up.
What is the effect of Altitude on Aerodynamic dampening?
As altitude increases, TAS increases, so there is a shallower AOA to the tail plane.
Therefore higher altitude reduces Aerodynamic dampening.
What are the two types of periodic Dynamic Stability?
- Short Period Oscillations
- Long Period Oscillations (Aka Phugoid)
How long are short period oscillations and what effect do they have?
- Aprox. 1sec
- Little impact on height and airspeed
- Large impact on AOA and LF
How long are long period (phugoid) oscillations and what do they effect?
- 1 to 2mins
- Little change on AOA and LF
- Large impact on height and airspeed
What is the effect of Altitude on static and dynamic Longitudinal stability?
Static and dynamic stability reduce with altitude
What is the effect of CG on static and dynamic Longitudinal stability?
A forward CG will increase Static and dynamic stability
What simple system can be used to increase the stick force felt when increasing LF?
Bob Weight