81 02 Effects Of High Speed Flight Flashcards
Define Mcrit
Mcrit is the fastest possible Free Stream Mach Number where all Local Mach Speeds are <= 1.0 (I.e. Subsonic/Sonic) and there are no shockwaves
What happens to CP as Normal Shockwaves develop?
CP moves aft
What happens to CL as an AC progresses through the Transonic region for a constant AOA?
- Overall CL decreases across the Transonic region
- Initially CL increases due to the greater upwash of the free stream flow as it approaches the leading edge
- CL then rapidly drops due to the separation of the flow behind the Normal shockwave (adverse pressure gradient)
- CL falls further due to the development of a Normal shockwave below
- CL recovers slightly once the lower shockwave reaches the trailing edge
What is the effect on CL, CLmax and Crit AOA with increasing Mach Number?
- For any given AOA CL is increased due to the increased upwash ahead of the leading edge
- CLmax and Crit AOA are both reduced due to the adverse pressure gradient created by the shockwaves
- CLmax slowly decreases with increasing Mach until Mdrag-divergence
What is Shock Stall and how does it differ from low speed stall?
- The Mach at which CLmax is reached
- Occurs at a higher speed then Mcrit
- Similar to low speed stall as it is caused by flow separation due to an adverse pressure gradient
- Differs from low speed stall as it can occur at any AOA and only at high speed
What is Mdrag-divergence, where does it occur in relation to Mcrit and Shock Stall and what causes it?
- The point at which CD rises rapidly
- At a point after than Mcrit and Shock Stall
- Caused by the separation of flow by adverse pressure gradient, which generates Wave Drag
What is the effect of increasing Mach on drag and CL/CD ratio?
- Drag increases significantly past Mdrag-divergence
- Due to a greater increase in Parasite drag and Wave drag
- As a result the CL/CD ratio drops considerably after Mdrag-divergence
What is the effect on CP across the Transonic range?
- As the Mach number increases the CP moves forward and aft eventually settling on about 50% MAC
- Generally the moment arm between the CG and CP increases with increasing Mach
- Therefore the AC will generally become more longitudinally stable
Describe what Mach Tuck is?
- When Shock Stall occurs close to the wing root, this decreases the downwash in this area
- This reduces the AOA on the tail plane meaning that it losses downforce
- Also caused by a forward movement of the CP
- This results in a sudden nose down pitching
What is a Mach Trimmer and can you fly without one?
- Mach trimmer automatically adjusts the variable incidence tail plane to counter the pitch changes due to movements of the CP with increasing Mach
- It is possible to fly without a Mach Trimmer but the max Mach number allowed will be limited to well below Mcrit
What is Stick Force Gradient and how can it change when unsuitable AC start to fly at high Mach numbers?
- Stick Force Gradient: As an AC increases in speed, it is necessary that the pilot pushes forward on the control stick to remain straight and level
- At increasing Mach numbers it is possible that an AC’s Stick Force Gradient may become neutral and then negative (i.e. Pull back on stick rather than push forward)
What is the effect on control surfaces of high Mach speeds?
- As Mach numbers increase, shock waves can form just in front of control surfaces
- These cause the air flow to separate making the control surface ineffective
- This can be especially serious if it occurs to the elevator due to the marked trim changes through out the transonic region
- At high Mach numbers ailerons are locked out and spoilers are used for roll inputs
What is Control Buzz?
- Occurs when a shockwave forms directly on a control surface
- Due to the rapid pressure changes this causes high frequency oscillations of the control surface
What is High Speed Buffet?
- Separation of the air flow due to shockwaves causes tumbling air to be formed
- This high speed tumbling wake can strike the airframe and the horizontal stabiliser causing severe buffeting
What is the Aerodynamic Ceiling?
- It is the altitude where the Mach number for the low speed and high speed stall are incident
- It is not possible for an AC to fly higher than this as it will stall
What is the Buffet Margin and how is it effected by altitude?
- Buffet Margin describes the available Mach speeds between the low speed stall and the high speed stall
- As altitude increases this margin reduces until you reach the Aerodynamic Ceiling at which point there is only one available Mach speed
What are the factors effecting the Buffet Margin other than altitude?
- Buffet Margin is mainly effected by the amount of lift the wings need to generate
- As this increases the Mach No for low speed stall increases and the Mach No for high speed stall decreases
- Mass of the AC: increased mass, smaller buffet margin
- Load Factor: increased LF, smaller buffet margin
- AOB: increased AOB, smaller buffet margin
- CG Position: fwd CG increases the downforce needed from the tail plane, smaller buffet margin
What can be implemented to delay the formation of shockwaves and therefore increase Mcrit?
- Reducing the thickness to chord ratio
- Increase the sweep back of the wings
- Anything which reduces the air flow speed over the wing
- Area Ruling
What are the advantages and disadvantages of thinner wings with regards to high speed and low speed flight?
- Reduces the flow speed over the wing, increasing Mcrit
- AC can fly at higher Mach numbers for the same CAS drag
- Less room for control surfaces, fuel and landing gear
- Less camber and thickness means less lift
- Longer takeoff and landing distances
- Faster stall speeds
Describe a Super Critical aerofoil and its advantages and disadvantages
- Delays the formation of wave drag whilst still retaining a larger thickness to chord ratio
- Flatter upper surface to reduce the speed of the flow over the wing
- A more rounded leading edge helps recover some of the lost lift
- The lower surface is negatively cambered, also to increase lift
- Thicker means it can be made stronger
- More space for control surfaces, fuel, landing gear
- More susceptible to contamination
- Produces a rapid and unpredictable movement of the separation point
What is the effect of sweepback on high speed flight?
- Only the flow perpendicular to the leading edge of the wing effects the pressure distribution, the effective flow
- Increasing the sweep back of the wings reduces the effective flow therefore increasing Mcrit
- Also reduces the effective camber of the wing so the flow has a gentler acceleration over the upper surface
- However, this means the wings must work harder thus it increases the stall speed
- Short haul: 25% sweepback
- Long haul: 37% sweepback
What effect do Vortex Generators have with regards to high speed flight?
- Mix high energy free flow into the low energy boundary layer flow
- Re-energising of the boundary layer flow delays separation due to shockwaves and can even reattach separated flow
- Can be placed in front of control surfaces to improve their effectiveness
Describe what Area Ruling is and what is its effect on high speed flight
- Area ruling states that to reduce form drag, the cross sectional area of an AC should increase and decrease gradually
- Biggest cause of rapid increase and decrease in cross sectional area is the wings
- By ‘Wasting’ the fuselage this can be reduced
- However, wasting reduces the capacity of the AC
What can be determined from a BOB (Buffet Onset Boundary) chart?
- Mach numbers at which low speed and Mach buffet occur and the aerodynamic ceiling for different masses and altitudes