8 - Disease Activity Flashcards
What are some of the different probe designs used?
Florida probe - measured 0.2mm at 25gm. Stiff metal
Florida disc probe - frisbee on top that hit on occlusal surface and then probe to base of pocket
Alabama Jeffcoat probe - could feel CEJ subgingival, measures 0.1mm changes
What determines penetration of probe into sulcus?
Probe thickness Force Tooth contours Degree of inflammation Loss of CT
Does the probe penetrate into the CT?
Caton - not with 25gm. There was increased probe depth with visible inflammation
Fowler - Yes, with 50gm in untreated ChP the probe will penetrate 0.45mm beyond the JE. In health, the probe tip stops 0.73mm coronal to the base of the JE
What leads to probe depth reduction after treatment?
Decreased tissue penetration that is secondary to a reduction in inflammation, new collagen production, or long JE
Does it matter the location or angulation of the probe?
Persson - line angle vs interproximal leads to underestimating by 1mm. Line angle more reproducible
Ziegler and Allen - 25 degree angle from the long axis, 0.5mm discrepancy
What effect does probe tip diameter have?
Pressure = force/area squared
Double force = 2x pressure
Double diameter = 1/4x pressure
Wider probe, less penetration
UNC probe is 0.4mm
Where does a probe go in furcations?
In untreated facial molar furcations, the probe penetrates CT and does not record the true PD/CAL
In a maintenance population, is a conventional or force-controlled probe better?
PD/CAL measurements are more reproducible with: PD <3mm Maxillary Anterior Manual
How reproducible are PD/CAL measurements?
90% within 1mm
Reproducibility increases with treatment, anterior, incisors, and shallow PD
How accurate is bone sounding?
At 30g, R value 0.98 with average distance of 0.3mm
How does probing force affect CAL gain measurements?
A higher probing force is more reproducible
A lower probing force allows better detection of small changes BUT may underestimate CAL gain because it only measures tissue shrinkage
“The harder you probe the…”
Deeper it goes. By 2X for each 1N/cm2 increase in force
Larsen SR
What is the histology in a BOP vs non-BOP site?
BOP - plasma cells, infiltrated CT, proliferation of rete pegs/PE/JE, widened intercellular spaces, tortuous extensions of rete pegs into CT
Does a decrease in BOP mean a decrease in % ICT?
YES - with an interproximal gingival biopsy 4 weeks after NST there is significant CT repair and an increase in fibroblasts, collagen, and endothelial cells
What is Lindhe’s loser site?
Where/when/who does it occur most?
CAL loss >2mm
It occurs most in older people, IP, molar, and with initial advanced LOA
These loser sites occur in a small % of people. 12% of subjects had 70% of loser sites
What effect does disease threshold have on PPV?
Increase threshold rom 1 site to 2 sites losing >2mm attachment
PPV goes up and false positives goes down
Fastest way to increase PPV of “loser” sites?
Increase the prevalence of loser sites
How does most ChP disease progress?
Using the Alabama probe, disease activity was defined as 0.4mm
The majority have a linear pattern (76%)
12% with a burst
12% with exacerbation and remission
What markers/microbes are higher at “active” sites?
What is the definition of an active site in this study?
Active site: 2mm or more of CAL over 2 months
PG, anaerobes, RANKL, IL-1B, MMP-13, and CD4/8/19 greater at active sites
What happens to systemic markers with ChP treatment?
Decrease in superoxide release when stimulated by PG/FN
Lower CRP post-treatment as well
What puts patients at increased risk for disease progression? Is the lamina dura protective?
After 30 months, PD 5mm or greater and vertical defects have an OR of 10 and 4, respectively
Radiographic crestal lamina dura might be good indicator of clinical stability
Is the IL-1 polymorphism predictive for ChP?
NO evidence for association of IL-1 PST test w/ risk of undergoing tooth extraction
Is 2 dental visits a year helpful?
YES, 2 visits versus 1 associated with reducing the odds the patient has 1 or more tooth extractions over 16 years by 25%
What puts a patient at risk for BOP?
Deeper PD: 3mm 18% BOP, 5mm 46% BOP
Deeper the PD, more likely to have BOP
Does BOP predict ChP progression in a maintenance population?
If a site bleeds 4/4 times during maintenance, there is a 70% chance of no attachment loss
Continuous absence of BOP is a reliable indicator for the maintenance of periodontal health. Presence of BOP is not a good indicator of disease progression
Does increased probing force increase BOP?
YES - strong BOP between BOP% and probing force
Linear increase of 11% per 0.25N increment
Do implants have BOP more easily? What is the recommended probing pressure?
At 0.25N, more BOP at implant vs natural.
With 0.15N/0.25N, PD consistently deeper at peri-implant sites
Is there a relationship between CAL and BOP, suppuration, or plaque?
Sx + maintenance population
BOP and plaque are not prognostic for CAL
Suppuration is a weak prognosticator for CAL
What are predictors for CAL?
BOP >75% and >1mm PD increase = 87%
1mm or more PD increase = 68%