36 - Mucogingival 2 - Hunter - DONE Flashcards
Is flap thickness a relevant predictor for root coverage when doing coronally positioned flaps?
Yes, Baldi found that there is a direct relationship between flap thickness and recession reduction
When flap thickness was > 0.8 mm, 100% root coverage is achieved
Dr. Mills says a flap that is thin has decreased blood supply
Is there a critical threshold for thickness for coronally advanced flaps?
Systematic reviews say there is no critical threshold for success but that thicker flaps have more layers of keratinized epithelium, ECM, and collagen for physical protection and increased vascularity for wound healing.
What factors affect the predictability of CAF technique?
Huang found that a gingival thickness of 1.2 mm or greater was the greatest predictor for 100% root coverage
Maxillary teeth have more success that mandibular
Complete coverage occurs in younger patients
What is the relationship between the post-surgical gingival margin and root coverage in a coronally advanced flap?
Pini-Prato said The more coronal the gingival margin after suturing, the greater the probability of achieving complete root coverage
Do NCCLs and interdental tissues affect root coverage?
Yes, Pini-Prato said loss of interdental tissue (inter-proximal CAL loss) and the presence of NCCLs 1 mm or greater decrease ability to achieve complete root coverage
Does adding CTG to a CAF procedure help?
YEs, Cairo found that adding a CT graft to a CAF showed benefitical effects on width of keritanized tissued and percentage of complete root coverage
Is the CAF procedure stable long term?
Pini Prato found that In about 50% of patients the CAF procedure is stable long term. Instability is attributed to KT band less than 2 mm and absence of interdental tissue
What is better CAF or semilunar coronally repositioned flao?
Santana found that for Miller class 1 defects, CAF is superior because semilunar flaps leave a notable white scar and did not have as much change in receesion and CAL .
How do you decide if you are going to do a CAF alone or are you going to do a CAF plus CTH?
Cairo said that CAF + CT graft is most beneficial in a thin periodontal biotype. CAF alone may have same or better outcome in patients with a thick biotype.
In treating multiple gingival recessions would you prefer a CAF or a CTG?
Pini-Prato found at 6 months there is no difference, bbut that in the long eterm sites treated with CTG + CAF continued to improve while CAF alone did not (aka creeping attachment)
What’s better a xenogenic collagen matrix or a CTG when used as an adjunct to a CAF?
According to Tonetti, Using a xenogenic graft allows for shorter surgical time and waier revovergy, but using a CRG had imporived root coverage, KT width, and decreased sensitivity
Which would you choose a tunnel with a CTG or a CAF with emdogain?
Zuhr said taht the Tunnel was better than CAF in regards to predictibilaity of root coverage and keratinized tissue height but this is only in the case where tissue thickness was less than 1.4 mm. If it was greater, there was no difference in clinical outcomes
5 years later which has better results a CAF with biologics or a CTG?
McGuire found that in Miller class 2 defects results are stable and effect for both treatment modalities, but that CTG plus CAF had greater recession defect reductions and incrased KT
Is there a difference in results of patients treated with mucogingival procedures whether they received maintenance at a perio office versus a general dentists office?
McGuire found that patients maintained in a perio office had greater root coverage over a long period. Possible factors are longer periods between maintenace in GD office and more frequent review of atraumatic brushing techniques
If you had the choice between solvent-dehydrated (Puros dermis) or freeze-dried alloderm which would you choose?
Wang found that no significant difference exists between the two materials