8) Cardiac Exam Flashcards
What are the things to look at when doing a chart review?
- Md’s orders
- MHx
- Consultations
- MD’s notes
- Nursing notes
- Other HCP notes
- Labs
- Graphics
- D/c plans
What is a normal HR?
Sinus Tachycardia
Sx’s of sinus tachycardia
- Anxiety
- Anemia
- Fever
- Hypoxia
Sinus Bradycardia
HR <60bpm
Who might normally have sinus bradycardia?
Athletes & pt’s on beta-blockers
What does a pulse deficit mean?
Heart beats aren’t pumping enough blood
W/what conditions is a pulse deficit common?
A-fib & dysrhythmia
Pulse Scale
4+=Bounding 3+=Incr 2+=Brisk & expected 1+=Diminished & weaker than expected 0=Absent & unable to palpate
What BP is considered pre-hypertensive?
True or False: BP should be similar bilaterally.
What does a BP discrepancy mean?
The side w/the lower pressure has arterial compression or obstruction
What does a BP fall of 10mmHg indicate?
Orthostatic hypotension
What indicates orthostatic hypotension?
A BP fall of 10mmHg or more
What BP indicates a medical emergency?
200/110 or really low/no BP w/lack of normal mentation
What is the lowest the MAP should be?
Based on BP, when is activity contraindicated?
- SBP >200 or <80
* DBP >100
When should you terminate exercise?
SBP >250 & DBP >110
How do you calculate pulse pressure?
What is the normal range for pulse pressure?
What happens to the pulse pressure as a person ages?
It incr
What does a low pulse pressure indicate?
Vascular wall stiffness & predicts CV events
W/what conditions is a low pulse pressure common?
- Aortic valve disorders
- Severe anemia
- Overactive thyroid
How should breath rate be measured?
W/the pt seated comfortably
What is a normal breath rate?
> 20 breaths/min
<10 breaths/min
Pt’s subjective report of discomfort; SOB
Dyspnea Scale
1=Light, barely noticeable
2=Moderate, bothersome
3=Moderately severe; Very uncomfortable
4=Severe difficulty; Pt can’t continue
Sequelae of ventilatory issues
- Orthopnea
- Hyperventilation
- Hypoventilation
- Abdominal paradox
- Rib Retractions
What should you not forget to look at?
Pt’s hands
What will be frequently seen in pt’s using high-dose bronchodilators?
What do warm & sweaty hands w/an irregular flapping tremor indicate?
Acute CO2 retention
What is weakness & wasting of hand muscles an early sign of?
Pancoast Tumor
What is weakness & wasting of hand muscles an early sign of?
Pancoast Tumor
What is palmar erythema a sign of?
Liver CA
What is clubbing a sign of?
What can BMI predict?
Non-modifiable risk factors for BMI
- Age
- Sex
- FHx
- Genetics
Modifiable risk factors for BMI
- Smoking
- Diet
- Alcohol intake
- Dyslipidemia
- Obesity
- DM
- Metabolic syndromes
Emerging risk factors for BMI
- hsCRP
- Fibrinogin
- Homocysteine
- Lipoprotein
What can facial characteristics indicate?
Pt’s ability to breath
Adventitious Lung Sounds
Rales & Rhonchi
Fluid in alveoli or closed alveoli opening
What condition are rales common?
Associated w/AW obstruction, constriction, or mucous; Generally heard on exhalation
What do you need to know about a pt’s cough?
If its productive & effective
What does red sputum mean?
What does rust color sputum mean?
What does purple sputum mean?
What does yellow/green sputum mean?
What does pink sputum mean?
Pulmonary Edema
What do you need to know about a pt’s sputum?
- Color
- Consistency
- Smell
- Amount
- Frequency
Edema Scale
1+=Barely perceptible depression
2+=Easily ID’ed depression (EID); Skin rebounds in 15sec
3+=EID; Skin rebounds in 15-30sec
4+=EID; Skin rebounds in >30sec
What will be tight after heart surgery?
Anterior chest & hip flexors
What posture would you expect a pt to have after heart surgery?
Forward head & rounded shoulders
What will help protect a sternal incision?
Good posture
What needs to be done for an incision?
- Protect it–>Don’t move the bandage!
- Check for infection
- Be mindful of tenderness
- Consider location
- Consider possible graft location
How much should the diaphragm move w/deep inspiration?
Cessation of breathing after expiration; Interrupted by eventual inspiration or the pt dies
Cyclic waxing & waning of depth of breathing w/periods of apnea?
What does cheyne-stokes indicate?
Severe CNS lesion
Biot’s Breathing
Irregular breathing w/slow, shallow breaths & periods of apnea
What does Biot’s breathing indicate?
Cluster Breathing
Clusters of normal breaths separated by irregular pauses
What does cluster breathing indicate?
Medullary or low pontine lesion
Kussmaul Breathing
Marked continuous hyperventilation w/incr rate & depth of breathing to eliminate excess CO2
What does Kussmaul breathing indicate?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Which way will the trachea deviate towards when there’s a unilateral loss of lung volume?
Towards the side w/the lesion
What conditions will cause the trachea to deviate towards the side of injury?
Unilateral Loss of Lung Vol
- Atelectasis
- Fibrosis
- Surgical excision
When there’s an incr lung volume, which side with the trachea deviate towards?
Towards the healthy side
What conditions will the trachea deviate towards the healthy side?
Incr Lung Vol
- Pneumothorax
- Pleural effusion
- Abdominal viscera herniation
What is exercise tolerance indicative of?
Fxnl status
What does BADCAT stand for?
Breathing that is audible Active accessory muscle use Dyspnea Cyanosis & clubbing AP diameter >1 Tracheal deviation away from midline
Clinical Manifestations of Respiratory Muscle Fatigue
- Rapid shallow breathing
- Paradoxical breathing
- Incr accessory muscle activity
- Dyspnea
- Hypoxemia
- Hypercapnia
NYHA Fxnl Classification of Heart Disease
1=Pt w/cardiac disease but has no PA limitations; 6-10METS
2=Slight limitations; PA results in fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, or angina; 4-6METS
3=Marked limitations of PA-Low inetnsity PA causes sx’s; 2-3METS
4=Unable to do PA w/out discomfort; <2METS