8) Alliances and Shifts Flashcards
Adenauer realised the best way to protect Germany was to align it with western powers
a general treaty is signed in Bonn to abolish the occupation of the FGR in 1952
Joins NATO in May 1955
September 1954
South East Atlantic Treaty Organisation
in response to the strengthening Sino-soviet relations
many SEATO members were not actually in Asia only Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand were
some unincluded states needed the help
Baghdad Pact
Feb 1955
signed between USA, UK, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Turkey as a mutual defence (anti-Soviet) league
Soviet response to the Baghdad pact
start to supply aid to Syria, also to Nasser’s new republic of Egypt and then Iraq after its 1958 revolution
Dwight Eisenhower
Jan 1953
President after Truman
John Dulles
Secretary of State for Eisenhower
New look policy
a new policy including massive retaliation, brinkmanship and rollback created by the new Eisenhower administration
a strategy to convince ones opponent that there is a real risk of conflict
One side has to back down for face the conflict
Domino theory
if one country falls to communism, it’s influence will expand and take more with it
Big fear after the fall of China and Korean war
Nuclear deterrent + Hydrogen bomb
a nuclear weapon or system to scare/prevent an enemy attack
type of atomic bomb developed by the US in lieu of repeated military and political provocations from the USSR
Massive retaliation
new administration believed the best way to deter aggression against the USSR was with a display of nuclear weapons and superiority
a theory that the only way to secure international peace was dependent on the reduction of Soviet influence
What was Eisenhower’s view on containment
He believed the only way to end the cold war was a reduction of Soviet power and that containment was expensive and would only result in a stalemate
Situation in Viet Nam in the 1950s
French colonialism: abused the power they held over the Vietnamese people by taking their identity, this resulted in a civil war between the french colonists (supported by US) and the Vietnamese people
Outside view of Viet Nam: Eisenhower, the USSR and PRC all wanted a diplomatic solution
USSR put pressure on the PRC to support it
Ho Chi Minh
Supported by China
led the Vietnamese forces against the US
a nationalist communist who wanted more support for natives who wanted freedom from colonial rule
asked for independence with US aid but talks broke down (1946) and a general war began