79. Acute Appendicitis Flashcards
What is the appendix?
blind ended tube coming from the cecum, 3cm from ileocecal valve
Average diameter of the appendix
average thickenss of 1.5mm
Where does appendix nerves enter SC?
How does appendicitis occur?
- obstruction of appendicieal lumen –>mucous production and bacterial stasis
- eventually pain turns to loss of blood flow –> tissue ishcemi and inflamm
- can allow bacteriia to invade the wall, typically why RLQ pain
- if cont: can become necrotic and perforate
MC cause of obstruction in nonperforated appendicits
then appendicoliths (cal)
lymphoid hyperplasia
Tip vs stump appendicits
tip appendici- tis is inflammation localized to the distal end of the appendix - higher risk being missed on imaging
stump - inflamm of appendiceal remnant that may persist after appy (rare)
Best LR+ adult for appendicitis
RLQ pain
rebound tenderness
migration/periumbilical pain
Best LR- adult for appendicitis
rebound tenderness
Best LR+ child for appendicitis
obtuator sign
psoas sign
rebound tenderness
Best LR- child for appendicitis
Psoas sign
Increased abdominal pain with patient lying on left side while provider passively extends the patient’s
right leg at the hip with both knees extended
DDX appendicits peds pt sp: 3
mesenteric lymphadenitis
meckel diverticulum
Studies of lab tests in appendicitis: normal values of WBC and CRP combined resulted in a NPV of ?%
Alvarado score for diagnosing appendicitis: adds up to 10 - componenets?
migration of pain -1
anorexia -1
n/v -1
rlq pain -1
rlq tenderness 2
rebound pain 1
temp >37.7 -1
leuks >/10 -2
PMN >/=72% -1
high risk score >/=7 adults.= 87% percent prob, child 67%
Pediatric appendicitis score, adds up to 12 - components?
migration of pain -1
anorexia -1
rlq tenderness -1
rlq pain with cough/hop,percuss -2
temp >/=28 -1
leukks >/=10 -1
PMN >/=75% -1
high risk child >/=8 - 80% risk
Appendicitis inflammatory response score - up to 12, hgih risk >90 gives adults 89% risk - components?
all 1 pt unless noted:
Right iliac fossa pain
rebound pain light ,med 2, strong 3
temp >/=38.5
leuks >/=10-14.9
leuks >/=15 -2
PMN 70-84%, ?=85% -2
CRP 10-49 vs >/=50 2
Ultrasound dx of appendicits
appendiceal diameter >/=6-7mm and noncompressible
with fat stranding and peritoneal fluid
CT dx of appendicits
Not all criteria listed below need to be fulfilled, but the combination and severity of these findings contribute to a diagnosis:
appendiceal diameter >6mm with surroudning inflamm or 8mm without changes; appendical circumferential wall thickening >3mm with mural enhancement
calcified appendicolth
signs of inflamm: fat strand
considered the test of choice for definitive assessment for possible appendicitis in nonpregnant patients.
A CT of the abdomen exposes the patient to an average dose of _ mSv of ionizing radiation
Nonpregnant pt vs pregnant imaging choices cascade per Rosen’s
Non: 1. u/s then if neg/nondiasnostic: ct with contast
pregn: u/s then if unclear MRI