4. Brain Resus Flashcards
How much of CO and oxygen percent of total body does brain get?
CO - 15%
O2 percent 20%
Elevated ICP causing cerebral edema - how does this occur?
Elevated intracranial pressure can result in ischemia
This ischemia leads to failure of oxidative phosphorylation and leads to inability to maintain ATP, thus osmotic gradient failure
Increased intracellular osmolarity means influx of water and Cytotoxic edema then leads to brain secondary injury
Monro Kellie doctrine
Increasing cerebral edema volume means that in a finite space, other components of brain volume must decrease (3 components: brain, blood, csf)
How does Monroe Kellie doctrine actually play out?
Shift IC to subarachnoid
Reduction of fluid in cerebral veins and dural sinuses
In final stages, how does ICP progress?
Herniation cerebellar tonsil through formed magnum and compresses medulla
CPP= ? - ?
CPP = MAP - ICP how does an incr in ICP compensate… and then become a viscous cycle?
Cerebral arteriolar vasodilation for decr MAP
When then can actually just increase further blood volume and increase ICP
How long do studies recommend before using neuro exam for prognostication?
72 hours
Elevated ICP: how to manage initial pain, fever, normothermia?
Fentanyl 25-50 mcg q5h PRN
Avoid coughing so procedurally sedate with propofol
Ongoing ICP despite these? Pentobarbital
If spikes in ICP and active herniation consider mannitol if fluid overload (0.25-1g/kg) q6h for serum osmol of 320 goal or need resus fluid 3% hypertonic saline 30-60ml q6h to aim for sodium of max 160
If seizure with ICP increase, how to manage
Regular - lorazepam 0.1mg/kg up to 4mg
Continues; second line agent of Keppra, VPA, fospheny
Not really clear in tbi prophylaxis: if used, what and what dose?
Keppra 500mg po tid
ICH seizure prophylaxis yes or no?
In the event of cardiac arrest, what is the first priority of cerebral resus?
depndent on complete and relative ischemia to brain
What is cerebral autoregulation?
change in SBP causes change to cerebrovasulcar resistance to keep cerebral blood flow at certain level over wide range of arterial BP
MAP and SBP goal for ICP pt
Map >65
sbp >90 cardiac arrest