66.ICD Flashcards
part of q are in anki - ? how to import
PM malfunction: what issues does this refer to?
circuitry or power of pulse generator
interfae between pacing electrode and myocardium
PM malfunction 3 categories
failure to pace
failure to sense
failure to capture
Failure to capture: what does this mean?
PM no spike to spikes not followed by stimulus induced complex
- lead disconnect/break vs exit block vs battery depletion
Failure to sense: what does this mean if undersensing?
lead displaced
inadequate endocardial cntat
lowc votlac intracardiac p waves and qrs complexes
Failure to sense: what does this mean if oversensing?
sensing extracardiac signals: myopotentials
t wave senssing
Inappropriate rate of PM: what can cause this?
battery depletion
ventriculoatrial conduction with PM mediated tachycardia
1:1 response to atrial dysrhthmias
Lead fracture common sites
site of attachment to the pulse generator or at abrupt angulations, which serve as stress points. Inadequate contact of the lead with the pulse generator can mimic a lead fracture. Occasionally, when a lead fracture is com- plete or nearly complete, a break in the catheter or its insulation can be detected on an over-penetrated posteroanterior chest radiograph
What is exit block?
(the failure of an adequate stimulus to depolarize the paced chamber) can also result in failure to pace
Inappropriate snesing - mc after what dx/events?
acute right ventricular infarction or during the progressive fibrosis that accompanies many cardiomyopathies, causing intracardiac signals to decrease in ampli- tude
T or F
Failure of a stimulus spike to produce a complex when it occurs during the atrial or ventric- ular refractory period does not represent failure to pace.
. Common medical sources of electrical inter- ference leading to undersensing
electrocautery, which can cause temporary pacemaker inhibition, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can alter pacemaker circuitry and result in fixed-rate or asynchronous pac- ing
Dx testing for PM
CXR - cath tip and number of leads
interrogation: battery level, lead integrity, device setting and ID intrinsic dysrhythmias
How to defib a patient with an PM?
Place the sternal defibrilla- tion pad adjacent to the sternum, at a safe distance (>10 cm) from the pulse generator. Alternatively, defibrillation electrodes can be placed in an anteroposterior configuration. All pacemakers should be inter- rogated after successful resuscitation
Will pacing return spontaneously after cardiac arrest?
not always so be ready to externally pace
What is an ICD?
CDs are placed for either pri- mary prevention of sudden cardiac death or, in patients that have had cardiac arrest, secondary prevention.
and ventricular Pm!
How does ICD pace and shock?
The right ventricular lead is used for sensing and pacing, and shocks are typically delivered between a coil in the right ventricular lead and the pulse generator.
Name 6 indications for ICD
- ischemic heart disease or SCD resulting in VF/VT - survival >1y
- ischemic heart dis and unexplained syncope with MMVT sustained and survival >1y
- depressed LVF at least 40d post MI and 90d post revasc and persistent HF sx expected living .1y
4.Nonsustained VT due to prior MI with decr LVEF and inducible vt/vf during ep, surivla exp >1y - NICM, LVEV with survival expected >1y
- SC arrest or sust VT from: nonischemic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dys- plasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cardiac sarcoidosis, neuromuscular disorders, cardiac channelopathies, high-risk patients with symptomatic long QT syndrome failing beta-blocker therapy, catecholaminergic poly- morphic ventricular tachycardia failing beta-blocker therapy, Brugada syndrome, early repolarization, short QT syndrome, idiopathic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, congenital heart disease
Name 8 diseases in which sudden cardiac death or sustained Ventr arrhthimas may warrant ICD
nonischemic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dys- plasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cardiac sarcoidosis, neuromuscular disorders, cardiac channelopathies, high-risk patients with symptomatic long QT syndrome failing beta-blocker therapy, catecholaminergic poly- morphic ventricular tachycardia failing beta-blocker therapy, Brugada syndrome, early repolarization, short QT syndrome, idiopathic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, congenital heart disease
Who gets a CRT-D?
decr LVEG and wide QRS
(ie biventr pacing can shock)