31. Back pain Flashcards
Defn acute back pain - time frame
<6 weeks
DDX systems that could cause back pain
Modifiable F for dx of sciatica and back apin
alc abuse
RAdiculopathy dx
nerve root irriation secondary to compression leading to affected lumbar/sacral root issues in that distribution (pain, weak, numbness, paresthesia)
Adults -where does SC end?
L1 - then into cauda equina
Compressive lesions ABOVE the cauda equina in the conus medullaris give what kinds of sx?
Name 8 key hx points for back pain
trauma - rip or tear
assoc chest/abdo pain
hx ca
anticoag use
immunocomp status/gc use
hx osteoporosis
hx AAA
pt >50y
night/rest pain = worse
worse with cough/valsalva/lift
unexplained w loss
recent bacterail infection (SSTI, lungs, UTI)
recent GI/gu procedure
failure to improve after 6 week conservative tx
saddel anesthesia
bowel/bladder/sexual dysfunc
Name 8 key PE points for back pain
abnormal vitals
unequal BP in upper extremities
murmur/ao insuff
pulse deficit/circulatory compromise of LE
pulsatile abdo mass
ur retension
ur/stool incontinence
loss of rectal/sphincter tone
sev/progressive neurologic deficit
focal LE weakness
new ataxia/difficulty walking
decreased perianal sens
Extraspinal causes of acute back pain - name 6 from chest
aortic dissection, bacterial endocarditis, pulmonary embolism, pneu- monia, pleural effusion, myocardial infarction
Extraspinal causes of acute back pain - name 6 from abdo
ruptured or expanding aortic aneurysm, esophageal disease, penetrating peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, cholelithi- asis (biliary colic), cholecystitis, cholangitis
Extraspinal causes of acute back pain - name 3 from renal
perinephric absces
Extraspinal causes of acute back pain - name 5 from GU
ovarian torsion or tumor, pelvic inflammatory disease, endo-
metriosis, pregnancy, prostatitis
Extraspinal causes of acute back pain - name 5 from MSK
acute muscle strain, acute ligamentous injury, osteoporo-
sis, spinal curvature (lordosis, kyphosis), osteoid osteoma
Extraspinal causes of acute back pain - name 4 from “other” category
herpes zoster, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, psoas abscess, non-
specific low back pain
Name 10 spinal causes of acute back pain
cauda equina syndrome
spinal epidral abscess/hematoma
vertebral OM
infectious discitis
# (trauma/path)
tranverse myeltitis
disc herniation
degen disease (disc/facet)
spondylosis (spinal OA)
isolated sciatica
spinal stenosis
What is myelopathy?
sc injury - compression vs inflamm vs ischemia
Spondylosis defn
nonsp progressive degenerative cahnges (including spinal arthritis) of VB, facet joints, central canal
Disc herniation: how does this occur?
annulus fibosis thins and tears, nucleus pulposis prolapses
What type if disc herniation is mc?
lateral as posterior long ligament does not extend laterally
MC sign and sx of spina l infection
diffuse spine pain
mc sever local spinal tenderness
clasic triad epidural abscess
back pain
focal neuro deficit
only present total 15% cases