73.5 Uniform Flashcards
There are four types of uniforms authorized for wear by uniformed employees of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). These uniforms are:
(a) Formal Uniform;
(b) Work Uniform;
(c) Utility Uniform; and
(d) Cold Weather Uniform.
All uniformed employees, regardless of rank or assignment, shall possess and maintain two properly fitting formal uniforms.
False, just one
The formal uniform (shall/should/may) be worn by all uniformed personnel when representing the Department at official functions such as funerals,
Employees may wear the formal uniform as a work uniform at their discretion. However, the formal uniform shall not be worn when the need for uniformity or officer safety dictates otherwise.
The utility uniform is also intended to provide specified personnel whose regular duties would expose their work uniform to excessive soiling and damage an alternative uniform ONLY while they are actually engaged in the performance of those duties.
The utility uniform may have the departmental cloth badge stitched to the area above the wearer’s left shirt pocket of the utility uniform.
False, shall
Cold weather Areas are those commands, designated by the Division commander, where:
(a) Extremely cold weather conditions are seasonally normal on an annual basis.
(b) An employee’s health, welfare, or ability to perform required duties would be impacted by lack of special cold weather clothing.
(c) The work or formal uniform would provide inadequate protection against cold weather.
When a jacket is worn with the cold weather uniform, either the mock turtleneck or dickey is required.
When performing patrol duties, uniformed employees operating a patrol car should keep the campaign hat (felt or straw) readily available within the vehicle.
False, shall
The left pocket flap is reserved solely for:
the Medal of Valor, Officer of the Year, United States (U.S.) flag, U.S. military flag, or other special pin (e.g., Peace Officers’ Memorial), as determined by the Commissioner.
The Medal of Valor pin shall be attached to the ____ pocket flap of the shirt or green dress jacket, ___ inch below the top edge of the flap and _________ above the button.
The Officer of the Year or us flag pin shall be attached to the ____ pocket flap of the shirt or green dress jacket, ____ _____ to the ____ of the _____ edge and centered midway between the top and bottom of the flap.
one inch
Left of the right edge
Officers who have received an Officer of the Year pin, and wish to wear the U.S. flag pin, may attach the Officer of the Year pin on the left pocket flap one inch to the ____ of the ____ edge.
Employees who have been honorably discharged from one of the U.S. armed forces, or who are currently serving in the active or reserve forces, may wear the U.S. military flag pin. These dual flag pins shall be worn in lieu of, and in the same location as, the U.S. flag pin
The U.S. flag decals may be placed on all motorcycle, mounted duty, bicycle patrol, and aviation helmets.
False, shall
The Long-sleeve shirt with shoulder patches is compromised of:
55 percent dacron polyester/45 percent wool gabardine
The formal trousers or breeches (as applicable) are comprised of:
100 percent wool.
The work uniform trousers are comprised of:
55 percent dacron polyester/45 percent wool.
The blue utility uniform shall be comprised of the following:
65 percent polyester/35 percent cotton ripstop material;
The mere presence of uniformed employees in locations or establishments which are inconsistent with law enforcement activities can bring censure to the employee and embarrassment to the Department, unless the employee is obviously conducting business in the scope and course of employment.
Hair shall not extend below the top of the uniform shirt collar while sitting or standing in an erect position, shall not cover any part of the outside portion of the ear, shall not be lower than the relaxed eyebrow of an individual, measured from the high point of the eyebrow, and shall not be visible on the forehead while the uniform hat or helmet is worn, shall not be unusual or bizarre.
Moderate “natural” and other hair styles are permitted if conforming with the hair standards described above; however, the maximum extension from the scalp shall not exceed ___ inches.
Sideburns will not extend below the bottom of the ear and will end with a clean-shaven horizontal line. The maximum width at the bottom of the sideburns shall not exceed 1-1/2 inches.
Mustaches shall not extend more than ___ inch beyond the corners of the mouth nor below the vermillion border of the upper lip, or more than ___ inch below the corner of the mouth. Waxed ends or points are prohibited.
Hair cannot extend below: , and not more than ___ inches to the front of the ear (side view).
the bottom of the ear
Hair clips and pins that match the color of the hair are _________. Hair shall not be worn in a ____ ____ or similar style.
“pony tail”
Fingernails shall be clean and trimmed and nails shall not extend beyond the:
Fingernail polish shall be _____.
tips of the fingers.
A total of two conservative rings (a wedding and engagement ring set is considered two rings).
False, considered one
Soft body armor shall be worn by:
(1) All personnel assigned to field enforcement duties.
(2) All personnel who operate a marked patrol vehicle in uniform.
(3) All personnel participating in “live-fire” weapons training.
Employees may wear personally owned soft body armor if such body armor:
provides the same ballistic protection and torso coverage as the body armor issued to the employee by the Department.
Soft body armor being replaced shall be returned by use of:
CHP 266a, Credit Memo – Non-Equipment.
As soon as practical after an soft body armor incident, but no later than (time), the commander is to forward a report to the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) concerning ballistic protection afforded by the soft body armor.
ten working days
The green dress jacket (shall/should) be completely zippered during official functions and (shall/should) be completely zippered when in public view, except while operating a vehicle.
The nylon duty belt shall be worn on the waist in conjunction with the buckleless hook-and-pile trouser belt with no ____________ ____________ from a horizontal plane.
appreciable deviation
Uniformed employees assigned to administrative duties, while in uniform and working within the confines of the uniformed employees’ headquarters, (shall/should/may) wear the primary weapon.
Uniformed employees accepting the Uniformed Safety Recognition Emblem shall wear it in conjunction with a nameplate.
Cold weather caps shall be worn only during periods of cold weather when authorized by the commander.
A scarf may be worn with the blue patrol jacket, leather motorcycle jacket, cold weather parka, or jumpsuit.
A secondary weapon may worn on the duty belt while in uniform.
When worn in view, cellular telephones, pagers, and PDAs shall be restricted to the following nonfluorescent colors: silver, gold, black, brown, gray, other conservative colors which do not detract from the professional appearance of the uniform and shall only be worn:
on the duty belt.
TROUSERS - LIGHTWEIGHT. Material: Wool and blended fabric, the only acceptable blend (silver-tan in color) is:
55 percent Dacron polyester/45 percent wool elastique
95 percent polyester/5 percent Lycra or elastane.
Deficiencies in mechanical condition or appearance of the primary firearm are to be corrected within (time) of the inspection
30 calendar days
Officers shall arrange themselves in descending order according to height, tallest to the right of each rank, maintaining a maximum of (#) persons per rank. Additional sergeants shall join the _____ rank. Distance between ranks shall be:
two spaces.
The pistol should be held (#) inches in front of and at shoulder height, with the right forearm forming a (#) degree angle, the barrel being a prolongation of the forearm.
Parade Rest” is a partially relaxed modification of the position of “Attention” in which the legs are spread, heels about (#) inches apart, and the hands clasped behind the back.
Uniformed employees who are absent 30 or more consecutive calendar days due to sick leave, injury time, or military leave will have their uniform allowance decreased one month on a pro-rata basis for each full 30-day period.
Claim for Reimbursement, Uniform or Equipment Damage shall be submitted in triplicate on a:
A CHP 130, Claim for Reimbursement - Uniform or Equipment Damage,