50.1 Emergency Incident Flashcards
Section _____ of the California Vehicle Code (VC) – Establishes authority for the CHP to enforce laws on all highways in which the Department holds primary jurisdictional responsibility.
Section _____ __ – Establishes the CHP as the IC at hazardous material spills on any highway in which the CHP holds primary jurisdiction or on highways in which agreements with local agencies have been previously established.
2454 VC
Section ____.__ of the California Government Code (GC) – The authority directing the management of the scene of an on-highway toxic spill or disaster shall be vested in the appropriate law enforcement agency having primary traffic investigative authority on the highway where the incident occurs.
Section ______ __ – Gives the CHP jurisdiction over those matters related to the security of state officers, property, and occupants of state property including the Capitol and its dignitaries.
14615(b) GC
Overall responsibility for most domestic disasters and emergencies is assigned to the:
which oversees the:
United States Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
As of January 1, 2009, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the Office of Homeland Security (OHS) combined their offices and became the:
California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA)
Governor (GC Section 8627). The Governor, during a state of emergency, shall have complete authority over all agencies of the state government and the right to exercise police power vested in the state by the Constitution and laws of the State of California.
Actions taken and tasks assigned in response to emergency incidents will comply with the following departmental goals (5):
1 Prevent loss of life and injuries.
2 Prevent property damage.
3 Maximize service to the public.
4 Assist allied agencies.
5 Protect public and state assets
There are three types of proclamations of emergency in the State of California (3):
local emergency, state of emergency, and state of war emergency
Cal EMA, through SEMS, has established five levels of emergency response:
(a) Field Response Level
(b) Local Government Level
(c) Operational Area Level
(d) Regional Level.
(e) State Level.
Emergency response personnel and resources, under the command of an appropriate authority, carry out tactical decisions and activities in direct response to an incident or threat. This describes what level of response?
Field Response Level.
This level manages state resources in response to the emergency needs of the other levels, and coordinates mutual aid among the mutual aid regions and among the regional level and the state level. This describes what level of response?
State Level.
Local governments manage and coordinate the overall emergency response and recovery activities within their jurisdiction. This describes what level of response?
Local Government Level.
The operational area manages and/or coordinates resources and priorities among local governments within the operational area and serves as the coordination and communication link between the local government level and the regional level. This describes what level of response?
Operational Area Level.
Because of its size and geography, the state has been divided into six mutual aid regions (seven Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Regions). The purpose of a mutual aid region is to provide for the more effective application and coordination of mutual aid and other emergency related activities. This describes what level of response?
Regional Level.
Tactical and other critical decisions will be made by the designated Headquarters Incident Commander and relayed to the IC in the field.
False, will be made by the IC in the field. Normally, the IC will be deployed as close to the emergency incident(s) as possible to facilitate command and control.
Establish the EOC at a designated or alternate location. (b) Make the appropriate alert roster notifications and activate, at a minimum, the following ICS positions (3).
1 Planning/Intelligence.
2 Logistics.
3 Finance (optional, as needed).
Deactivation of the EOC shall be by the order of:
the incident commander, EOC manager with incident commander concurrence, or designated alternates.
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) requires the use of ___ at the field response level for all incidents.
The CHP on-scene incident commander (IC) shall ensure that assisting agencies are integrated properly and promptly into the:
ICS operation.
A supervisor/manager (shall/should/may) respond to emergency incidents, including crime scenes, not within the primary investigative authority of the Department, that are adjacent to state property where the Department has investigative authority (e.g., State Capitol), or areas adjacent to freeways and highways that significantly impact traffic management within the Department’s jurisdiction.
The supervisor shall represent the Department and assist the allied agency IC by managing traffic in a manner that:
meets the and creates the:
needs of the incident
minimum disruption to normal traffic.
Maintaining an adequate span of control is critical. Federal span of control guidelines recommend a maximum of (#) to (#) functions or individuals per supervisor. The span-of-control for CHP ICS operations should generally be limited to a maximum of “one-to-(#)” ratio (one supervisor to (#) subordinates)
three to seven
As a rule, the “one-to-(#)” ratio provides optimum supervision.
However, for the purposes of clarity in the chain of command, the Department has designated the:
as the Department’s DOC.
Emergency Notification and Tactical Alert Center
The five basic functions of the ICS system are:
Command/command staff
Initial steps in establishing ICS:
Notification Initial response Initiate tactical alert Initiate ICS Commit initial resources Request additional resources ICS processes Liaison with allied agency
Under NIMS/SEMS a Mobile Field Force (platoon) consists of (#) (#)-person squads, with an Officer- in-Charge (OIC) (minimum rank of __________) and Deputy OIC (minimum rank of __________), each with a driver. Minimum total personnel is (#).
4 12 person squads
Squad. A squad consists of (#) persons, one being at least a __________ in rank.
Whether written or verbal, this reflects the objectives, strategy, and tactics determined necessary by the Incident Commander (IC) to mitigate an existing emergency incident:
Incident Action Plan (IAP),
A written IAP should be able to answer these basic questions:
(a) What do we want to do? (ICS Form 202)
(b) Who will be responsible for doing it? (ICS Form 203)
(c) How will it be done? (ICS Form 204)
(d) How will we talk to each other? (ICS Form 205)
(e) What happens if someone gets hurt? (ICS Form 206)
Throughout the incident, objectives are established based on the following priorities:
(a) Life Safety: Determine if life is at immediate risk, this includes responders and the public.
(b) Incident Stabilization: What should be done to keep the situation from becoming worse?
(c) Property Conservation: What can be done to protect or minimize damage to public and private property? Are there any environmental issues that need to be addressed?
Each IAP objective should have the following SMART characteristics:
(a) Specific – The wording must be precise and unambiguous in describing the objective.
(b) Measurable – The design and statement of objectives should make it possible to conduct a final accounting as to whether objectives were achieved.
(c) Action Oriented – The objective must have an action verb that describes the expected accomplishments.
(d) Realistic – Objectives must be achievable with the resources that the agency (and assisting agencies) can allocate to the incident, even though it may take several operational periods to accomplish them.
(e) Time Sensitive – The timeframe should be specified.
The strategy or strategies to achieve the objectives should pass the following criteria test:
(a) Make good sense (feasible, practical, and suitable).
(b) Be within acceptable safety norms.
(c) Be cost effective.
(d) Be consistent with sound environmental practices.
(e) Meet political considerations.
An IAP is REQUIRED when a hazmat incident is involved.
The five stages of flood readiness are:
(1) Stage I (watch stage).
(2) Stage II (warning stage).
(3) Stage III (full alert stage - flooding is possible). (4) Stage IV (emergency stage - flooding is expected).
(5) Stage V (general evacuation stage - flooding is imminent).
Remove injured personnel from the aircraft to a distance of at least:
2,000 feet upwind
Should California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers arrive at the scene of a downed military aircraft prior to the arrival of military authorities, they may under the provisions of Penal Code Section 409.5, restrict the area. Under this authority, properly credentialed representatives of the news media may be excluded.
False, news media may not be excluded.
However, The appropriate military commander must establish a national defense area (NDA) but Military personnel must be present at scene. Once NDA established, CHP officers are authorized to assist military authorities to exclude all unauthorized persons, including credentialed representatives of the news media
Employees should not take personal belongings with them as they evacuate during a bomb threat.
Employees should take personal belongings… This will help eliminate known, non-suspect items, which will facilitate and expedite a thorough search
Bomb threat searches shall be conducted with a search team consisting of at least (#) individuals regardless of the threat.
And limited to visual search only.
in a bomb incident, party’s shall be directed to a safe location at least ____ feet away from the vehicle, and officers are not use CHP radios within ____ feet of the suspicious vehicle.
Field Division commanders should ensure that they have at least (#) sergeants or officers in their Division who, having attended the Bomb Incident Procedure Instructor training, are currently certified
Bomb Incident Procedure Instructors must teach at least (#) Bomb Search Team training class every (time period) to maintain valid instructor certification.
A Commander/supervisor/OIC can place neighboring Areas on a TA when the following conditions are met:
(a) There is an actual or potential threat to public safety.
(b) Based on the sound professional judgment, the scope of the event has or will span beyond the resource capabilities of the Area.
(c) When the Division Commander, or their alternate, has been notified.
ENTAC shall be notified of any TA.
ENTAC shall be notified of any TA.
How many blue utility uniforms must be kept immediately available for a tactical alert?
Load planners certification through USAF/AMC is valid for (#) months and must be recertified there after through AMC only.
Employees shall complete and submit a 415C at:
the end of their assigned shift prior to departing their assigned work location
The incident commander/designee is responsible to ensure that CHP 701B, (Daily Reports) are being completed for each shift and a 701B (Daily Cumulative Summary) is completed by:
the end of each 24-hour period.
the grand-total of all 701Bs for the entire operation is to be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner, Field within
ten business days.
If the incident involved hazardous materials, a copy of the after-action report should also be sent to Hazardous Materials Section within (time) of the completion date.
30 days
Within (time) of the conclusion of a localized emergency operation an after action memorandum shall be submitted to the appropriate field Division commander with copies forwarded to the Office of Assistant Commissioner, Field and EOS.
30 calendar days
The after action memorandum shall be divided into three sections:
(a) Incident Summary. Summary of the incident and subsequent operations.
(b) Financial Summary. Statistical information and copies of supporting documents as needed.
(c) Operational Critique. Significant accomplishments and lessons learned.
The after action memorandum is not an operational critique, and should not include a discussion of significant accomplishments, and lessons learned.
False, should be an operational critique which includes a discussion of significant accomplishments, and lessons learned.
Within (time) of the conclusion of a tactical alert an after action report is to be completed and submitted to the Office of Assistant Commissioner, Field and a copy forwarded to EOS.
60 calendar days
The after action report shall be divided into the following sections:
Cover transmittal memorandum. (b) Narrative summary. (c) Emergency preparedness. (d) Operations. (e) Cost analysis. (f) Conclusions. (g) Lessons learned, shortfalls, and/or recommendations.
A discussion of lessons learned and/or recommendations shall be included as an attachment to the after-action report:
All original documentation and applicable ICS forms shall be retained at the originating command for a period of (#) years plus the current year. Within 90 days of the end of the retention period, the forms shall be forwarded to Business Services Section for ____________ retention.
The “Incident Area” box should reflect the three-digit Area location code where the employee is permanently assigned, not where assigned to perform emergency incident duties
False, The “Incident Area” box should reflect the three-digit Area location code where the employee was assigned to perform emergency incident duties
Squad – (#) officers, 1 sergeant (applies to NIMS and SEMS).
Mobile Field Force – (#) squads, 1 sergeant (Deputy Officer- in-Charge [OIC]) or above with an assigned driver, and 1 lieutenant OIC in rank or above with an assigned driver. Total: (#) people minimum and (#) general purpose patrol vehicles (SEMS definition.
It is very important that supervisors/managers clarify with the mutual aid requesting agency what “TYPE” of MFF they are requesting. Verify whether they want a Type 1, 2, or 3 MFF, and verify whether they need more or less than the standard 52 people.
If more people are sent than requested, the Department could be responsible for any costs incurred by the extra people.
The Mutual Aid Response MFF is capable of performing the following functions:
mobile patrols within an assigned area of responsibility.
12 four-person
The Mutual Aid Response MFF is capable of performing the following functions:
Provide approximately (#) traffic control posts.
Provide approximately (#) roadblocks under civil disturbance conditions.
Provide security for:
critical facilities.
The Mutual Aid Response MFF is capable of performing the following functions:
- Provide (#) squad-sized crowd control elements with the ability to deploy chemical agents while not maintaining security of its own vehicles.
- Provide (#) squad-sized crowd control elements with the ability to deploy chemical agents while maintaining security of its own vehicles.
The Mutual Aid Response MFF is capable of performing the following functions:
Civil disturbance:
________ first-aid capability.
If implemented, ____ _____ capability.
mass arrest
The Mutual Aid Response MFF is capable of performing the following functions:
If implemented, limited counter-______capability. In order to be fully effective in civil disturbance operations, an MFF may be augmented with ___ _______ _________ ____. A male/female deputy/officer team assigned to each ___ would be beneficial for prisoner search and transportation.
two prisoner transportation vans.