10.7 Injury Illness Flashcards
Injury or illness which requires more than first aid, may require more than one-time medical care, and the employee is able to return to work (full or limited duty) following the date of the injury or illness is considered:
Nondisabling Injury or Illness.
Injury or illness which results in an employee being unable to return to work following the date of the injury or illness is considered a:
Disabling Injury or Illness.
Disabling injury or illness which requires overnight hospital care other than for observation, a lengthy disability status, or disability retirement is considered a:
Serious Injury or Illness.
The reported severity of injury or illness (record only, first aid, nondisabling, disabling) is called the:
Injury or Illness Designation.
An aggravation of an injury or illness has an identifiable new incident of injury or illness and shall be processed as a new injury or illness is considered an:
Aggravation of Injury or Illness
A recurrence of an injury or illness does not have a new, clearly defined incident to cause injury or illness. It is a spontaneous reappearance of a prior condition is considered a:
Recurrence of Injury or Illness.
Commanders or their designees shall personally meet with employees to review the reasons their injuries, illnesses, or hazardous exposures were deemed:
Employees may appeal the determination of preventability to their command’s occupational safety committees. Committee members may change the determination of preventability.
False, may not, may only make recommendations to the commander for consideration of possible mitigating factors
Employees may continue secondary employment so long as:
Employee may be required to provide documentation from doctor stating:
The continued employment does not hinder recovery.
Secondary employment will not hinder recovery
Employees shall notify their supervisors if their secondary employment is affecting their ability to recover
Supervisors (shall/should/may) be personally and actively involved in injury and illness case management.
Supervisors, if practical, (shall/should/may) accompany employees to their initial medical appointments and discuss work capability with the employee’s medical care providers.
Supervisors should attempt to be present when employees are being examined by medical care providers
False, In no event shall supervisors attempt to be present
The possibility of assignment to limited duty when medically appropriate shall not be reviewed with medical care providers, but an estimated date of return to duty should be obtained.
False, The possibility of assignment to limited duty when medically appropriate SHALL be reviewed with medical care providers AND an estimated date of return to duty obtained.
Supervisors shall notify the commander if it appears that an employee is not:
making a good-faith effort toward prescribed medical rehabilitation.
Employees (shall/should/may) report injuries, illnesses, or hazardous exposures, or recurrences or aggravations of any injuries or illnesses, to their supervisors as soon as possible
Employees shall also provide their physician with a:
CHP 443, Limited Duty Assignment – Physician’s Report.
Employees shall report to their commander the use of prescription medication which might be reasonably expected to adversely affect their job performance.
Uniformed employees who are off duty as a result of an industrial or non-industrial injury or illness where a physician has diagnosed that the employee is not capable of performing the 14 California Highway Patrol Officer Tasks (Annex P-8) (shall/should) not engage in any activity requiring the use of peace officer powers.
Employees (shall/should/may) return to full or limited duty as soon as medically appropriate.
Employees shall ensure submission of their completed and signed STD. 634s to their commands in accordance with policy and in no case later than:
the first working day following the end of each pay period.
Death/serious injury illness
Comm-Net Message shall be transmitted to the appropriate Assistant Commissioner and DRU within:
eight hours of occurrence
Reporting to Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) shall be made by telephone within:
eight hours
The appropriate SCIF office shall be notified by telephone within:
as soon as possible
Volunteers are not employees and therefore not entitled to departmental workers’ compensation benefits, unless:
Employing agency adopts resolution recognizing them as employees.
of reporting a recurrence of an injury or illness, the employee shall prepare a memorandum detailing:
If incapable within the above time frame, then:
And in interim, supervisor shall:
24 hours
the circumstances surrounding the recurrence and a description of the injury or illness.
Prepare the memo detailing same info
Information identifying the employee’s medical care provider (if applicable) shall be included within the memorandum detailing the reoccurring injury.
Injuries and illnesses shall be recorded on the Log within:
following knowledge of an injury or illness.
six workdays
T/F (each respectively)
The following injuries and illnesses shall be recorded:
(1) All occupational illnesses.
(2) All occupational deaths.
(3) All occupational injuries including than record only or first aid.
(1) True
(2) True
(3) False, except record only and first aid.
Injuries and illnesses which occur to employees on temporary assignment shall be recorded on the Log of the command of _____________ assignment unless the assignment is for control of civil disturbance, which are recorded on the log of the command of _____________ assignment for the employee.
If the status of an injury or illness changes within:
of the original occurrence, the Log on which the injury or illness is recorded must be updated
five years
Commands must save the OSHA 300 Log, the privacy case list (if one exists), and the annual summary for ______ ______ following the end of the calendar year that these records cover.
CHP 121s shall also be maintained ______ _______ for each injury or illness recorded on the Log.
five years
five years
CHP 121 shall be completed by the employee’s supervisor within:
of notification of an alleged occupational injury or illness
24 hours
The CHP 121 may be typed or hand written.
Employee’s Signature. The employee shall review and sign the field injury file copy of the CHP 121 within ___ _______of reporting an injury or illness.
False. Shall be typed
24 hours
Supervisors shall ensure the CHP 121 (unless record only or first aid without medical expenses incurred) is filed with the appropriate SCIF office within ______ ______ of notification of an injury or illness.
five days
Filing of the CHP 121 with SCIF may be delayed for cause.
If necessary, the commander or designee shall submit a partially completed CHP 121.
shall not be delayed for any reason
CHP 121A shall be completed by the employee’s supervisor within ______ ______ of notification of an alleged occupational injury, illness, or hazardous exposure
24 hours
The employee shall review and sign the field injury file copy of the CHP 121A within ____ ______ of reporting an injury, illness, or hazardous exposure.
If unable to sign then:
24 hours
Supervisor documents, employees signs asap
Routing of the CHP 121A shall not be delayed for any reason.
If necessary, the commander or designee shall forward a partially completed CHP 121A
CHP 121B shall be completed and signed by the employee within 24 hours of reporting an injury or illness
The 121b is:
Employee report
The employee shall sign CHP 121C within 24 hours of reporting an injury or illness
The 121c is:
the employee refuses to sign the CHP 121C, the supervisor shall advise the employee that:
refusal to sign the form may be cause for delay or denial of workers’ compensation benefits.
The CHP 121D is the:
Within (time period) of initial notification of, or any status change of, an employee injury, illness, or hazardous exposure, the supervisor shall record or update the incident on the employee’s CHP 442
three days
As soon as possible after notification of a nondisabling injury or illness which requires assignment of limited duty, the supervisor shall provide the employee’s medical care provider a:
CHP 443
Within (time period) of notification of an injury or illness, the supervisor shall provide the employee with a copy of CHP 600 and a CHP 601.
24 hours
600-right to privacy
601-coping with injury
SCIF 3301 shall be initiated by the supervisor and provided to the employee within (time period) of notification of an alleged injury or illness other than record only or first aid.
Completed SCIF 3301s shall be forwarded to SCIF within (time period) of command receipt of the forms.
24 hours
five days
The labor code requires that any physician predesignated by an employee must have previously provided medical treatment to the employee and to currently retain the employee’s permanent medical file
Departmental policy directs that an employee shall be physically and psychologically capable of:
performing the essential duties of his/her employment classification.
Government Code, Section 19253.5, authorizes the appointing power to arrange a medical examination to determine an employee’s ability to perform the essential duties of his/her employment classification.
A supervisor (shall/should/may) notify his/her commander when the supervisor becomes aware an employee is suffering from any condition which might limit the employee’s physical or psychological ability to perform the essential duties of his/her employment classification.
When a fitness for duty has been ordered, the employee (shall/should/may) be requested to sign a CHP 121C, Medical Information Release Authorization, (see Annex P-6) and identify medical care providers who have treated him/her for a related condition(s) within the past:
ten years.
An employee has recurrences of a previous injury or illness which allow him/her to avoid an undesirable work shift or particular co-worker is cause for a fitness for duty examination.
While on limited duty, employees shall not wear a uniform, display a badge, or operate an enforcement vehicle.
Reasonable accommodation for a temporarily disabled employee is mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
False, is not, unless the employee requests it for a condition which substantially limits one or more of the employee’s major life activities and the employee is designated a qualified individual
Approval must be obtained from the appropriate Commissioner to extend a limited-duty assignment beyond (time period) for positions other than within an Executive Office. Authorization must be obtained every (time period) thereafter
one year
three months
Employees who are eligible for Labor Code Section 4800.5 time, Industrial Disability Leave, or temporary disability benefits, and are awaiting a disability retirement decision by CalPERS, shall be assigned limited duty (not to exceed the two year maximum duration)
Employees who have depleted available leave credits and are awaiting a disability retirement decision, and have attained the minimum age for service retirement, shall not be approved for limited duty assignments.
employees who have depleted available leave credits and are awaiting a disability retirement decision may be assigned limited duty not to exceed the two year maximum duration to prevent financial hardship to employees
Commanders and supervisors are responsible for maintaining ________ ____________ with temporarily disabled employees and for arranging a return to full duty as soon as medically appropriate.
ongoing communication
Employees absent or returning from limited duty of more than twelve contiguous months to two years are required to complete ________ Training at the Academy
Employees absent or returning from limited duty of more than two years are required to complete ________________ Training at the Academy
Employees absent or returning from limited duty of less than one year shall be retrained and recertified at their currently assigned commands
Supervisors (may/may not) contact SCIF directly to cooperatively manage injury and illness cases.
If an employee has retained the services of an attorney relevant to his/her injury or illness case, the employee must obtain permission from his/her attorney prior to contacting SCIF directly
True, scif will not discuss without attorney approval
Departmental representation at a WCAB hearing is not legally required unless specifically requested by SCIF.
The commander or designee shall arrange for departmental representation upon notification of a scheduled WCAB trial.
The departmental representative shall prepare:
A copy of the memorandum shall be forwarded to:
a memorandum summarizing the hearing
DRU and the employee’s commander
An employee who is attending his/her own WCAB hearing or trial, or who attends on behalf of the claimant employee, is eligible for the use of state time.
False, is not eligible, unless on 4800
A FC participants RHR must be (#) beats per minute (BPM) or less.
If an employee is unable to bring his/her heart rate below 90 bpm after (time frame), The Division Fitness Coordinator (DFC) or other authorized person should check the employee’s RHR daily for (time period) at the same time of day.
30 min
five consecutive days,
The resting blood pressure must not exceed:
No FC events shall be attempted when an EMT is not on-site and readily available.
Compensating time off shall not be authorized, even when the Annual Fitness Challenge events are scheduled outside of the employees normal working hours.
False, may be authorized, normally 4 hours max unless extenuating circumstances
Injuries sustained as a result of off-duty exercise in preparation for, or during an actual wellness event, are the sole responsibility of:
the employee.
Harassment is defined as:
which is perpetuated by an individual’s status in a protected group.
pervasive, persistent, unwelcome conduct
Harassment reaches the level of illegality when the conduct becomes a:
or the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to be considered:
as measured by the __________ ______ standard.
condition of continued employment
hostile, intimidating, or abusive;
reasonable person
Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents, unless extremely serious, (will/will not) rise to the level of harassment.
Will not
All employees and those seeking employment with the Department will be selected, evaluated, and/or promoted only on the basis of job-related (3):
performance, experience, and qualifications.
There are three recognized categories of race:
Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid.
Medical condition discrimination Refers to only two items:
Employee/applicant has or had cancer, and genetic characteristics (e.g., sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs Disease, hemophilia).
A sustained discrimination complaint based on political affiliation may involve an employee being denied requested time off to attend a political rally because the employee’s manager supports an opposing political view to the employee’s, rather than basing the decision on operational necessity.
It is the Department’s obligation to protect the rights of employees and resolve issues at the ______ ________ level.
lowest possible
Employees who feel they are victims of discrimination should seek:
informal assistance and counseling from an equal employment opportunity counselor or appropriate supervisory and/or management personnel.
Sexual harassment includes _________ sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the conduct ________ __ _________ affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an ____________, _______, __ _________ work environment.
explicitly or implicitly
intimidating, hostile, or offensive
Supervisor roles
Take _________ action when potential issues are observed or brought to their attention.
Supervisor roles
Ensure incidents of sexual harassment, when observed by or brought to the attention of supervisory personnel, shall be:
and ensure timely and appropriate:
is taken to remedy the situation.
given serious attention
corrective action
Supervisor roles
Assure a:
free from sexual harassment and other discriminatory practices for all employees.
favorable working atmosphere
The OSHA 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, shall be prominently posted at the work site by (date) of the year following the year covered by the Log, and shall remain posted until (date).
February 1
April 30
MM update
Effective immediately, employees who sustain first aid injuries with medical expenses, shall be provided a SCIF 3301 by the supervisor within ___ _____ of notification of the injury. Additionally, the complete CHP 121 series shall also be completed and forwarded to SCIF along with the completed SCIF 3301, within __ ________ ____ of notification of the injury. These types of injuries (shall/shall not) also be recorded on the Command’s Occupational Safety and Health Act 300, Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.
24 hours
5 calendar days