7.1b Flashcards
When did the Yom Kipper war start?
October 1973
Describe the events of the Yom Kippur war:
Syria and Egypt made surprise attacks on Israel
Syria and Egypt were armed and supplied by the USSR
Israel were armed and supplied by the USA
What was Brezhnev’s reolution to the Yom Kippur war?
A joint US-Soviet Union task force would be on hand to save the Egyptian army from the Israelites
If the US refused, then the Soviets would go on separately
What was Nixon’s reaction to Brezhnev’s Yom Kippur suggestion?
Nixon did not want to accept the offer
He was angry at the suggestion of independent action
Nixon put all US forces on alert
What was the actual resolution to the Yom Kipper situation?
The US suggested that a UN peacekeeping force of non-nuclear countries intervene in the conflict
Brezhnev accepted this proposal and the war came to an end on:
24th Octobe 1973
When was Nixon’s second visit to Moscow?
July 1974
What was agreed on at Moscow by the 2 leaders?
- Continue to remove danger of war
- Limit and eventually end arms race; aim was complete disarmament
- Contribute to elimination of international tension
- Develop broad cooperation; aim was to promote undestanding and confidence between people of the 2 countries
When was the space link up?
17th July 1975
What was the Apollo-Soyux mission?
3 US astronauts and 2 Soviet cosmonauts met up in space
The US Apollo spacecraft docked with a Soviet Soyuz one
There was a symbolic handshake
When were The Helsinki Agreements?
August 1975
What were the Helsinki Agreements?
A product of the success of the Moscow meeting
The US and the USSR, along iwht 33 other nations, made declarations about 3 distinct international issues (AKA baskets)
What were the 3 baskets?
- Security
- Recognition of European borders
- That they are inviolable
- Cooperation
- Call for closer economic, scientific and cultural links
- Human rights
- Each signing country agreed to respect basic human rights, such as freedom of speech and religion
Who were the leaders at the Helsinki Accords?
Brezhnev - USSR
Gerald Ford -USA
What did Presdent Carter do that upset Soviet authorities?
He sent a letter to the Soviet dissident, Andrei Sakharow
Supporting the stand he was taking against Soviet authorities
What did Brezhnev do regarding weapons in Africa?
Despite the Helsinki Agreements, the USSR sent huge amounts of weapons to Angola and Ethiopia
By 1980, 21 other African states had received Soviet weapons
Why were the human rights issues an embarrassment for Brezhnev?
Helsinki Groups complained about the USSR’s violations that covered lack of free speech, lack of movement among others.
When did SALT II begin?
SALT II began in 1974 and the treaty was signed in June 1979
Terms of SALT 11:
- Limit of 2400 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (ICBMs, SLBMs and heavy bombers) for each side
- A 1320 limit on MIRV systems for each side
- A ban on construction of new land-based ICBM launchers
- Limits on deployment of new types of strategic offensive arms
- SALT II to last until 1985
Why did the US senate refuse to ratify SALT II?
When the Soviet Union unexpectedly invaded Afghanistan
Why had detente been under pressure?
In late 1979, NATO decided to place long-range missile in Europe
Renewed concern about the 2,000 Soviet troops stationed in Cuba