7.1 HIV Flashcards
Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder (PIDD)
- Genetic
- Most present during first year of life
- More often in males
- Prevent body from developing normal immune responses
PIDD Signs and Symptoms
- Multiple Infections
- Failure to thrive/poor growth of infant
Nursing Care
- Must be meticulous
- Appropriate hand hygiene
- Infection prevention cautions
- Monitor signs of infection
- Educational support for family
Acquired Immunodeficiency
- Related to medical treatment such as chemotherapy
- Infection agents such as HIV virus, human immune deficiency virus, AIDS.
- Transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk, not through casual contact
Prevention of HIV
- Education of risky behavior
- HIV testing, treatment, and care
- Proper condom use
- Needle exchange programs
- Pre-exposure prophylaxis
HIV Reproduction Education
- Artificial insemination
- Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
HIV Medication
- Combination drugs
- Protease inhibitors
- NRTI (nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor)
- Entry inhibitors
- Integrase inhibitors
HIV Risk Factors
- LGBT youth are at high risk due to dealing with family rejection and lack of support
Risk of HIV Transmission to Healthcare Workers
- Hand hygiene
- Safe handling of needles and sharps
- Cleaning equipment, waste disposal, disinfecting surfaces
- PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) such as Anti-Viral meds no more than 72 hours after exposure. (Get to employee health or ER as fast as possible)
Risk of HIV Transmission to Healthcare Workers
- Very low risk (0.23%)
- Less than 1% after exposure
HIV Pathophysiology
- Retrovirus (Carries genetic material in form of RNA)
- Targets CD4 receptors on T-Lymphocytes, monocytes, dendritic cells, and brain microglia.
- HIV is a complex life cycle
Stages of HIV
0 - Acute infectious stage (can test negative but still highly contagious) Very dangerous for transmission
Stage 1 - Clinical Latency (primary acute period. Dramatic drop in CD4 T-cell count (normal is 500-1500 per mL of blood)
Stage 2 - Early stage of AIDS. T-cell 200-499
Stage 3 - T-lymphocytes drop below 200 Considered to have AIDS. Risk of opportunistic infections.
Unknown Stage - Opportunistic infections are often.
Clinical Manifestation of HIV
- Asymptomatic at first
- Fatigue/Skin Rash
- Later stages may have respiratory issues from pneumocystis pneumonia.
- Anorexia/N/V/Oral Thrush (Candidiasis)
Clinical Manifestations of HIV
- Kaposi’s Sarcoma (Cancer) and skin lesions
- HIV encephalopathy (AIDS dementia)
- Herpes Zoster and Herpes Simplex and Dermatitis
- ## Fungal infections in the mouth
ART (Antiretroviral Therapy)
- Keeps CD4 counts high which reduces HIV morbidity
Assessment of HIV
- Risk Factors
- Sexual Practices
- IV Drug Abuse
- Assess each system (physical status, skin lesions, weight)
- Depression
- Frequent Infections, Nutritional status, Dietary change
- Respiratory status (Cough, Shortness of Breath, Sputum)
- Level of consciousness/Mental Status Change
Wasting Syndrome
- Involuntary loss of 10% body weight
Promoting Bowel Patterns
- Assessing diarrhea
- Avoid foods that irritate bowel such as raw fruits, carbonated drinks, raw vegetables.
- Administer Meds to assist bowel patterns.
Promoting Preventing Infection
- Monitor S/S (fever, chills, culturing wounds)
- Educate patient and family
- Monitor WBC and CD4 Count
Improve Airway Clearance
- Assess respiratory status, rate of breath, breath sounds
- Elevate head of bed
- Provide oxygen if needed
Improve Nutritional Status
- Giving easy to eat high calorie food
- Oral thrush could be painful so easy to swallow food
- Dietary consult for assistance
- Meds for nausea prior to meals
Improvement of Knowledge
- Instruction on transmission
- Correct condom use
- IV Drug use risk
- Patient should demonstrate skills back with props or verbally tell you about the risk.
Decreased sense of social isolation
- Provide support systems (family and friends)
- Re-assuring it is not passed through casual contact
- Provide information how to protect themselves