70s - Foreign Affairs Flashcards
When was Britain’s EEC application finally accepted?
- Heath was passionately pro-European and saw a European alliance as key in preventing WW3.
What was the deciding factor in accepting Britain?
Pompidou replaced De Gaulle and was convinced they needed Britain
Who were the doubters against Europe?
The pro-Commonwealthers and those who argued Britain was giving up too much sovereignty.
Who was the largest critic of the EEC application?
Enoch Powell who still held an MP seat against 1974 when he refused to stand for the Conservative Party. He voted against Heath at every stage and believed Heath betrayed the country.
How did Wilson keep Labour together despite the hostile Left?
Promising renegotiation and a referendum when they regained power.
When did Wilson hold the Europe referendum?
1975 - Wilson and Callaghan remained publicly neutral so either side could campaign separately.
Why did Britain need to remain in the EEC?
Economically - they were a financial mess.
Who were the two main supporters, and the 4 main opposers?
Jenkins and Heath supported - Castle and Foot opposed due to it being bad for British workers, and Benn and Powell opposed on grounds of losing independence.
What were the % splits of stay/leave?
68% stay, 32% leave.
What was the referendum seen as by Europe?
A lack of commitment, but when Jenkins left Parliament to be a European Commissioner the faith in Britain was restored.
What was Heath’s stance on the US and Europe?
He would not be a middle man, they could negotiate separately.
What strained Anglo-American relations in 1973?
The Yom Kippur War, the USA wanted to use British NATO bases but Britain refused, fearing that the Middle East oil supplies would be sat risk.
What did Callaghan negotiate in 1979?
What was the main thing upholding the Special Relationship together in the 70s?
The Special Relationship, and Heath’s friendship with Nixon.
how did the USA and USSR try to avoid another Cuban Missile Crisis?
By holding direct contact meetings, which eventually led to arms limitations under Thatcher.
How could we still see USSR influence in Europe at this time?
Markov defected from Bulgaria to the West in 1969 and criticised the Bulgarian Communist regime. He was assassinated by the KGB in London in 1978.
What did Nixon announce in 1972?
He would visit China to thaw relations. Britain followed suit, agreeing to an ambassador exchange.
What was Heath awarded following his many visits?
The People’s Friendship Envoy - highest honour a foreigner could hold.
Who visited Britain in 1979?
Premier Hua Goufeng.