7. Teaching Theory & Practice (L) Flashcards



Theory and practice in teaching in counselor preparation. Question prepared for the CAU faculty by Dr. Ng.

  • Demonstrate the ability to articulate a personal teaching philosophy.
  • Demonstrate the ability to discuss pedagogy, andragogy, and research relevant to counselor training.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply constructivist, developmental, and experiential learning theories and social justice educational foundations, and cultural perspectives to counselor preparation (master’s and doctoral levels).
  • Discuss and apply anti-oppressive and antiracist teaching and learning methods, including counselor educators’ use-of-self.
  • Demonstrate the ability to design theory- and research-based in-person, online, and hybrid learning modalities.
  • Demonstrate the ability to discuss various roles and responsibilities of a counselor educator from a bioecological perspective (e.g., teaching, mentoring, gatekeeping, service, leading, research, advocating, etc.)

Sample question:

This question seeks to assess your competence in developing a learning module on multicultural and diversity issues in counseling using a learning theory.

You have just been hired by a counselor education program and are assigned to teach the social cultural foundations course that includes topics of diversity and multiculturalism in counseling. Based on your knowledge on (a) topics related to gender, gender bias, and gender related issues in the practice of professional counseling and (b) adult learning theories, develop a learning module that covers what you believe to be essential to helping master’s-level counseling students gain understanding on gender-related issues and competence in addressing gender-related issues with clients. Limit your learning module to content and learning activities that you can cover in 3 hours of face-to-face instruction time. You are not required to develop a learning module that exhaustively covers the subject matter.

In presenting your learning module, please address the following:
1. Specify three (3) topics that you want to include in the module and discuss your rationale/reasons for selecting them.
2.Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, explicate at least one specific learning outcome for each of your selected topics. That means, 3 learning outcomes. Be sure the learning objectives are expressed in measurable (action) terms.
3. Based on your selected learning theory/theories, describe one learning activity you will use to help students achieve one of the stated learning outcomes. Discuss briefly how the learning theory supports the learning activity of your design. That means, you need to demonstrate how your theory guides your design of learning activities. Be sure to specify your learning theory.
4.Briefly describe one assessment methodyou will use to assess the extent learning has been achieved in this learning module.

* Adams, M., Bell, L. A., Goodman, D. J., & Joshim, K. Y. (Eds.) (2023). Teaching for diversity and social justice (4th ed.). Routledge Taylor & Francis.
* McAuliffe, G., & Eriksen, K. (Eds.). (2011). Handbook of counselor preparation: Constructivist, developmental, and experiential approaches. Sage.
* Harris, P. C., Hines, E. M., & Mayes, R. D. (Eds.) (2021). Special issue: Anti-racist counselor education. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling, 3(2). https://trace.tennessee.edu/tsc/vol3/iss2/
* Kishimoto, K. (2018). Anti-racist pedagogy: from faculty’s self-reflection to organizing within and beyond the classroom. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(4), 540-554.
* Ng, K.-M., Anandavalli, S., Litherland, G., Bell, T., Ewe, E., Lau, J., & List, A. (2023). Counselor
educators using self as instrument in antiracist teaching. Counselor Education and Supervision,
62(2), 171-184.
* Smith, L., Kashubeck-West, S., Payton, G., & Adams, E. (2017). White professors teaching about
racism: Challenges and rewards. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(5), 651-668.
* Williams, J. M., Byrd, J. A., & Washington, A. R. (2021). Challenges in implementing antiracist
pedagogy into counselor education programs: A collective self-study. Counselor Education &
Supervision, 60, 254-272.
* Primary sources for learning and teaching theories
* Quality Matters.
* More specific resources are found in COUN 616 syllabus and Canvas materials.

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