1. COUN Theory (K) Flashcards



Theoretical systems of individual counseling and their application to the preparation of counselors. Question prepared for the CAU faculty by Dr. Aguilera and approved for the 2023 study guide by Dr. Field.

1. Be able to articulate and apply theories and concepts described in Safran & Muran (2000).
2. Be able to articulate and apply Bordin’s conceptualization (1979) of the Therapeutic Alliance.
3. Be able to articulate the rationale for and apply key concepts of the Unified Protocol (Barlow et.al, 2011).
4.Be able to articulate Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide including the factors that influence the likelihood that individuals will engage in suicidal behaviors, his risk assessment protocol and strategies counselors can use to reduce the risk of clients following through on suicidal ideation and intent.
5. Be sure to include theoretical support for the theory. For example, Safran and Muran support their theory with a great deal of research including, Rank (1945), Winnicott (1965), and Bordin (1979). Using research in your exam response build a stronger argument for your answer.
6.Demonstrate the ability to incorporate Safran and Muran, Unified Protocol, and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide into counselor education courses.

Sample question:

Describe the UP Protocol including theoretical support, the range of disorders the protocol can be used to treat, and UP protocol efficacy. Discuss how to facilitate treatment and UP assessment. Be prepared to discuss how you might incorporate UP into your practice. As a counselor educator, how might you include the UP protocol in counselor preparation.

Barlow, D.H., Farchione, T.J., Fairholme, C.P., Ellard, K.K., Boisseau, C.L. Allen, L.B. &
Ehrenreich-May, J. (2011). The unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of
emotional disorders: Therapist guide.
Joiner, T. E. (2010). Interpersonal Theory of Suicide: Guidance for Working with Suicidal Clients.
Safran, J. & Muran J. (2003). Negotiating the therapeutic alliance. The Guilford Press.

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