7 Launching The Nation Flashcards
electoral college
a body of electors who represent the people’s vote in choosing the president
George Washington
Respected for his honesty and leadership during the Revolution was unanimously chosen by the electoral college to serve as first President of the United States
Martha Washington
As George Washington’s wife and First Lady, she ran the presidential household by entertaining guests and attending social events.
an action or decision that later serves as an example
Judiciary Act of 1789
This act created three levels of federal courts and defined their powers and relationship to the state courts.
Alexander Hamilton
Served in Washington’s cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury; Created plan to deal with the national debt
national debt
money owed by the United States
certificates of debt that carry a promise to buy back the bonds at a higher rate
people who buy items at low prices in the hope that the value will rise and they can sell the items for a profit
Thomas Jefferson
Served in Washington’s cabinet as Secretary of State; Supported strict construction of the Constitution;
Loose Construction
Philosophy that the federal government can take reasonable actions that the Constitution does not specifically forbid
Strict Construction
Philosophy that the federal government should do only what the Constitution specifically says it can do
Bank of the United States
the country’s first national bank
French Revolution
A rebellion of the French people against their king in 1789.
Neutrality Proclamation
Stated the United States would not take sides with any European countries that were at war
private ships hired by a country to attack its enemies
Jay’s Treaty
Settled the disputes that had arisen between the United States and Great Britain in the early 1790s
Pinckney’s Treaty
Settled the border and trade disputes with Spain; Confirmed the southern boundary of the U.S. west to the Mississippi River; Opened New Orleans to American ships
Little Turtle
Miami Chief who successfully led Native Americans against U.S. forces until eventually urging his people to seek peace
Battle of Fallen Timbers
a battle between U.S. troops and an American Indian confederation that ended Indian efforts to halt white settlement in the Northwest Territory
Treaty of Greenville
an agreement between Native American confederation leaders and the U.S. government that gave the United States Indian lands in the Northwest Territory and guaranteed that U.S. citizens could safely travel through the region
Whiskey Rebellion
1794- Farmers lashed out against the U.S. government for taxing whiskey; President George Washington personally led the army against the rebellion; The rebellion ended without a battle.
political parties
groups that help elect people and shape policies
Federalist Party
Promoted strong federal government; Supported industry and trade
Democratic-Republican Party
It’s members were called Republicans (different than the party today); Desired to limit the federal government’s power
XYZ Affair
French attempt to secure a bribe and a loan in exchange for discussing a treaty with America; America refused to cooperate
Alien and Sedition Acts
1798- Four laws passed by the Federalist controlled Congress intended to crush opposition to war
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Documents that argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional; Supported the idea that states could challenge the federal government