4 American Revolution Flashcards
Were colonist who chose to fight for their freedom from Britian
First Continental Congress
Was a gathering of Colonial leaders who were troubled about the relationship between the British and the Colonies in America
Local militia men who got their name because they were ready to fight at a minutes moment
British soldiers
Second Continental Congress
the second group of delegates from the colonies
Continental Army
the Patriot army created to fight the British
Battle of Bunker Hill
A famous battle on breed’s hill. The Patriots showed that they could take on the British
Common Sense
A 47 page pamphlet distributed in Philadelphia
Thomas Paine
the author of common sense
Declaration of Independence
Formally announced the colonies right to break free of Britain
Thomas Jefferson
An avid patriot who wrote the Declaration of Independence
Colonist who sided with the British
Foreign soldiers who worked for pay, not loyalty.
The Battle of Trenton
Was an important Patriot Victory
Battle of Saratoga
In New York was the turning point of the war.
Marquis de Lafayette
Brought with him a group of well trained soldiers and volunteered to serve in the Continental Army without pay.
Baron Friedrich Von Steuben
was an experienced military officer from Prussia who help the Continental army train.
Bernardo de Galvez
the Governor of Spanish Louisiana. He gathered a small army of soldiers and helped the Patriots
John Paul Jones
A talented naval hero who fought for the Patriots. The Continental army owed much of their success on the seas to him.
George Rogers Clark
Was the leader of the western campaign for the Continental Army.
Francis Marion
A famous guerrilla style warfare soldier who formed Marion’s Brigade, a group of guerrilla warriors
Comte de Rochembeau
A French commander who fought alongside Geaorge Washington in the battle of Yorktown.
The Battle of Yorktown
The last major battle of the civil war. The patriot captured about 8000 prisoners
The Treaty of Paris
The treaty in that Britain recognized the independence of the colonies. This ended the war.
George Washington
A Virginian who commanded the Continental Army