7 Homer - Odyssey - Fitzgerald & Hexter Flashcards
Aeaea (ee-ee-uh): the imaginary island where Circe turns Odysseus’ crew into swine
Aeolia (ee-OH-lee-uh): the floating island of the god of the winds, Aeolus. (Odysseus’ men later opened the bag of wind and were blown away from Ithaca.)
Alcinous (al-sin-us): father of Nausicaa (naw-sick-ah); king of Phaeacia (faye-e-she-a) on Scheria (scare-e-uh) island [NPS]
Antinous (an-tin-us): a suitor of Penelope; tried to have Telemachus killed
Aphrodite (a fruh DIE tee): goddess of sexual love and beauty; Romans Venus
Aarete aka Arete
Aarete aka Arete (air-e-tea): queen Phaeacia (faye-e-she-a); wife of Alcinous (al-sin-us); mother of Nausicaa (naw-sick-ah) [PAN]
Calypso (kuh LIP sow): queen of Ogygia (oh-gig-e-ah) Island; kept Odysseus for seven years [OO]
Cape Malea
Cape Malea: the extreme southeastern tip of the Peloponnese peninsula. Where Odysseus was blown off to the Land of the Lotus-Eaters [POLL]
Charybdis #1
Charybdis #1 (kuh RIB dis): monster who created whirlpool as Odysseus sailed through the strait
Charybdis Location
Charybdis Location: southwest (SW) side of the Strait of Messina; between the boot-tip of Italy and the island of Sicily
Cicones (kih-ko-knees): Thracian people of Ismarus
Cimmerians (see-MIR-ee-uns): a people living beyond Oceanus, at the edge of the world; the entrance of Hades
Circe (SIR see): sorceress who turned Odysseus’ crew into swine
Cyclops Island Location
Cyclops Island Location: modern-day Sicily; Odysseus’ next stop after the Lotus Eaters
Cyclops & One Notable Cyclops
Cyclops (SIGH clops): one-eyed giants; devoured human beings. Polyphemus was son of Poseidon
Cyclopes (sigh KLOH peez): plural of Cyclops
Cytera (suh-THEAR-ah; rhymes with ‘fear’): a Greek island west of Cape Malea known for a cult of Aphrodite
Danaans (dan-neigh-ans): Achaeans or Greeks
Demeter (dee MEE ter): sister of Zeus, mother of Persephone by Zeus; Greek goddess of the harvest [ZPZH]
Dolius (dah-lee-us): slave and gardener of Penelope
Euryclea (u-rick-lee-uh): the wet-nurse of Odysseus
Eurymachus (u-rim-a-cuss): a suitor of Penelope
Hades the God
Hades (HAY dees): by luck of the draw, the god of the underworld; brother of Zeus and Poseidon
Helios & Son
Helios (HE lee os): sun god; his son Phaethon crashed his horse-drawn chariot driving through the sky
Hera (HAIR a): wife of Zeus; queen of the Greek gods; Roman Juno