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Epidemiology [By Topic]
> 7. Feline panleukopaenia. > Flashcards
7. Feline panleukopaenia. Flashcards
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Epidemiology [By Topic]
(103 decks)
1. Definition of infectious diseases, sources of infection, factors influencing infectious diseases (pathogen-host relationship, protection of the host, environmental factors).
2. Pathogenesis, course, epidemiology of infectious diseases, factors influencing the spread of infectious diseases.
3. Diagnosis of infectious diseases, treatment of animals having infectious diseases.
4. Prevention and control of infectious diseases.
5. Foetopathy of swine caused by parvoviruses (SMEDI).
6. Canine enteritis caused by parvoviruses.
7. Feline panleukopaenia.
8. Parvovirus diseases of the mink.
9. Derzsy’s disease of geese, parvoviral disease of ducks
10. Circoviral disease of swine (PMWS, PDNS).
11. Avian diseases caused by circoviruses, chicken infectious anaemia.
12. Papillomatoses.
13. Haemorrhagic nephritis and enteritis of geese
14. Pneumoenteritis of ruminants caused by adenoviruses.
15. Canine infectious hepatitis and infectious laryngotracheitis.
16. Adenoviral diseases in poultry.
17. Characteristics of herpesviruses, groups, epidemiological features.
18. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions)
19. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (diagnosis, prevention, control, eradication).
20. Bovine herpesmamillitis, inclusion body rhinitis of swine.
21. Malignant catarrhal fever.
22. Aujeszky’s disease (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions).
22. Aujeszky’s disease (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions).
23. Aujeszky’s disease (diagnosis, prevention, control, eradication).
24. Diseases of horses caused by EHV-1 and EHV-4 viruses.
25. Diseases caused by EHV-2, EHV-3 and EHV-5 viruses in horses.
26. Canine herpesviral disease.
27. Feline infectious rhinotracheitis.
28. Infectious laryngotracheitis of chicken.
29. Marek’s disease.
30. Duck plague, herpesviral disease of pigeons.
31. Bovine diseases caused by poxviruses.
32. Contagious pustular dermatitis of sheep and goat. Swine pox.
33. Sheep and goat pox.
34. Myxomatosis.
35. Fowl pox.
36. African swine fever.
37. Teschovirus encephalomyelitis.
38. Swine vesicular disease and vesicular exanthema of swine.
39. Avian encephalomyelitis.
40. Duck viral hepatitis.
41. Encephalomyocarditis.
42. Foot and mouth disease (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions).
43. Foot and mouth disease (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention, control).
44. Feline calicivirus infections.
45. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease, European brown hare syndrome.
46. Diseases of farm animals caused by hepatitis E virus.
47. Diseases caused by astroviruses.
48. Equine encephalomyelitis caused by togaviruses (Zoon.).
49. Equine infectious arteritis.
50. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.
51. Louping ill and tick-borne encephalitis (Zoon.).
52. West Nile fever, disease caused by Usutu virus and other mosquito-borne flaviviral diseases.
53. Bovine viral diarrhoea.
54. Border disease of sheep.
55. Classical swine fever (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions).
56. Classical swine fever (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention, control).
57. Transmissible gastroenteritis of swine.
58. Porcine epidemic diarrhoea, haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis of pigs.
59. Coronaviral diarrhoea of cattle and dogs.
60. Diseases of cats caused by coronaviruses.
61. Infectious bronchitis of chicken, coronaviral enteritis of turkey.
62. Diseases of farm animals caused by orthoreoviruses and rotaviruses.
63. Reoviral diseases of poultry.
64. Bluetongue.
65. Epizootic haemorrhagic disease.
66. African horse sickness, equine encephalosis.
67. Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro-disease).
68. Characteristics of influenza viruses, epidemiology of influenza (Zoon.).
69. Swine influenza.
70. Equine influenza.
71. Avian influenza.
72. Rinderpest, peste des petits ruminants.
73. Canine distemper.
74. Diseases caused by Henipa viruses.
75. Diseases caused by bovine respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza-3 virus.
76. Newcastle disease (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs).
7. Newcastle disease (post mortem lesions, diagnosis, prevention, control).
78. Avian metapneumovirus infections.
79. Diseases caused by Orthobunyaviruses (Zoon.).
80. Rift Valley fever and Nairobi sheep disease.
81. Vesicular stomatitis, ephemeral fever.
82. Rabies (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions, zoon.).
83. Rabies (diagnosis, prevention, control, zoon.).
84. Borna disease, avian diseases caused by bornaviruses.
85. General characteristics and grouping of retroviruses.
86. Enzootic bovine leucosis.
87. Ovine pulmonary adenomatosis.
88. Feline leucosis and acquired immune deficiency of cats.
89. Avian leucosis and reticuloendotheliosis.
90. Maedi-visna.
91. Caprine arthritis-encephalitis.
92. Equine infectious anaemia.
93. Infectious encephalopathies, scrapie, encephalopathy of minks.
94. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, feline spongiform encephalopathy (Zoon).
95. Anthrax (aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, post mortem lesions in different host species).
96. Anthrax (diagnosis, treatment, prevention, control, zoon.).
97. General characteristics of diseases caused by clostridia, grouping of the diseases.
98. Malignant oedema.
99. Blackleg.
100. Bradsot of sheep and Köves-disease of swine.
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