38. Swine vesicular disease and vesicular exanthema of swine. Flashcards
Swine Vesicular Disease: Summary
- Coxsackie B5 virus adapted to swine; Serotype 9
- Good resistance
Swine Vesicular Disease: Epidemiology
- Direct contact of swine, raw pork & swill
- Viral shedding lasts for 4 months; Some asymptomatic carriers
- Indirect infection: Ho. can transmit
Swine Vesicular Disease: Pathogenesis
PO infection → Throat & Gut → Replication → Viraemia →
- Affecting epithelial cells of: Skin; Mucosa; Legs; Teats
- CNS also affected
- Immune reaction
Swine Vesicular Disease: Incubation time & CSx
Incubation time 2-7 days
- Fever (1-2 days)
- Vesicles: Nose; Oral mucosa; Legs → coronary band etc.
- Inappentance & limping
- Fast recovery; Frequently asymptomatic
Swine Vesicular Disease: Incubation & CSx (Ho.)
Incubation time: 1-2 Weeks
- Mild flu-like symptoms
- Abdominal & muscular pain
- Ø Vesicles
- Complete healing
Swine Vesicular Disease: Pathology
Ø Gross pathologically lesions
Swine Vesicular Disease: Dx
- Epidemiology; CSx
- Lab. exam necessary: Also to differentiate from FMD
- Detection: RT-PCR; CFT; ELISA; Virus isolation
- Serology: VN; ELISA
Swine Vesicular Disease: DDx
- Vesicular exanthema of Swine
- Vesicular Stomatitis
Swine Vesicular Disease: Prevention
- Ø Vaccines
- Control traffic of pigs & pork
- Ban of feeding with swill
- Stamping-out; Movement restriction
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): Virus family
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): Summary
Seal (natural host) ⟷ Swine
- > 30 serotypes; Serological cross-reactions
- Susceptible: Sus.; Seal; Whale; Dolphin; Mink; Ho.
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): Epidemiology & Transmission
- Primary source of infection: Raw meat of sea mammals & fish
- Raw pork products
- Swine: Shedding with saliva & excreta
- Survives in the environment for >2 weeks
- Less contagious than FMD
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): Incubation & CSx
Incubation time: 1-4 days
- Fever; Anorexia; Depression; Inappetence
- Vesicles: Mouth; Snout; Limbs → lameness
- Lesions heal rapidly - Mortality in piglets
- Seals: Skin lesions; Abortion; Perinatal mortality
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): Dx
- CSx: Suspicion
- Lab D. is necessary because it is similar to FMD
- Take samples from vesicles & saliva
- PCR; ELISA (isolation)
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): DDx
- FMD (Food & mouth disease)
- SVD (Swine vesicular stomatitis)
- VSV (Vesicular stomatitis virus)
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine (VES): Control & Prevention
- Outbreak: Restricted movement; Eradication
- Heat treatment of seafood (fish meal) before feeding to pigs