7-Cognitive Theories of Learning Flashcards
What did Jerome Bruner do?
Constructivist model: he coined the 3 learning modes model, a hierarchy classifying learning by complexity and cognitive development
3 modes of learning
who coined the term + list them + brief description of each
Jerome Bruner, we learn best through these steps:
- Enactive: Motor (action based)
- Iconic: Sensory (image based)
- Symbolic: Intellectual (symbolic based)
Spiral Curriculum
Teaching and learning approach using 3 strategies:
1. revisit topics throughout course
2. add a layer of complexity at each revisit
3. progressive gain in skill and competency through tutoring
Example for Bruners learning modes
optional question, more for my learning
- Enactive: students use blocks to physically learn addition
- Iconic: students are shown an image of a group of blocks next to another and learn to count the total amount of blocks
- Symbolic: students are taught to understand number symbols and the + symbol to symbolically understand addition
What did Jean Piaget believe regarding learning relative to Bruner’s persepective?
Bruner believed that through his model, anyone in any developmental stage could learn anything
Piaget believed there were specific stages of development which affected learning capacity, meaning some things cannot be learned before certain developmental stages
Lev Vygotsky’s theory of learning
Social constructivism: our personal histories, culture and social interactions influence brain development and learning.
Languages, traditions and technologies are cultural tools which shape our learning and thinking.
Steven Pinker
main theories
Language has universal grammar and humans have certain innate language capabilities