7 Flashcards
A patrol officer needing to use a CI, which has not been certified (see section II.A.1.h of this order), will complete an informant file for the individual in accordance with this order and then return it to the ___ within ____;
72 hours
In the event a CI is inactive for a period of _____ or more, the CI’s confidential file will be updated by completing a new Confidential Informant Intelligence Report (P-1689) and a new Cooperating Individual Agreement (P-1682). The file will be reviewed and a criminal history check will be completed prior to the person being reactivated as an informant. Thisreview will be conducted by the _____ or designee.
six months
Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice
Each sergeant assigned to the Narcotics Unit, with the exception of the _____, shall conduct _____ random informant inspection(s) _____, to include a face to face interview.
prescription drug squad
The Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice or designee will complete a documented _____ administrative review of adherence to Sheriff’s Office policy regarding the use of CIs.
How many shall conduct personal interviews of sources or CIs?
Any report documenting the use of a CI making a controlled buy (i.e., purchase of a controlled substance that will be the basis for a subsequent search warrant) should be written in such a manner so as not to provide the specific date of the CI activity. It would be acceptable instead to use a _____period of time during which the transaction took place.
ten day
Precautions shall be used at all times when dealing with informants of the opposite sex. There should always be _____ officers present.
Under the following circumstances officers shall contact his supervisor and request notification of a narcotics detective: (3)
- Arrests involving trafficking amounts of narcotics when the suspect is willing to cooperate with a narcotics detective.
- The seizure of U.S. Currency in excess of $5,000;
- Arrests involving individuals who are willing and capable of providing additional narcotics information.
Trafficking amount of cocaine?
1 oz
Trafficking amount of Heroin
4 grams
Trafficking amount of Marijuana
25 lbs
Trafficking amount MDMA Pills?
10 grams
The first officer on the scene where a suspected Clandestine lab has been located must: There are several but the first three are important
1) Evacuate everyone from the immediate area of the suspected lab site and secure the scene.
2) Establish a perimeter between fifty to one hundred (50–100) feet around the site to ensure proper safety and security.
3) Notify their supervisor who will respond.
NINJAS must be done when?
at least two hours in advance for each location and subject involved in the DART operation
Seizure of Property Notice: The Forfeiture Unit copy (signed) shall be forwarded to the Forfeiture Unit prior to the _____.
end of the shift
An officer seizing U.S. currency in the amount of _____ or more shall notify the Investigations PECO. The PECO will immediately notify the appropriate on-call_____. That person will coordinate with the _____ and determine if a _____ is also needed to respond.
Narcotics/Vice Section detective
Forfeiture Unit
Forfeiture Detective
The minimum currency only seizure is _____ when a nexus can be proven between the money and the felony activity.
If a vehicle is seized in conjunction with other assets, then _____ can be seized.
any amount
If the seizure is currency of _____ or more, a supervisor shall respond to the scene.
Members in a uniformed assignment shall receive replacement footwear each ____.
Earrings, shall be no larger than ___ in diameter.
How many bracelets are allowed?
How many rings are allowed per hand?
The standard issued _______ black belt and retention holster with an approved magazine case shall be worn by all police, corrections, and reserve personnel in uniform except those assigned to specialized units, and _________ and above
2¼ inch lieutenants
Senior (__years) and Master (__ years) police and corrections officers shall wear service chevrons on right collar, point up, instead of “JP” or “JC” insignia
Senior (eight years) police and corrections sergeants shall wear three service chevrons and ___ ____ on each sleeve of their uniform shirts and jackets; and master (16 years) police and corrections sergeants shall wear three service chevrons and ___ _____ on eachsleeve of their uniform shirts and jackets
one rocker
two rockers
“Safe Driver” and “Years in Service” pins are limited to ____ each.
Organizational pins of the Fraternal Order of Police, Brotherhood of Police Officers, and the Police Benevolent Association may be worn on the uniform. Organizational pins are limited to ____.
Officers may wear no more than _____ total pins (organizational, meritorious or job assignment) at one time on the uniform.
Dress shoes with heels must be ________. Female police officers in plain clothes assignments will wear shoes with ____straps.
2” or lowerback
Women’s Skirts/split-skirts no shorter than _____.
members who are authorized to carry firearms, make arrests, or are in contact with prisoners/inmates shall not have fingernails which extend more than __ past the end of the finger.
Tattoos are not permitted above the ________ (e.g., neck, face, or behind the ear) or below the wrist (e.g., hands, fingers). Members who were employed with the Sheriff’s Office and had a tattoo applied prior to ______ are exempt from the restrictions ofthis paragraph.
collar bone
MalesHair shall not extend downward beyond the _____ of the ear opening. Height and depth of hair shall not exceed ___ _____ . Hair shall not extend downward over the shirt collar in standing position
two inches
MalesSideburns shall not extend below the bottom of the _______. The maximum width of the sideburns shall not exceed ___ and the bottom shall be trimmed in a straight line parallel with the floor when the officer is in a standing position. The growth shall not be more than __ in depth
1 1/2”
Mustaches may be worn with the pattern neatly trimmed. The extent of the growth shall be limited to __ inch below or beyond the line of the corner of the mouth
The mustache thickness shall be no more than ___ in depth and not appear bushy. The ends may not bewaxed or twisted
Beards growth may not exceed __ in length and may not include thin lines, names, initials, lightning bolts, or any other designs.
JSO is required by Chapter 106 of the Municipal Code of the City of Jacksonville (COJ), to provide the City Budget Office with an ______ operating budget request.
On an _____ basis, the Budget Division will provide instructions for requesting enhancements needed to increase the level of service or provide for a new program.
JSO is required by Chapter 122.6 of the Municipal Code to submit an estimate of the capital improvement requirements for JSO for the ensuing ____ years.
Travel forms must be completed and approved through the chain of command no less than ____ weeks prior to the date when any travel arrangements must be made, including the training registration deadline.
Per Diem for meals will be advanced only if the travel period spans at least ____ days.
Upon their return, travelers have ____ working days to complete Part II of the Travel Request Form (P-0036E) and submit it to the _______ ______.
Budget Division
The detective will complete the bottom section of the prior approved JSO Prisoner Transport and Investigations Travel Form (P-0442) upon the return of the detective at the earliest possible time, not to exceed ____ working days.
Each card will have a credit limit based upon the individual’s need for the purchasing card; however, in no circumstance will a single purchase exceed ______with a maximum of _______per month per card unless an exception is approved by Treasury.
The Historical Preservation Board will convene how often?
as needed
Online data stored on the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System is maintained for a periodof ______.
one year
Any audio that has the ability of being recorded is maintained for a period of _______.
one year.
Premier Mobile Data Computer (MDC) transmissions are maintained for a period of _______.
one year
Automatic Number Identification/Automatic Location Identification (ANI/ALI) data generated by the 911 telephone equipment is maintained for a period of _________.
one year
Video recordings of the city cameras are maintained for a period of __ days.
The FDLE performs an ______ audit of agencies using the FCIC/NCIC terminals either externally or internally.