10 Flashcards
Depending upon the size and type of spill or incident, an initial safe distance range is between ___ and ___ feet.
50 and 1200 feet.
At the request of a Bio-Environmental Services Division inspector, the Sheriff is authorized to stop and detain for up to ____ hours a motor vehicle and attached mobile containment vessel that is contrary to the laws of the United States or the State, the rules of the United States Environmental Protection Agency or State Department of Environmental Regulation orF.S.S. 364.111.
Applicants no longer eligible for employment and for whom processing is suspended because of failure to pass a component of the selection process shall be informed in writing of the specific reason within __ calendar days.
Records of sworn/corrections applicants who are ineligible for employment or applicants who are eligible but not selected for probationary employment, shall be retained a minimum of ___ years.
Oral Board participants are Limited to one Oral Board term in a ___ months period; (term meaning aperiod of time needed to select a particular class i.e. BLE 0216 )
Lead Detective: Advise the person taking a polygraph examination that the exam may take _____ hours.
Lead Detective-Confer with the polygraphist at least ____ minutes prior to the appointment to formulate questions relative to the event and bring the case folder to this conference.
Lead Detective-Notify the Polygraph Unit within __ hours or as soon as practical if a subject to beexamined cancels their appointments.
Generally, children above the age of __ years are eligible, but in each case involving young childrenthe final decision to examine will be made by the polygraphist.
The person should be rested, which means at least __ hours sleep, rest from work, and properly fed on the day of the exam.
Only under extreme conditions should a hand held aerosol chemical munition be used at a distance of less than _____ feet for the MK-3 and ___ feet for the MK-9.
3 feet
6 feet
CEW Distance-The CEW in probe deployment mode has a normal effective range of __ feet with a 21 foot cartridge and __ feet with a 25 foot cartridge, however optimal range is ____ feet from the tip of the CEW cartridge.
7 to 10
Officers will use a CEW the _____ number of application cycles and for the _____ durationof time necessary to end the resistance and gain compliance from a person who meets thecriteria
Absent exigent circumstances, __________ CEW deployments on a single suspect/inmate/prisoner by multiple officers should be avoided.
Members will complete RTR Reports and RTR Witness Reports within _______ of the RTR incident.
24 hours
The expandable baton authorized for use by police officers employed by the Sheriff’s Office, is the
Monadnock 22” or 26” expandable baton
Specialty Impact Weaponspersonnel authorized in the use of these munitions shall complete a refresher course and qualify once every
12 months
______ Deployment-Utilizing compressed nitrogen gas to propel two darts on wires from a cartridge a maximum of __ feet.
When using the CEW, the Optimal range is ____ feet from the tip of the cartridge to the subject.
7 to 10
CEW use histories will be downloaded on each CEW ________ or at a supervisor’s discretion.
How often should the CEW be tested?
at the beginning of each shift (including secondary employment) or at least once every five days during days off
In order to maintain proficiency and understanding of the application of the CEW, members will be required to receive _____ training.
What are the officially recognized handgun types of the Sheriff’s Office?
Glock 9mm, with factory trigger pull/connector,
Glock .40 caliber semiautomatic handgun, with eight lb. trigger pull, both with standard magazines; and
.38 and .357 caliber revolvers approved by the Range Master.
Which Glock models are the primary issued handgunsfor on duty use by all uniformed sworn Sheriff’s Office employees.
Model 17 and 22
Officers shall qualify with their backup weapon types, if a revolver or non-Glock semi-automatic, at least
once annually
The official Sheriff’s Office issued shotgun is the Remington 870, 12-gauge pump with an barrel how long?
18 to 21 inches
The official Sheriff’s Office issued rifle is the AR-15, 5.56 mm caliber, with a __ barrel, adjustable stock, and a tactical sling.
16 inch
A minimum of __ hours of rifle training is required before rifles are issued and utilized on duty by an employee.
Thirty round magazines will be loaded with __ rounds. Twenty round magazines will be loaded with __ rounds.
28, 18
For non issued handguns, projectiles may not weigh less than __ grains. Reloads of any type are absolutely ________.
85, prohibited
Sheriff’s Office ammunition standards for ammunition stocked and issued by the JSO for routine assignment will be:
- .40 caliber S & W, Winchester 180 grain, Ranger SXT hollow point
- 9mm - Winchester 9mm Luger +P+ 127 grain T-series
- .38 Special (+P) 158 grain, hollow point (for large frame weapons);
- .38 Special hollow point (for small frame and air weight weapons
- Federal LE 132-00 12 Gauge 9 Pellet 00 Buck
- .223 caliber Federal 55 grain, Boat Tail hollow point
The approved tactical firearm flashlights for Glock pistols are the __ type flashlights that attach to the factory rails on Glock pistols.
The holster used for flashlights is the Glock ____ holster with light kit.
2 ¼“
Retired Officers can requalify when?
on the first Wednesday of January, April, July, and October
FSS 790.174 states: a person who knows or reasonably should know a minor is likely to gain access to the firearm without the lawful permission of the minor’s parent or the person having charge of the minor, or without the supervision required by law shall securely store the firearms from access by persons under what age?
If restraints are used on a pregnant inmate a report will be written by the correctional officer detailing the extraordinary circumstance that dictated the use of the restraints. These findings shall be kept on file by the DOC for at least __ years.
How many officers must be present to place an inmate into the Pro-Straint Safety Chair?
at least three
REACT: How long are the electrical impulses when applied?
8 seconds
Sworn employees who have been trained and certified on the REACT/Band-It shall undergo a refresher/remedial class ______ to ensure theyare familiar with the device and its applications.
every other year
When feasible, pursuing officers should request additional vehicles to join the pursuit toensure what?
there is at least one more law enforcement officer than the number of occupants in the subject vehicle
____________, the commanding officer who monitored the vehicle pursuit will submit an electronic Communications Records Request SharePoint form for an audio recording of the pursuit.
Prior to the end of his shift
How many vehicles are required for the vehicle blocking tactic?
A minimum of two, unless the subject vehicle is next to a strong stationary object, such as a building or concrete barrier, that can serve the same purpose as a second police vehicle.
When feasible, _____ police vehicles should be present to properly use the PIT tactic.
Employees newly assigned to a specialized area will receive supervised on-the-job trainingwithin how many days of the assignment?
All personnel will be required to attend in-service training how often?
Typically, the length of online in-service training modules will not exceed ______.
2 hours
Each member authorized to carry weapons will receive ______ in-service training on the response to resistance policy and will demonstrate proficiency with all approved lethal and electronic control weapons the member is authorized to carry.
In-service training for other less lethal weapons, including but not limited to batons and OC spray, and weaponless control techniques is required how often?
at least biennially
The Training Committee will meet at least _____.
No shooting is allowed when?
before 0800 or after 2200 hours.
If the member is taking any prescription or non-prescription drugs, Range staff must beadvised in private ____ to using the range.
Minimum safety distances for shooting steeltargets are?
10 yards with pistols and 50 yards with rifles
If shooting on ranges without seating, observers must remain how far back from the firing line?
at least 25 yards