1 Flashcards
The Marine Unit is responsible for enforcement of laws on the ___ square miles of navigable waterways within Duval County.
Hazardous Devices
If the scene is to be searched, the on scene supervisor shall establish a temporary command post upwind, uphill and at least ____ feet from the scene when the terrain and situation allows, and organize search teams.
284 - All Hazards Plan
(1) Initial response activities will be documented on an Incident Briefing form (_____). This form will be used in real-time to assist in activating the ICS. It will serve as foundation for the development of a formal Incident Action Plan for the next operational period and for the transfer of command.
ICS Form 201
284 - All Hazards Plan
(2) A written Incident Action Plan which will include, at a minimum: Incident Objectives (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 202
284 - All Hazards Plan
(2) A written Incident Action Plan which will include, at a minimum:
Organization Assignment List (_____)
ICS Form 203
284 - All Hazards Plan
(2) A written Incident Action Plan which will include, at a minimum: Assignment List (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 204
284 - All Hazards Plan
(3) Optional forms which may be included in the Incident Action Plan, depending on the complexity of the situation:
Incident Radio Communications Plan (_____)
ICS Form 205
284 - All Hazards Plan
(3) Optional forms which may be included in the Incident Action Plan, depending on the complexity of the situation: Medical Plan (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 206
284 - All Hazards Plan
(3) Optional forms which may be included in the Incident Action Plan, depending on the complexity of the situation: Organizational Chart (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 207
284 - All Hazards Plan
(3) Optional forms which may be included in the Incident Action Plan, depending on the complexity of the situation: Safety Message (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 208
284 - All Hazards Plan
(4) Additional forms may be used for documentation, depending on the complexity of the situation:
Incident Status Summary (_____)
ICS Form 209
284 - All Hazards Plan
(4) Additional forms may be used for documentation, depending on the complexity of the situation: General Message (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 213
284 - All Hazards Plan
(4) Additional forms may be used for documentation, depending on the complexity of the situation: Unit Log (\_\_\_\_\_)
ICS Form 214
An individual convicted of a felony crime against property, misdemeanor drug charges, morals charge, or persons with any pending criminal charges will not be permitted to ride for a period of _____ from the last conviction.
five years
An individual convicted of any other misdemeanor charge(s) will not be permitted to ride for a period of _____ from the last conviction.
one year
Observers are required to do the following: a. Submit their completed Observer Program Request/Release Form (P-0596) to the appropriate substation _____ prior to the date on which they wish to ride;
three days
Observers are required to report to the appropriate zone substation _____ prior to roll call;
at least 15 minutes
Observers, once approved, are permitted to ride _____ within any _____ period unless otherwise approved by _____ or higher authority. The approval is valid for a _____;
one time
two week
the Chief of Patrol
14 day period
Individual officers initiating requests for observers shall submit a completed Observer Program Request/Release Form (P-0596) to _____ for approval at least _____ prior to the requested ride-along date. Upon approval, the sergeant shall forward the Observer Program Request/Release Form (P-0596) to the watch commander for final approval. Observers requesting to ride with less than 24 hour notice require the approval of the _______.
their sergeant
24 hours
watch commander
Substation personnel will schedule the observer at least _____ in advance in order to allow the appropriate watch commander to make assignment with an officer.
three days
The Observer Program Request/Release Forms (P-0596) generated from the substation personnel as well as those initiated by the individual officers will be maintained _____ after ride-along.
four anniversary years
All extensive public records requests that require more than _______ to process, will be input into GovQA and forwarded to _______
30 minutes
the Public Records Unit.
Substation: To accept a credit card as payment, the amount must be over _____.
In accordance with City policy, deposits will be made at least _____ OR if the amount in the safe meets or exceeds _____.
Deposits: The Budget Division will perform a _____reconciliation to the City’s accounting system.
An independent accounting of cash and cash equivalents will be performed _______ by each zone.
Substation Officers will complete, at a minimum, _____ walks around their substation per day.
Register tapes, deposit slips, and other accounting data will be maintained chronologically and in a manner, which prevents destruction. Records will be retained for a minimum of _____ per General Records Schedule GS1-SL.
5 fiscal years
Zone Substation: Adhere to all the record retention procedures outlined in Order 431 (Central Records). Records are maintained and secured for a minimum of _____.
5 years
The Office of the sheriff is divided organizationally by function into ______ primary parts:
Each Core Value has _______ behaviors that JSO members can strive for in their daily work.
The Sheriff shall have a _______ that sets long-term goals covering a _______ time frame.
Strategic Plan; multi-year
Agency goals and objectives are updated _______, based on a calendar year, and made available to all agency personnel who can view them by accessing the JSO intranet site.
(Goals and Objectives)_______ and _______ shall submit interim status reports for each initiative to the _______ within _______ following the end of each calendar quarter.
Each Department Director and the Senior Public Affairs and Public Relations Executive; Undersheriff; 30 days
At _______, the _______shall send documentation to the _______, indicating the status of each work plan.
the end of the calendar year; Division Chiefs; respective Director
At _______, the _______ and _______will send documentation certifying the status of their Objectives to the _______.
the end of the calendar year; Department Directors and the Senior Public Affairs and Public Relations Executive ; Undersheriff
The purpose of Interagency Cooperation Policy is to Establish policy and procedure regarding _________;
concurrent jurisdiction
The Sheriff’s Office Legal Advisor shall meet, at least quarterly, with a representative of the SAO for the purpose of: (1) Ensuring the exchange of information as it applies to _______ and _______ errors;
courtroom procedure and investigative
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)The _______ or their designee shall meet, at least, _______ with a representative of Probation and Parole
Felony Registration Unit Supervisor; annually
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)Juvenile and Adult Correctional Agencies - the _______ or a designee shall meet _______ with a representative of the adult and juvenile correctional facilities:
Chief of Jails, chief of prisons; quarterly
(Interagency Cooperation Policy)The Supervisor of Gang Investigations Unit or a designee shall:(a) Meet at least _______ with juvenile authorities and detention facility representatives to ensure an exchange of information;
_______ shall meet _______ with representatives of other agencies having concurrent and adjoining jurisdictions to plan and discuss special events, joint enforcement efforts, problems, concerns, and mutual aid agreements.
The Assistant Chief of the Narcotics andVice Section
periodically meet
_______ meets _______ with the heads of other agencies having concurrent and adjoining jurisdictions;
The Sheriff; periodically
Traffic Engineering and the Sheriff’s Office provide reports to each other to keep abreast of enforcement problems and concerns. How Often?
What is the age requirement to apply for a T-Visa?
18 years of age or older
T Visa: _______ do not require a law enforcement certification letter, if they are true victims of Human Trafficking.
Child victims (those under the age of 18)
As a general rule, a juvenile _____ of age and older may be arrested.
ten years
A juvenile _____ of age and younger should be released to his parents or guardian, or if appropriate, the Department of Children and Families (DCF).
nine years
If the juvenile is not arrested but probable cause exists, the officer must go to the SAO to file the case _____.
the next workday
What hours are a student considered truant?
one hour after school begins up to one hour before school ends
Jacksonville Municipal Ordinance (MO) Chapter 603 makes it a civil violation for any child and or parent/legal guardian to violate the provisions of the City of Jacksonville Curfew Ordinance hours after having been previously warned. The hours are: (8)
a. Sunday 2300 until Monday 0500;b. Monday 2300 until Tuesday 0500;c. Tuesday 2300 until Wednesday 0500;d. Wednesday 2300 until Thursday 0500;e. Thursday 2300 Friday 0500;f. Saturday 0001 until 0600;g. Sunday 0001 until 0600; andh. Legal Holidays 0001 until 0600.
JCC: If the victim or parent/guardian of the victim does not agree with the issuance of the citation, the officer will advise the victim or parent/guardian of the victim that an appeal to Teen Court may be submitted within _____ of the issuance of the citation.
three business days
How many qualifying offenses can be on a JCC?
How many hours does an officer have to locate the suspect and issue a JCC if the suspect is a Qualified Offender, but is not on the scene?
96 hours
Officers shall use Disposition Code __when checking back from calls where a Juvenile Civil Citation(s) has been issued.
An individual convicted of a_____, _____ or _____ will not be allowed to participate in the Observer Program.
felony crime against a person,
any felony drug charge, or
with an outstanding warrant