2 Flashcards
Permanent Residence (Sexual Predator or Sexual Offender) – A place where a Sexual Predator or Sexual Offender abides, lodges, or resides for _____ or more consecutive days.
Temporary Residence (Sexual Predator or Sexual Offender) - A place where the person abides, lodges, or resides, including, but not limited to, vacation, business, or personal travel destinations in or out of this state, for a period of _____ or more days in the aggregate during _____.
five; any calendar year
Career Offender - Any person who is designated as a Career Offender under F.S.S. 775.261 and who has been released from state sanctions after _____
July 1, 2002.
Permanent Residence (Career Offender) – A place where a Career Offender abides, lodges, or resides for _____ or more consecutive days.
Temporary Residence (Career Offender) - A place where the Career Offender routinely abides, resides, or lodges for a period of _____or more consecutive or non-consecutive days in any month, or resides for a period of _____ or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year.
four; 14
Sexual Predators and Sexual Offenders will be re-registered _____ or _____ (according to their birth month).
biannually or quarterly
Sexual Predators that reside within Duval County fall under the jurisdiction of _____
Within _____, upon their release from prison or upon establishing residency in Duval County, Sexual Predators/Sexual Offenders must register at 1024 Superior St. (Felony Registration).
48 hours
As of _____ all Sexual Predators residing in the State of Florida will be required to have a Florida driver’s license or identification card with their current physical address and the words ______ imprinted on the front of the card at the time of issuance, reissuance or renewal.
October 1, 2014;
“Sexual Predator”
According to F.S.S. 943.0435, all transient Sexual Predators and Sexual Offenders will be required to report in person to the sheriff’s office in the county in which they are located within __ hours after establishing a transient residence.
Transient Sexual Predators and Offenders must report in person every ___ days to the sheriff’s office while maintaining a transient residence.
Sexual Predator/Offender Transient Tracking Form (P-0691) must be completed in its entirety and in detail (i.e., in the woods behind the Wal-Mart, 6767 103rd St., the park bench located at the intersection of State St. and Liberty St., etc.) by Tele-Serv or Felony Registration personnel. This information will be submitted to _____ by the Felony Registration Unit within _____ upon receipt.
FDLE; 24 hours
If a transient Sexual Predator or Sexual Offender is able to secure a PERMANENT residence, within _____, they shall report to the DHSMV to update their Florida driver’s license or Florida identification card and the JREC, 1024 Superior St. to update their new residential address.
48 hours
Any person who qualifies as a Career Offender is required to register with the DHSMV within _____ after establishing permanent or temporary residence in the state.
two working days
If the Career Offender intends to establish residency in another state, they are required to report in person to the _____ within _____ before they intend to leave the state and provide the address, municipality, county, and state of intended residence.
JSO, Felony Registration Unit, 1024 Superior St.;
two working days
FDLE conducts Career Offender address verifications by mail _____.
COJ MO 2010-836-E, Section 685.102 provides that it is unlawful for any person who is required by Florida law to register as a Sexual predator to reside within _____ of any school, public library, day care center, park, playground, or other place where children regularly congregate.
2,500 feet
Within _____, an _____ will immediately assign a detective who shall personally respond and conduct a neighborhood notification to the houses and businesses within close proximity to where a Sexual Predator has established a new temporary or permanent address.
48 hours; OTU Sergeant
Within _____, the JSO shall, via OffenderWatch, provide notification letters to all residences within _____ of a Sexual Predator’s new temporary or permanent residence.
48 hours;1000 feet
Within _____, the JSO shall provide notification letters, via _____, that includes the name, description, photograph, address, and the Sexual Predator’s offense or offenses in accordance with F.S.S. 775.21 to all licensed child care facilities, elementary, middle and high schools located within a one mile radius of a Sexual Predator’s new temporary or permanent residence.
48 hours
Detectives will make monthly face to face contacts with all assigned Sexual Predators to include transient Sexual Predators. In the case of Sexual Predators that are on parole or under community control, the detective will contact the Sexual Predator’s assigned Probation and Parole officer at least _____.
As of _____, all Sexual Predators residing in the State of Florida will be required to have a Florida driver’s license or identification card with their current physical address and with the words “Sexual Predator” imprinted on the front of the card at the time of issuance, reissuance or renewal.
_____ will be used when the Air Unit is down for fueling and servicing unless otherwise stated.
Air Unit: Hours of operations are from _____ hours, but are subject to change.
Daylight landing zones require at a minimum a clear area of _____ by ______;
60 feet by 60 feet
Nighttime landing zones require at a minimum a clear area of _____ by _____;
100 feet by 100 feet
Landing Zones should be level, within _____;
ten degrees
Emergency personnel should be kept at least _____ from the perimeter of the landing zone;
100 feet
The general public should be kept at least _____ from the perimeter of the landing zone;
200 feet
Military Aircraft Crashes:If an aircraft is suspected of carrying live ordnance, a perimeter at least _____ from the wreckage should be established and all persons within the perimeter should be evacuated as quickly and safely as possible;
2000 feet
Jacksonville Municipal Ordinance 800.101 establishes minimum altitudes for aircraft flying over congested parts of the City _____ and other areas _____.
(1000 feet)(500 feet)
_____ can advise an officer or supervisor when a search dog team would be more appropriate than one of the police service dogs.
police canine handlers
If a search dog team is called to track, a minimum of _____ police officers will stay with the search dog handler.
Officers should request the search dog team when?
as soon as it is determined the need exists.
Search Dogs:Officers will take up positions, which flank the team, and how many officers will be to the rear?
A Mobile Field Force usually consists of ____, ____ person squads of trained police officers and sergeants led by a _____, but can be larger or smaller depending on the circumstances.
six, eight lieutenant
In traffic crash cases where multiple vehicles are damaged, other property damaged and/or multiple individuals are injured, how many DUI charges may be made against a suspect?
The suspect is ineligible for a ten-day temporary license if they have been issued a previous seven or thirty day driving permit after _____
Handheld (PORTABLE) Breath Testing Procedures:F.S.S. 322.2616 makes it unlawful for a person under the age of twenty-one to have _____ or higher breath alcohol level and drive or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.
.02 grams per 210 liters
Once the detainee agrees to submit to the test, the police officer will, without unnecessary delay, begin the _____ observation period immediately followed by the testing procedure as outlined
Breath Tests: Obtain _____ breath samples with the portable breath-testing instrument;
Police officers will inform persons under the age of 21 that are having their driver’s license suspended that they will be issued a ten-day temporary permit, but the permit will not become effective until _____have elapsed.
twelve hours
PBT instruments will be calibrated _____.
each calendar month
If the suspect has been injured, and/or is taken to a medical facility and refuses a blood sample, his/her driver’s license will be suspended for _____ (if the suspect has previously had his/her license suspended for a refusal the suspension would be for _____);
one year18 months
Regarding Blood Kits, the vial is filled to a level of between _____ and _____ of capacity;
two-thirds, and three quarters
The officer should mix the blood and the anti-coagulant by gently rocking the vial back and forth at least_____ times.
For the purpose of this order the definition of a commercial motor vehicle will be as defined in F.S.S. 322.01. “Commercial motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle or motor vehicle combination used on the streets or highways, which: (5)
a. Has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more;b. Has a declared weight of 26,001 pounds or more;c. Has an actual weight of 26,001 pounds or more;d. Is designated to transport more than 15 persons, including the driver; ore. Is transporting hazardous materials and is required to be placard in accordance with Title 49 CFR part 172, subpart F.
If the test results are .04 to .07, the officer shall issue a UTC in violation of F.S.S. 322.62, which is a moving violation; Advise the operator not to operate a commercial vehicle for a ____ period. (begins on the date and time the notice is issued). Upon conviction, the operator is subject to a _____suspension of their commercial license.
one year
DUI recordings: In cases involving extenuating or special circumstances or cases that are expected to be extended _____ or more will be transferred to a DVD disk upon approval from the _____ and placed into the Property & Evidence Facility.
six months
respective unit commanding officer
The video retention schedule, as per State of Florida General Records Schedule GS2, is as follows:a. General recordings not involving an arrest: _____.b. 1st Degree Felony arrest: _____.c. 2nd Degree Felony arrest: _____d. 1st Degree Misdemeanor arrest: _____e. 2nd Degree Misdemeanor arrest: _____
a. 30 daysb. 7 years after offense committedc. 6 years after offense committed.d. 5 years after offense committed.d. 4 years after offense committed.