68W/First Aid Flashcards
What is Self Aid?
Emergency treatment one applies to oneself
What is the quickest way to splint a broken leg?
Tie the broken leg securely to the unbroken leg
How many pressure points, which can be used to control bleeding with fingers, thumbs or hands are there on the human body?
What is the object of first aid?
To stop bleeding
Overcome shock
Relieve pain
Prevent infection
What is First Aid?
It is the first care given to casualties before treatment by medical personnel can be performed
What is the unique feature of type “O” blood?
It is considered universal
What soldiers are most likely to suffer heat injuries?
Soldiers not accustomed to the heat, overweight soldiers, prior heat casualties, and soldiers already dehydrated due to alcohol use, diarrhea, or lack of water
How high should an injured limb be elevated above the heart to control bleeding?
2 - 4 inches
What are the lifesaving steps? (The ABC’s of medical treatment)
Open the airway and restore breathing
Stop the bleeding / Protect the wound
Prevent shock
Whose first aid dressing should be used on a casualty?
Use the casualty’s field dressing
Should you ever remove or loosen a tourniquet?
No, only qualified medical personnel can do that
Name 3 categories of heat injuries
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke
What are two basic types of fractures?
Open (compound)
Closed (simple)
What are some signs of an open fracture?
Bones sticking through the skin.
Check for pulse.
What are some signs of a closed fracture?
Unusual body position.
Check for pulse.
What are the three types of bleeding?
Arterial- Blood is bright red and will spurt with each heart beat
Venous- Blood is dark red and flows in a steady stream
Capillary- Blood oozes from the wound
What does COLD stand for?
it stands for Keep it CLEAN, Avoid OVERHEATING, Wear it LOOSE and in layers and Keep it DRY
Name the four types of burns
What are the 2 prescribed methods for opening an airway?
The jaw thrust
Head tilt/chin lift methods
What are you checking for when evaluating a patient’s repirations?
Depth and quality
what is apnea?
Temporary absence of breathing
What is the normal pulse rate range for an adult patient?
60 - 100 BPM
The blood pressure cuff shouldn’t be left inflated on a petient’s arm for longer than what?
2 minutes
When administering external chest compressions on a patient with no pulse. What is the proper depth and rate of compressions?
2 inches and 30 compressions
How many sides of an occlusive dressing should be taped?
All 4 sides
What is an air embolism?
Obstruction of a blood vessel by air carried via the bloodstream. It is caused by air bubbles in the IV tubing, a solution container that has run dry, or disconnected IV tubing.
Uppers (cocaine)
Deformities Contusions Abrasions Puncture or penetration Burns Tenderness Lacerations Swelling
Will cause tachycardia, dilated pupils, flushed face, and often sees and hears things, has very little concept of time.
Contacts in the eyes Objects protruding from the eye Blood appearance of sclera Blood in the eye, surrounding the eyeball and coming from the eye Laceration Extrusion Swelling
Jugular Vein Distention
Closed head injuries
This type of injury is associated with battle signs
Is an injury in which ligaments are partially torn
What skin color is associated with the carbon monoxide poisoning?
Which type of bandage stretches but is not elastic and molds around irregular and hard to bandage areas
Cling bandage
There are certain factors that influence the incidence, prevalence, type and severity of the injuries that occur as a result of exposure to the cold name the 3 Influencing Factors. Also name the two cold injury categories.
Agent factors, environmental factors, and host factors. Freezing and nonfreezing.
Name the 3 types of heat injuries and which one is a medical emergency.
Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke. Medical Emergency = Heat stroke
There are certain factors that influence the incidence, prevalence, type and severity of the injuries that occur as a result of exposure to the cold name the 3 Influencing Factors. Also name the two cold injury categories.
Agent factors, environmental factors, and host factors. Freezing and nonfreezing.
Name at least 6 host factors that influence cold injury.
Age Rank Previous Cold Injury Fatigue Discipline Training and Experience.
True or False. Tobacco and alcohol decrease peripheral circulation and make a soldier more susceptible to frostbite.
True. Tobacco and alcohol decrease peripheral circulation and make a soldier more susceptible to frostbite.
True or False Blood pressure medications increase the circulation making the soldier more susceptible to injury to the extremities.
False Blood pressure medications reduce the circulation making the soldier more susceptible to injury to the extremities.
Name the 3 environmental factors associated with cold injuries.
Weather Clothing Combat action
Malaria is a serious disease occurring most commonly in tropical and semitropical regions. It is caused by a microscopic parasite carried by the ______ mosquito. Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by the _____ mosquito.
Anopheles mosquito, Aedes mosquito
These are the four properties or characteristics of noise which determine whether a given noise is likely to be hazardous to workers hearing.
Frequency Intensity Nature of the Noise Exposure Duration
These are the 4 routes of entry that toxic industrial chemicals can enter the body
–Inhalation– most important route of entry. –Absorption– most common occupational disease seen is dermatitis.
–Ingestion– occurs as a result of eating or smoking with contaminated hands, contaminated utensils, or in contaminated areas.
–Injection– Accidental injection may occur from the use of high–pressure air or from liquid lines rupturing, or from puncture wounds caused by contaminated objects.
Name the 4 diseases carried by rodents and the 3 diseases spread by rodents.
Diseases Carried by Rodents: 1. Leptospirosis. 2. Salmonellosis. 3. Hantavirus. 4. Rat bite fever.
Diseases Spread by Rodents: 1. Plague. 2. Murine typhus. 3. Rickettsial pox.
These arthropods are responsible for the spread of epidemic typhus. Also, name the disease transmitted to humans by the rat flea.
These arthropods are responsible for the spread of epidemic typhus? The body louse. Disease transmitted to humans by the rat flea? Bubonic plague.
If you meet resistance while inserting a nasopharyngeal airway you should ______________
remove the tube and attempt to insert it in the other nostril
When the oxygen cylinder regulator pressure gauge reads ___ psi or lower, the oxygen tank is considered empty. The ____ _____ flowmeter is affected by gravity and must be maintained in an upright position. The _____ ____ flowmeter is not affected by gravity and can be used in any position. United States oxygen tanks are color coded (painted) _____. The international color code is _____.
200, pressure–compensated, Bourdon gauge, green, white
A _______ upper airway obstruction is an indication to perform a needle cricothyroidotomy.
A total upper airway obstruction
When measuring a patient’s blood pressure, the cuff should not remain inflated for more than 2 minutes. Place the cuff so the lower edge is __ to __ inches above the elbow and the bladder portion is over the brachial artery. Inflate the cuff until the gauge reads at least ___ mm Hg or until you no longer hear the pulse sounds.
When measuring a patient’s blood pressure, the cuff should not remain inflated for more than 2 minutes. Place the cuff so the lower edge is 1 to 2 inches above the elbow and the bladder portion is over the brachial artery. Inflate the cuff until the gauge reads at least 140 mm Hg or until you no longer hear the pulse sounds.
When clearing an upper airway obstruction on a conscious patient, the two prescribed methods are the _______ or _____ thrusts.
abdominal, chest
________is an accumulation of fluids in the tissue surrounding an IV needle site. ______ is an inflammation of the wall of the vein. _____ _____ is an increased blood volume that is caused by excessive IV fluid infused too rapidly into the vein (overhydration). ____ ______is the obstruction of a blood vessel by air carried via the bloodstream.
Infiltration is an accumulation of fluids in the tissue surrounding an IV needle site. Phlebitis is an inflammation of the wall of the vein. Circulatory overload is an increased blood volume that is caused by excessive IV fluid infused too rapidly into the vein (overhydration). Air embolism is the obstruction of a blood vessel by air carried via the bloodstream.
You are performing rescue breathing on a child (one year of age to the onset of puberty). You would give ___ to ___ breaths per minute.
25, 30
You are performing rescue breathing on a child (one year of age to the onset of puberty). You would give ___ to ___ breaths per minute.
25, 30
Describe the method for selecting the appropriate size of nasopharyngeal airway
Measure the tip of the patient’s nose to earlobe.
Use an oropharyngeal airway for an ________ casualty only. When selecting the correct size of an oropharyngeal airway, ensure that the airway reaches from the corner of the casualty’s _____ to the ______.
Use an oropharyngeal airway for an unconscious casualty only. When selecting the correct size of an oropharyngeal airway, ensure that the airway reaches from the corner of the casualty’s mouth to the ear lobe.
These are the minimum blocks that must be completed on a DD Form 1380 (Field Medical Card)
What are blocks 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, and 11.
State the amount of time you should leave the thermometer in place for the various sites: Oral––at least ___ minutes. Rectal––at least ___ minutes. Axillary––at least ___ minutes.
Oral––at least 3 minutes.
Rectal––at least 2 minutes.
Axillary––at least 10 minutes.
Name the hip injury. ______ dislocation is very rare and is caused by the legs suddenly being forced widely apart with the hip drawn away from the midline of the body and the leg rotated away from the midline of the body. ______ dislocation is the most common type of hip dislocation with the hip drawn toward the midline of the body and the leg rotated toward the midline of the body.
Anterior dislocation is very rare and is caused by the legs suddenly being forced widely apart with the hip drawn away from the midline of the body and the leg rotated away from the midline of the body. Posterior dislocation is the most common type of hip dislocation with the hip drawn toward the midline of the body and the leg rotated toward the midline of the body.
Name the four types of burns. Also, should you attempt to remove clothing that is stuck to the wound?
What are thermal, electrical, chemical, and laser? Do NOT attempt to remove clothing that is stuck to the wound. Additional harm could result.
Immersion foot/trench foot normally occurs from fairly long exposure of feet to wet conditions at temperatures about __° F to __° F. In which stage do parts of the affected area may feel hot and burning and shooting pains may begin.
50°F to 32°F. and stage 2
When practicing individual Preventive Medicine Countermeasures, fluid intake should not exceed ___quarts of water every hour. Daily fluid intake should not exceed ___ quarts. If your urine is dark yellow, you are not drinking enough water.
What is 1 1⁄2 quarts and 12 quarts
When you are performing a needle chest decompression on a casualty with a tension pneumothorax, insert the needle into the skin over the top of the ____ rib into the second intercostal space, until the chest cavity has been penetrated.
over the top of the third rib
Name the nine signs and symptoms of shock listed in the CTT manual.
- Sweaty but cool skin
- Pale skin
- Restlessness or nervousness
- Thirst
- Severe bleeding
- Confusion
- Rapid breathing
- Blotchy blue skin
- Nausea and/or vomiting
Name the hand–to–hand technique that is a dominant position because it allows the Soldier to strike the enemy with punches without the danger of effective return punches. Also the one that gives the Soldier the best control of the fight.
front mount, rearmount