600-16 Confidential Informants And Other Sources Of Information Flashcards
Who is able to authorize the utilization of a juvenile as a criminal informant in extenuating circumstances?
A divisions ASSISTANT CHIEF and the juvenile’s parent or guardian
Who does a defendant CI need a work contract from to continue working an a CI?
The prosecutor’s office or written permission from the court.
Which CI’s Shall not receive payment from the department?
Defendant CIs. Only a division commander can approve payment upon review of written jurisdiction for payment by the squad lieutenant.
What purchase is permitted when dealing with defendant CIs?
The purchase of evidence
Who can approve the use of a Restricted Use CI?
Written approval of the division commander
When is the division commander’s approval required for a CI who meets Regular Use CI or Defendant CI criteria?
A) previously deported Criminal alien
B) has been a member of associated with an extremist group.
C) convicted sex offender.
D) currently charged it has been convicted of perjury as a result of a testimony in a criminal or civil proceeding.
E) MOEP or protective order issued against the individual.
F) history or exhibits violent nature
G) history of our exhibits mental instability
H) a documented problem CI that has been deactivated,
I) is a subject of a continuing investigation
Who can approve a CI who lives outside of the US and an investigator plans to bring on as a CI?
The Cheif of police and they shall be considered a Restricted Use CI
What is needed to use a CI on probation?
Approval of the state agency supervising the the probationer.
The investigator has to contact the criminal court having jurisdiction over the individual’s case, notify the judge of the investigators intent and receive _______ _______ from the judge
written permission.
If needing a CI who is on probation and not able to receive written permission from the judge who else can written authorization be received from?
A probation department supervisor
To use a CI who is on PAROLE
Investigator needs permission from the PAROLE BOARD
- this can be done by forwarding correspondence to the sanctioning parole board
CI’s with charges pending can only operate as
Defendant CI’s
Who can allow a defendant CI to continue work as a CI?
Division commander based on the totality of the situation
What are officers never permitted to authorize a CI to do?
1) participate in violence
2) participate in acts that constitute an obstruction of Justice.
3) participate in an act designed to obtain information for the officer that would be unlawful if conducted by the officer.
What needs to be done after recording information from a CI?
The information needs to be corroborated through further investigation
What shall an investigator do if CI information is unable to be corroborated?
Consult with a supervisor and DA’s office before taking further LE action.
How many officers shall attend a meeting with a CI?
2 officers or an officer and a supervisor
*officers shall advise their supervisor prior to meeting with a CI
What form is used to record all interactions with CI’s?
Confidential Information Activity Documentation form.
What’s the exception to the Confidential Information Activity Documentation form?
The division has an electronic database in place that records the same information
___ has oversight of all forms and individual database activity reports that shall be reconciled _______ at the division level
What can be used in lieu of identification for a CI?
Fingerprints, which shall be maintained at the division
Who can approve a CI to work with more than one investigator or team within a division?
Both team lieutenants form the same division but different teams
Who to check with when using a CI for the first time?
Division’s CI file and
CID -talk to the Confidential Informant Database Coordinator.
To use a CI being used by the primary division
The secondary division needs the approval of both division commanders
What is the payment limit where a supervisor must be present?
More than $50 needs a Sgt. or higher to witness the payment
How many forms of ID does a CI need in their file?
2 forms of identification
How often shall a CI sign the Confidential Informant Code of Conduct Agreement?
During which month is a CI’s file reviewed?
When Shall the supervisors evaluate the utilization of CI’s by their subordinates
Every February
How often shall a first line supervisor meet with investigators to discuss the status of each CI?
Who has the authority to sever the relationship with the CI?
The division commander and the lieutenant
Who does the Biannual Random Supervisor Audit of CI Activity?
Each January and July the divisional CI Custodian selects one active CI for each officer and a divisional lieutenant outside of the officer’s chain of command shall complete the audit. (In person audit)
CI operate under who’s authority?
Division commanders
What are CI and covert investigation funds used for?
To purchase evidence, _____, or information necessary for a specific operation
What has to happen for a CI payment to be processed?
The Narcotics Division, Asset Forfeiture unit has completed the currency seizure paperwork and the DA or Federal Attorney responsible for filing the seizure with the courts has accepted it for processing.
What division is authorized to make special purchases of covert services?
Who makes the CI payment schedule
The commander of each division
What is needed for payment to a CI over $1000 leading to information in a narcotics seizure?
The seizure must be submitted to the lab and the _______ _________ must be attached
analysis report
CI funds a supervisor may authorize (Sergeant)
Up to and including $500
CI funds a supervisor may authorize (Lieutenant)
Up to and including $2500
CI funds a supervisor may authorize (Division Commanders)
Up to and including $7500
CI funds a supervisor may authorize (Assistant Chief)
More than $7500
When is the signature and employee number required for payment of a CI?
Payments exceeding $50
Who is except from submitting CI funds for the Office of Budget and Finance each month?
Internal Affairs Division
IAD sends their budget to their commander who will make them available at the annual internal administrative audit.
Group Draw System- A procedure in which operational money is issued from the division fund by a ________ to investigators to conduct undercover operations