600-04 Motor Vehicle Pursuits Flashcards
For a motor vehicle pursuit to continue the suspect must exhibit:
A) a _________for personal safety of others in an attempt to avoid arrest.
B) A refusal to obey an officer’s ________
A) willful disregard
B) repeated signal to stop
For a pursuit to continue Highly Depends on the ability of the officer, supervisor or ________ to continually assess the need to pursue versus the risk of injury in engaging in the pursuit
When may an officer initiate a pursuit?
A) I’m good faith ______ _______that under the circumstances the need to immediately apprehend the suspect out weights the clear risk to the public
B) as required by department policy and Supreme Court case law, officers must constantly evaluate the risk and factors involved when initiating or continuing a pursuit.
A) reasonably believes
What are the risk factors involved in initiating or continuing a pursuit
1) the seriousness of the crime to which the officer is responding
2) whether an officers immediate presence is necessary to apprehend a suspect or to prevent injury or loss of life.
3) alternative courses of action, if any available to achieve a comparable result
What additional factors shall officers continuously evaluate?
1) knowledge about the suspect being pursued. If enough information exists to file a warrant, officers shall be expected to discontinue the pursuit
*if a supervisor or commander responsible for overseeing the pursuit authorizes the continuation of the pursuit based on the seriousness of the crime then continue the pursuit.
2) the observable driving behavior of the suspect being pursued
3) relative performance capability of the vehicle being pursued
4) road conditions
5) weather
7) vehicular and pedestrian traffic
8) the presence of other persons in the police vehicle.
Population density
Who shall be in command of the pursuit?
Field supervisor (SGT) shall be in command of the pursuit
Shall immediately advise dispatch based on assessment of circumstances
Monitor radio communication and make sure only units authorized are on the pursuit
What should supervisors do whenever time and air traffic allow?
Remind members of the pursuit to 1)maintain prefessional composure,
2)that the pursuit shall result in a high-risk vehicle approach
3)use vehicle as cover and concealment while attempting to establish coms with occupants of the vehicle.
What should the supervisor do as prompted by the dispatcher?
State whether the pursuit should continue or be terminated
A supervisor may terminate a pursuit if
There is enough info to file a 2b warrant
What are the circumstances where a supervisor may not terminate a pursuit
Criminal activity such as deadly weapon involved, serious bodily injury inflicted, hostage taken, flagrant dwi
Sgt shall order ________ and appropriate responses within department policy to terminate pursuit
What shall a supervisor do at the end of a pursuit
Go to the scene and take command
What shall a Sgt do at the end of a pursuit?
Supplement the original report with all supervisor actions taken during the pursuit
For pursuits lasting less than 15 minutes (SGT)
Review all availability info (avl, bwc, unit history), supplement report..
Complete all of this within 5 days following pursuit
Although the responsibility of the pursuit is that of the supervisor the shift commander
Assess the reasonableness of the pursuit , monitor the pursuit, maintain contact with Sgt and dispatch until the end of the pursuit.
- terminate pursuit if it is determined that pursuit should end.
If the shift commander is unavailable for any reason who shall be designated to step in?
Another on duty LT or ________ ________ from the initiating division
Division commander
What must the LT do for pursuits longer than 15 mins or if a unit from another division becomes involved?
Supplement the report and review all available info
Emergency Communications division (ECD) shall immediately notify the on duty night commander between what hours?
What happens when the ranking officer from the division is not located?
The night commander Shall assume the responsibilities.
Who is responsible to make sure 600-04 is followed
What is needed to initiate and continue a pursuit?
A) lights and sirens
B) ______, ______ and police radio believed to be in working condition.
B) breaks, steering
What shall happen when a pursuit is initiated by a solo unit?
It shall be assigned to the first arriving marked unit.
What are the only unmarked units that are allowed to chase?
A) emergency lights
C) driven by an officer in uniform or easily identified as an officer
B) sound mechanical condition
Even if an unmarked unit is qualified to initiate a chase what must they do ASAP?
Yield to the first arriving marked patrol unit
- unmarked vehicles Shall not initiate traffic stops even in exigent circumstances
What is the only reason an unmarked unit that is equipped with the proper equipment is able to initiate a traffic stop?
Suspected felony activity other than ______ __________
felony evading
What shall officers do when initiating a pursuit
Notify dispatch if unit number, present location, where the pursuit began, direction of travel, reason for the pursuit, description of the fleeing vehicle, description and number of occupants in the vehicle, estimated speed of the fleeing vehicle.
- dispatch Shall prompt the supervisor to confirm that the pursuit Shall continue.
Who shall designate a secondary unit and a supervisor to assist in a chase?
Who is authorized to assign more units to a chase? And why?
Field supervisor.
- not enough officers to _____ ______ an arrest.
- an authorized unit is unable to continue or if dispatch is notified that a unit is terminating it’s involvement
*the pit maneuver is authorized.
- deadly weapon is present
safely effect
How many units are needed to perform the pit maneuver
At least 2 but three is ideal
What shall the canine unit do when learning of a pursuit?
If no one is designated, the closest one shall ____________ in anticipation of being needed.
- when practical the canine unit should give a location and eta
travel towards the area
What are the restrictions to a pursuit?
Officers shall not:
A) Pursue a vehicle by diving on the wrong side of the freeway.
B) pursue with no equipment or without it being activated
C) drive along side or in front in an attempt to force from the road way.
D) ram or bump unless trained to pit.
E) continue chase after termination.
F) discharge a fire arm while fleeing
G) use a private vehicle to end pursuit
I) use barricade or other obstacles set across freeway to stop it prevent escape.
H) use deflation device on freeway
What units can terminate a chase?
Primary unit
On scene police helicopter
On duty supervisor
A _______ Shall be dispatched to all pursuits. If not in service, dispatch shall contact _______________ and have one sent if weather permitting
Police helicopter.
departments Air Support Division
What shall the ground units due when the helicopter unit spots the suspect vehicle?
A) Modify their speed accordingly but maintain emergency equipment
B) under the direction of the field supervisor, monitor the pursuit, transmit the suspect’s vehicle location, speed, traffic problems
What is class B airspace?
Controlled area that extends outward to a radius of ___ -_____ _____ from the airport
15-30 miles
when may the information be limited by the helicopter unit to the ground units?
When operating in class b airspace.
What is needed to operate in class b airspace?
Approval prior to entering the airspace boundary.
What are the approved STOPPING TECHNIQUES
A) rolling roadblocks
B) tire deflation devices
C) pursuit intervention techniques (PIT)
When can the “rolling roadblock” be used
When the suspect is not speeding but willfully failing the to stop
When is the PIT maneuver permitted to use?
When pushing not ramming. Meant to disrupt traction. Fleeing vehicle should not be traveling more than ____mph.
- do not use it:
• vehicles with a high center of gravity or significantly heavier than a police vehicle
• transporting children or hazardous material
• motorcycle, scooter, go cart, golf cart, ATV, 3 wheeler, vehicle with a convertible top, pickup truck with ppl in the bed. Vehicle towing trailers
40 mph.
What shall the primary unit do if the chase ends without apprehension and the suspects identity is known
Attempt to obtain a two be Warrant.
If a PIT maneuver is attempted or completed, the implementing officer shall do what?
Do a report stating:
A)Who did the maneuver, who authorized the maneuver
B) date, time, estimated speed, direction of travel at the time of implementation
C) results and damage to any vehicle
E) supervisor who made the scene.
D) any unintended traffic collisions or injuries observed or complained of
When shall a supervisor submit a Houston Police Department vehicle pursuit form?
Prior to the end of his/her shift.
Who shall supplement a pursuit report? And what shall it include?
Supervisors who participated, _________, and units who participated.
Actions taken.
When is a crash report necessary when performing the PIT maneuver?
If it results in a third party bring struck. (An officer assigned by a supervisor, not the PIT performer)
Who completes the crash report when a fatality is involved?
Vehicular crimes
When shall a shift commander supplement a pursuit?
Lasts 15 minutes or more
Who notifies outside law enforcement when pursuits go into other agencies jurisdictions?
ECD or field supervisor
When do commanders supplement a pursuit?
Last more than 15 minutes or another unit from another district becomes involved.
When may HPD units become involved in a pursuit with other agencies?
A) the agency requests assistance
B) it’s clear the other unit is unable to request assistance
C) the emergency nature dictates the need for assistance
What shall happen after a pursuit in regards to the media?
Office shall refer all media to the designated supervisor involved in the pursuit. The supervisor may make a limited statement or ____________ . Statement shall be limited and comply with 800-02 media relations
defer to a higher-ranking on scene supervisor.
Who shall make all pursuit resulting in a fatality
Public information officer (PIO)