6 - Understanding & Application of GP3 & GP4 – Special Instructions and Objection on Safety Grounds Flashcards
The ability to communicate and explain the reason for Special Instructions (GP3) under WTSR.
As detailed in QSE WTSR Approved GP3 Special Instructions MI P25…
Reason for the special instructions
In some circumstances, a situation may arise where processes outlined in the WTSR cannot or should not be applied. The approved procedure named a special instruction must be used.
Approved GP3’s
Pre-written approved special procedures due to events having taken place in the past in order for these procedures to have been written and issued
- Loss of AWP
- Loss of Safety Key(s) when AWP in force
- Absence of AT who is still signed onto an AWP
New GP3’s
Unpredicted events that have never occurred before and require a new special procedure to be written, reviewed and approved before use
Consideration shall be given where a new special instruction has been created and approved and if it is likely to be required again. If likely to be required again it will be added to Management Instruction ‘QSE WTSR Approved GP3 Special Instructions MI P25’
The ability to explain or demonstrate the actions to be taken by the AT in case lost AWP.
- AT will stop all work, withdraw the working party from work area, warning that it is no longer safe to continue
- Thorough search for AWP if safe to do so
- If lost the AT will report to OC and the ‘work responsible person’
- AT to ensure the relevant safety keys and lock out box associated with AWP have not been lost and that all isolations are secure
- After notification the ‘work responsible person’ shall organize printing and transporting of the ‘WTSR special clearance and cancellation certificate TEM’ and an identical AWP
- When received the AT will contact the ‘responsible manager’, explain situation and request permission to implement a special clearance and cancellation certificate
Loss of AWP after work completion
- If the AWP has been completed, the AT will complete section 2 of the special clearance and cancellation certificate and the WTG can be returned to service
Loss of AWP before work completion
- If work under AWP has not been completed, section 3 must be completed.
- A new, identical AWP must be issued and completed by the AT before the work is to resume
- The AT will ensure the details recorded on the special clearance and cancellation certificate are reported to the OC, OC will then record in the site operational control log
- The completed special clearance and cancellation certificate shall be presented to the responsible manager and sign section 6 before archiving
- AT shall report the incident according to the requirements of document QSE Incident Management located on the PIT
The ability to explain or demonstrate the actions to be taken by the AT in case lost Safety Key(s), control key(s) or personal key(s).
- The AT will stop work and instruct that the working party is withdrawn from work area and moved to a safe area
- The AT shall undertake a thorough search for missing key(s)
- The AT will then inform the OC and ‘work responsible person’
- AT to confirm the integrity of isolations on the AWP and that they remain secure. The AE will be informed and consulted for measures to ensure safety from the system
- After notification the ‘work responsible person’ shall organise printing and transporting of the ‘WTSR special clearance and cancellation certificate TEM’ and an identical AWP
- AT will receive and contact ‘responsible manager’ and explain situation and seek permission to implement special clearance and cancellation certificate. Section 1 will be completed by AT
- AT shall clear and cancel original AWP then complete section 4 of document WTSF special clearance and cancellation certificate
- AT will utilise the new AWP. The padlock associated with the lost keys will be cut off and new padlocks immediately applied. Once all safety requirements as stated on AWP are complete, system has been achieved and all signature points are complete, work may resume
- The AT shall ensure details on the special clearance and cancellation certificate are reported to the OC, OC will then record in the site operational control log
- The completed WTSR special clearance and cancellation certificate shall be presented to the responsible manager who will sign section 4 before archiving
- AT shall report the incident according to the requirements of document QSE Incident Management located on the PIT
The ability to explain or demonstrate the actions to be taken if AT is absence and still signed onto an AWP.
- Every effort must be made by the ‘work responsible person’ to contact absent AT in order to confirm stage of work reached
- WRP shall report to OC and responsible manager, explain situation and another AT will be assigned
- AT to contact responsible manager for permission to implement special clearance and cancellation certificate, then complete section 1
- New AT will gain AWP access and sign in place of the original recipient
- If work to resume the AT must confirm progress of work and security of safety precautions (Initials against each signature check point to show this)
- The AT shall ensure details in section 5 are recorded in special clearance and cancellation document, then reported to OC. OC will record this in control room log
- Special clearance and cancellation certificate sent to responsible manager and section 6 completed
- AT shall report the incident according to the requirements of document QSE Incident Management located on the PIT
- When original AT returns to site, he/she shall be informed of special clearance and cancellation certificate by the work responsible person before being permitted to work again.
The ability to explain other situations where a GP3 would be used.
- Absence of an authorised technician in receipt of an Approved Written Procedure
- Loss of Safety Key(s) or group lockout box control lock key when an Approved Written Procedure is in force
- Loss of an Approved Written Procedure
The ability to explain the what “objections on safety grounds” means and the reason for having such a procedure.
This MI is an approved procedure for dealing with objections on safety grounds even whilst the WTSR are implemented.
It establishes a procedure to ensure objections are resolved in an appropriate manner.
The ability to explain or demonstrate the process of how to deal with a potential Objection on Safety Grounds.
- Issue shall be voiced to Person issuing work or the AE
- The Person shall discuss and try to resolve the objection
- If no resolution the AE should attempt – The AE will then notify the Person of their idea and work can carry on with no problems
- If the objection cannot be resolved through the AE, the Person is notified who will then contact the OC. All work associated will stop and the OC shall record the objection in the site operation log
- AE shall notify the site HSE Representative who will create a case for the objection according to QSE Incident Management procedure (logged objections shall be described with the leading text “WTSR P3”
- Assigned to Responsible Manager to achieve a solution
- A member of CHE Sub-Committee will be assigned as local investigation team leader to assist Responsible Manager
- Where an objection is upheld, and changes are required that could affect MVOW companywide operations the CHE Sub-Committee will raise notification to Global CHE Committee utilising CHE Notification TEM
- Upon resolution AE to notify Person, Person to notify OC and person objecting
- OC will record in operational control log and work restriction removed
- During this procedure if work can be rescheduled or subdivided then this may be done while further consideration is given to the objection