6 - Medicines in oral medicine Flashcards
What types of medicines are commonly used in oral medicine?
- antimicrobial
- topical steroids
- dry mouth medication
What types of antimicrobial drugs are used in oral medicine?
- antiviral
- antifungal
- antibiotics
What types of topical steroids are used in oral medicine?
- inhaler steroids
- steroid mouthwash
What are the classifications of medicines?
- general sales
- pharmacy medicines
- prescription only medications
- controlled drugs
- medical devices
What medicine classification do saliva substitutes fall under?
Medical devices
What is a licensed medicine?
- medicine that has proven evidence to have efficacy and safety at defined doses to treat a specified condition
- “approved for use in…”
What is an unlicensed medicine?
- medicine that is used to treat something that there is not submitted evidence of the efficacy of treating the condition
- is a licensed medicine for the treatment of another condition
- “off-licence” or “off-label” prescription is at the discretion of the prescriber
- requires an off-licence PIL
Give an example of a licensed antiviral used in oral medicine.
- aciclovir
- used to treat primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, recurent herpetic lesions, shingles (recurrent herpes zoster)
Give an example of a licensed antifungal used in oral medicine.
- miconazole, flucaonazole, nystatin
- used to treat acute pseudomembranous candidiasis, acute erythematous candidiasis
Give an example of a unlicensed topical steroid used in oral medicine.
- betamethasone mouthwash
- beclomethasone metered dose inhaler
- both used to treat apthous ulcers, lichen planus
Define a medical device.
Used for
- treatment and alleviation of disease
- replacement of a physiological process
Give examples of salivary replacements.
- saliva orthana
- biotene
- glandosane
Give examples of medicines used in specialist oral medicine.
- tricyclic antidepressants (orofacial pain)
- gabapentin/pregabalin (orofacial pain)
- azathioprine
- mycophenolate
- hydroxycholoroquine
- colchicine
What information is required on a prescription?
- patient’s name, address, age (U18s)
- DoB, CHI
- number of days tx
- drug name, formulation, quantity and dose
- patient instructions
- signed with prescriber identifier