6: Killing Bacteria II Flashcards
Borrelia Burgdoferi
Lyme disease
North East US
Trepomeia Pallidum
sexual or congenital origin grows only in humans and rabit testes causes shphillis 2 negatives... like Gram neg axial fillament (flagella that starts in periplasmic space instead of outside) contortion of whole cell for movement very small genome spiral shape
Terpomeia Pallidum History
syphilis given to Columbus’ crew by native americans
south america syphilis caused european syphilis
Pros and cons to small genome
con: limited number of environments it can live in
pro: requires less nrg for replication
Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment
Trepomenia Pallidum
625 black men enrolled 1932-1972
not treated… researchers observed them dying
lead to having “informed consent”
Subspecies of Treponema
pallidum (syphilis)
pertenue (Yaws)
Primary Syphilis
direct sexual contact with infectious lesion
lesion appears 3-90 days after contact
chancer: lesion
Secondary Syphilis
4-10 weeks after exposure
Tertiary Syphilis
3-15 yrs after exposure
soft tummor like inflamations in skin and bone
Congenital Syphilis
early (first year)L rash, fever, neurosyphyilis, pnemonitis)
Late: saddle nose deformation, saber shit
tropical skin infection
subspecies T. pallidum pertenue
Disk Diffusion
place filter disc satuared with compound on lawn of bacteria
more clearing… bigger zone of clearance, more effective
subset of disk diffusion tests
DON’T kill bacteria
DISLODGE bacteria
soap and detergent
Acid aninonic sanitizers
Acid aninonic sanitizers
aninoic react with plasma membranes
non-toxic, non-corrosive
wuaternary ammonium compounds
good antimicrobial
ineffective afainst pseudomonads
antimicrobial soap
soap plus another compound
Chemical Food Preservation
Don’t kill bacteria
inhibit bacterial growth
organic acids and salts
sulfer dioxides
potassium sorbate/sodium benzoate
Sodium nitrate and nitrite
organic acids and salts
easily metabolized by us… but also bacteria… so least effective but best for body
sulfer dioxides
Wine… used by Homer
kind of distasteful and toxic, but good in small amounts
potassium sorbate/sodium benzoate
perserves acidic foods from molds
cheese and soda
not metabolized well, but not dangerous… build up